Adoss Newsletter No 15 December 2014

A few years ago, the company I ran was going to be bought by a very devote Muslim businessman in Britain. I got on well with him, and in general he was upright in business, and generous to a number of charitable causes. At one break in a meeting he was talking about his work. He said ‘I hope that God accepts me for what I’ve done’. I immediately replied ‘Abdul*, I know that God has already accepted me because of what Jesus has done!”.

Zech 4:10
Who hath despised the day of small things

Adoss Newsletter No 15

December 2014

A Day of Small Things

By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother




Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,


Focus on Pakistan

We read a lot about problems that Christians face in Muslim countries: Pakistan is as bad as any.  There is a sad story about the couple who were burned alive.  We wonder what goes through peoples’ minds – we are reminded of Saul of Tarsus.  God can make those poor people think.

Then today’s shocking news: 141 killed in a school by the Taliban. Muslims killing Muslims.

My interest in Pakistan goes back to my young days. The sister of one of my friends was at Oxford University. Being a Christian she found herself outside some of the fraternities (or sororities). Another outsider was Benazir Bhutto, whose father was then prime minister. He was assassinated; then in 2007 Benazir herself lost her life too when campaigning for re-election to the same position. There was much corruption – and violence.

In our conurbation of 250,000 people we have only a few who follow Islam.  There are, I think, two mosques.  However it is important for us to remind ourselves of the sufferings of our brethren in Islamic countries – Satan behind the aggressors – ‘Whom resist, stedfast in faith, knowing that the selfsame sufferings are accomplished in your brotherhood which [is] in [the] world’ (1 Peter 5:9 Darby).


‘Walking in the Light of the Assembly’ in Urdu

A few months ago I was approached by a sister in Pakistan for help in publishing this booklet in Urdu. She provided me with a translation, and during the past month I sent her a number of copies in her native language. (Not an easy job as their books go ‘backwards’). Rabail had had a good job but lost it when she was converted. Recently she has been running an orphanage for which I put her in touch with the Barnabas Fund for financial support.


‘I hope that God accepts Me for what I’ve done’

A few years ago, the company I ran was going to be bought by a very devote Muslim businessman in Britain.  I got on well with him, and in general he was upright in business, and generous to a number of charitable causes.  At one break in a meeting he was talking about his work.  He said ‘I hope that God accepts me for what I’ve done’.  I immediately replied ‘Abdul*, I know that God has already accepted me because of what Jesus has done!”.

A few weeks later I was chatting with his son and daughter who ran their company.  They wanted me to be a guide to Ismail*.  We got talking about the differences between Christianity and Islam.  I asked ‘How good to you have to be to pass God’s test?  Is it like in an exam, 47%?’  Of course they had no answer.  That set me going with the gospel.  Ismail* was not really interested, but Faiza* was taking in every word.  I believe that secretly she had given her heart to the Lord Jesus.  But she sat there in her hijab, and didn’t admit to her faith.  I don’t blame her when you consider the possible consequences.    Thank God for His deliverance.

Not surprisingly, the next day I received an email from Abdul* terminating the relationship

* Not their real names.


Men and Animals

Billions are spent on proving that we are no better than animals. A probe was sent to a comet to determine if that was the source of life. Of course they came to the conclusion that it wasn’t. They could have saved all that money by reading Genesis 1.

But it is quite amazing to see how intelligent – even ‘religious’ – some animals are. A few days ago I saw a video about a herd of elephants. They knew where new sources of food were and where they would be safe from poachers. On their route they passed some bones of a long-deceased elephant – maybe an ancestor. They stopped and gathered round them very reverentially. They treated it like a shrine.

Are people any different? They speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves (Jude: 10).

But we know, don’t we, that man is special. Created in God’s image, man became a living soul. (Gen 1:27, 2:7)



No ADOSS reader believes that Jesus was born on 25 December. So called Christmas has become a season of self indulgence and commercialism where God is left out entirely.

Some of our friends will have nothing to do with Christmas and if that is what they feel, then I respect them for it. Personally we see it as an opportunity to entertain elderly ones who would otherwise be on their one, and to provide something for the children.

So may I take this opportunity of wishing you, and your family, God’s richest blessings at this time – and if the Lord does not come for us, or if we are taken to be with Him – a happy and healthy 2015. 

God’s blessings, your brother,

Sosthenes Hoadelphos


No Hope

This made me think. Millions of people live their whole lives without hope. You can see it in their faces. Thank God that ‘We were were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus we who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ’ (See Eph 2:12-13).

peaceA brother recently sent me a link to a preaching which started with the words.

‘Human beings can live for forty days without food, four days without water, and four minutes without air. But we cannot live for four seconds without hope’.

This made me think. Millions of people live their whole lives without hope. You can see it in their faces. Thank God that ‘We were were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus we who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ’ (See Eph 2:12-13).

We have been made nigh. Let us keep near our Lord and Saviour!

Adoss Newsletter – No 14 – November 2014

I have been working on some of Darby’s papers on Romans. The summaries currently being produced are based on his paper Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans. I have now reached Romans 8 (hopefully in experience as well as doctrine). When completed, I want to add some extra notes from a simpler paper Outline of the Epistle to the Romans. Then further items from the Synopsis and other sources can be added.


Zech 4:10
By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord

I sometimes ask myself ‘Why I am I doing this?’ I have no need to – there is no personal profit, and I am receiving less correspondence (more about that later). But the scripture says, ‘Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him’ (2 Cor 3:17) . So we can do the work, and leave the results to Him. After all, each of us is but a humble foot-soldier in the Lord’s army. As Darby wrote:

Lord! let us wait for Thee alone:
Our life be only this –
To serve Thee here on earth, unknown;
Then share Thy heavenly bliss 
Little Flock No 411


I have been working on some of Darby’s papers on Romans. The summaries currently being produced are based on his paper Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans. I have now reached Romans 8 (hopefully in experience as well as doctrine). When completed, I want to add some extra notes from a simpler paper Outline of the Epistle to the Romans. Then further items from the Synopsis and other sources can be added.

Your Contributions, Please…

That brings me to my next point. Why should everything come from me? Add your own summaries using the ‘reply’ facility.

If you wish to post a whole article, please email it to me. It should not be a verbatim reproduction of another article already on the Web. So that is why I am keen to have correspondence.

Of course you may well put your own point of view. If I believe it to be contrary to scripture, I will tell you. If seriously erroneous, then I will have to reject it.


Darby’s Stand

John Nelson Darby made a courageous stand against sectarian Christendom. This did not earn him many friends, especially amongst the religious hierarchy.

Some of the things he contended with were:

From W G Turner, ‘John Nelson Darby’ published by Chapter Two

  • Apostolic Catholicism/Pentecostalism – Edward Irving
  • Oxford Movement – Edward Bouverie Pusey
  • Sceptical Modernism – Francis William Newman
  • Roman Catholicism – Cardinal John Henry Newman
  • Heresy as to the Person of Christ – Benjamin Wills Newton
  • Arminianism /Perfectionism – John Wesley
  • Free Church Calvinism – Merle d’Aubigné
  • Free Chruch of Scotland Rationalism – Robertson Smith
  • Various ideas as to the future – annihilation, non-eternity, punishment/purgatory

To this I would add:

  • Ecclesiastical Independency
  • Clericalism
  • Mysticism – Madame de Krudener etc.
  • National churches
  • Post millennialism etc.

We can be thankful to God for the stand that men like Darby, Wigram, Bellat, Mackintosh etc made.


No Hope

A brother recently sent me a link to a preaching which started with the words.

‘Human beings can live for forty days without food, four days without water, and four minutes without air. But we cannot live for four seconds without hope’.

This made me think. Millions of people live their whole lives without hope. You can see it in their faces. Thank God that ‘We were were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus we who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ’ (See Eph 2:12-13).

We have been made nigh. Let us keep near our Lord and Saviour!


God’s blessings, your brother,

Sosthenes Hoadelphos


Adoss Newsletter – No 13 – October 2014

‘Tis not far off-the hour
When Christ will claim His own;
We soon shall hear that voice of power;
The Lord Himself shall come!

The days are passing by,
The years flow on apace;
Lord Jesus, Thy return draws nigh,
We long to see Thy face.


Zech 4:10
By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord

2014 is almost over. When I was a boy, I was told that the Lord would have certainly come for His church by the year 2000. In the 1950’s, 2000 was a lifetime away (so it seemed then). But the years have flown by. We are nearly 2015 and the Lord hasn’t come – yet! But the Lord IS coming soon – we just don’t know when. I am reminded of the verses:


‘Tis not far off-the hour
When Christ will claim His own;
We soon shall hear that voice of power;
The Lord Himself shall come!
The days are passing by,
The years flow on apace;
Lord Jesus, Thy return draws nigh,
We long to see Thy face.


See the full spiritual song: ‘Tis not far off-the hour’


An Outline to the Bible

Outline of Bible coverOver the past few months I have been editing a booklet based on J N Darby’s Outline to the books of the Bible.’ This is 80- page summary, highlighting the Holy Spirit’s principal messages, less well known than his five volume synopsis. It is now available in draft form and you can download it by clicking here. Please feel free to circulate it, but note that it is still a draft. If you see anything that looks wrong please send me an email. I would like to put the booklet into print in due course, but I wait on God as to when and how.


The Rule Book

A year or so ago a friend of mine gathered a few young people and encouraged them to ask questions – about anything. The majority were of the lines ‘Why are we not allowed to have TV?’ , ‘Why can’t I join a rock band?’ and the like. You can imagine how sad my friend was. Christianity doesn’t have a rule book – the Bible certainly isn’t one, even though it tells us what is pleasing to God and what is not.

I trust that some came away saying ‘I don’t want a TV because of the torrent of filth on it that I cannot control’, and ‘I don’t want to be a member of a rock group, because Jesus would never have been a member.’

The Second Man, and Deliverance from Sin

This caused me to work on two articles for ADOSS based on papers by JND.

The first was based on a preaching. After covering the basics of the gospel, Darby said that sin must be put away perfectly. The sinner brought back to God must be spotless. Christ did not enter heaven again until He had settled the whole question of our sins and of sin itself. The moment I, as a poor sinner, look by faith to Jesus as my divine sin-bearer, all my sins are gone – they are put out of God’s sight for ever.   I am pardoned through His blood, peace having been made through the blood of the cross. And the glorified Man is in heaven, appearing in the presence of God for us – of His Father and our Father, of His God and our God. No sin there

The second paper shows what wonderful freedom we have. Not only as believers are we to be free of guilt, but we are to know deliverance from the law of sin and death. We still have the flesh, its will and lusts, and in our own strength there is nothing we can do. As a result of Christ’s death, the Christian can say, ‘The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death’ (Rom 8:2). As a result we can know newness of life and the liberty of sonship. I am free, because the sin I have discovered in my flesh has been condemned in the cross of Christ. By faith I am crucified with Him; I have a new place before God, beyond death, judgment and Satan’s power. That place is liberty.



It would appear that in 520BC Zechariah, Buddah and Confucius were all engaged in their work. Which one brought people back to God? Who said ‘Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you’ (Zech 1:3). Who had an idea of God’s standard (the measuring line) Zech. 2? Who saw a man’s filthy garments changed to festival robes (Zech 3 – Darby trans. – from our own righteousness to God’s)? And which could speak of the sons of oil (Zech 4 – the limitless supply from God’s Holy Spirit)?

These two wise men from the East were no more than that – giving good advice – but none changing the man which cannot be improved, however much men try!


We cry to God for the state of the Church

Up till now the Roman Catholic church, despite its idolatry, human organisation and wrong teaching, stood for some things that were right – upholding marriage, condemning homosexual activity etc. Protestantism had already bowed to the times. Now even Catholicism is following suit. Looking at prophecy, that is not surprising. Let there be a call – not to change the system – but for true hearts to follow Jesus ‘outside the camp’


asia_bibi_a_4X3And let us cry to God for those whose Lives are in Danger

The headline on an email I received this week says ‘Aasia Bibi’s appeal against death sentence rejected’. This young mother has been languishing in prison since being falsely accused by some of her co-workers of defiling the name of Mohammed. The government of Pakistan could well bow to international pressure in such a high profile case. But how many others are there? – in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, North Korea knowing the literality of the verse, ‘Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life’. (Rev 2:10).

We may not know them, but they are our brethren.

May we, like they, be kept close to the Lord.

God’s blessings, your brother,

Sosthenes Hoadelphos



Adoss Newsletter – No 12 – September 2014


Zech 4:10
By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord

Will He find Faith on the Earth?

I am writing this on our way back from a few days vacation in the Baltic States of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. They were interesting places, having come a long way since they escaped from Soviet domination around 1990. Estonia is the most prosperous, very much like its neighbour Finland; Roman Catholic Lithuania is the nicest; Latvia has further to go to catch up with Western Europe. But what is sad is that I could not establish a spiritual link with anybody – taxi drivers, waitresses or even a family connection – I saw no peaceful faces. Yes, a lot of big churches, but where is there the knowledge of true salvation? In Lithuania we saw the Hill of Crosses – 400,000 of them in 2006. It was weird. Lithuania is RC but in 1840’s Russians tried to force them to go Orthodox . So this started as a protest movement . Now doubtless, it is a money earner for the church!

There must be many there who truly knew The Lord, but we didn’t meet any despite praying for it. May God work mightily in these three little countries.

Before then, however, we spent a happy long weekend with our dear Christian friends in Gothenburg, Sweden. On the Saturday we were on one of the islands, and on the boat we saw a group of young people from the self-styled Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. Getting off the boat I waved towards them, and one young lady waved back cheerily. Later we were having a snack outside at a café, when the same young person came by ostensibly to buy some mineral water. As she came out our friend greeted her, and she chatted happily for several minutes. She was an English girl, married to a brother from Sweden. Our friend knew the family well, and they lived close by. He spoke of the Lord’s coming and our being together, to which she responded well. As she was going our friend said to her ‘May The Lord richly bless you’. Her reply: ‘May He bless you too’. That encounter was a highlight of our holiday.

God has His reserves everywhere. Just because we have had to judge a system as evil, that does not mean that it is void of true believers who have peace with God, especially those who never went through the turmoil of the 1960’s.



There were many prayers about the Scottish referendum, so I am sure God’s hand was over the result. Personally I was a bit ‘pro-yes’, so I have to be humble! Scotland has had a major part in the testimony of our Lord. Men like John Knox, groups like the Covenanters come to mind. It has also been a land where party and personal feeling run deep: Rangers vs. Celtic, Campbells vs. McDonalds, Wee Frees vs. Wee-wee Frees etc. Sadly these divisions have affected God’s people. They will be together in glory.


Are ‘Brethren’ Special?

I came across an interesting piece from a letter written by JN Darby in 1875 (click here for my lightly edited version).  By then he had become rather disillusioned with sectarian brethrenism, but still felt there was something special amongst so-called Plymouth Brethren. But what was special was what the brethren possessed from the Lord, not the brethren themselves. God could take what they had from them and give it to others.

It is blessed to gather with a few simple Christians, assembling themselves to the Lord’s name, outside the camp (He rejected here), having no name or organisation. Brethren with a small ‘B’.  May that always be the case.  It is indeed a day of small things


Bible Outline

I have nearly finished lightly editing JND’s Outline of the Books of the Bible, providing a concise overview of each book, briefer than the ‘Synopsis’.   My plan is to put it into an e-book.  For the original outline click here.


It will all be right in the end

A worldly expression, ‘Karma’ they say.  But what does the Christian say?

‘I have strength for all things in him that gives me power!’ (Phil 4:13)  All things?  If the Bible says all things, then it means all things.   I doesn’t say I can DO all things.  Indeed, I feel very weak even for the simplest thing.  But with Jesus all things are possible.  Have I faith?


Your exercises

Forgive me, that’s a ‘brethren’ expression.  What are your concerns about the group of Christians you gather with?  We can share one another’s burdens. There may be something that you are linked with, that I would feel is not according to scripture – ordained ministry in any form, for example.  There may be things that you would point out in my conduct that does not befit a Christian.  That is how we help one another.

The Lord is coming soon.  May He be with you

God’s blessings, your brother,

Sosthenes Hoadelphos



Adoss Newsletter – No 11 – August 2014


Zech 4:10
Who hath despised the day of small things

By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord


A Year Old?

ADOSS has been going for a year, and it’s been blessed. Thank God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in selecting the articles to be summarised, and for help in doing the work. Thank God too for bringing so many interested and interesting people to the website (about 200 hits a day), and for the correspondence that I have been able to enter into.

What have been the results? I can leave that with God. Somebody sarcastically wrote to me saying, ‘And how many have found the assembly?’ First – 99% of people who write are already in it. Second – I don’t know what they have found practically, but I am happy if they understand a little more that our calling collectively is a heavenly one, that the leader of the church is Christ Himself, and that what is here does not need human organisation.


Christianity or Islam?

islam-to-christianityI received an email from a gentleman in Pakistan (I believe) saying that he wants to convert from being a Muslim to Christianity. This prompted me to think a bit about what that means.

Does it matter what I am called? Despite having been a servant of the Lord for years Paul said, ‘I am a Pharisee!’ That was his religion. It didn’t matter to him – it was dead. So if somebody says ‘I’m a Christian’, or Roman Catholic, or Anglican, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim – it can be equally as dead.

Life is alone in Jesus. He said ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’ (John 14:6) . He said ‘Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.’ (John 5:40).

For the answer I gave my enquirer see Convert from Islam to Christianity , and for some further thoughts, Islam or Christian – does it matter?


Planting Churches

churchI have recently published an article – Establishing, or Planting Churches – based on J N Darby’s paper – ‘On the Formation of Churches’. In it Darby looked at the various attempts there were to reform the position, creating more and more sectarian divisions. The universality of the church had been lost sight of.

There is an expression that is current now, (not in Darby’s time) as to the planting of churches. But a ‘planted church’ from another nearby one presumes that there was no assembly of God in the target locality. This is almost never the case.

How are we to meet then? Doing nothing is not an option. But before doing anything, we must feel deeply the ruined state of the church, acting with less presumption and more diffidence.

We must separate ourselves from evil, (2 Tim 2:19) i.e. what is at variance with the word. We do not plant a church, we just assemble together. Jesus aaid, ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Matt.18:20).   We must acknowledge our weakness and dependence upon God. God is sufficient for His church. Despite the ruin, power is available. So if we call upon Him, He will raise up whatever is needed for the blessing of the saints. Let us acknowledge the authority of Christ, for He rules as Son over His house (whose house are we), whilst the Spirit of God is the sole power in the church. Anything else is pretence, under the domination of man. There is no promise in favour of the system by which men organise churches, but there is the promise of the Lord’s presence for those who ‘assemble together’. Such is the position, humble it may be, but it is blessed by God, even if it is despised by men


An Outline to the Bible

bibleJohn Nelson Darby is well known for his Synopsis, but he also produced a very concise summary of each book. I have reproduced most of these outlines, lightly edited – see A Brief Outline of the Books of the Bible.


Have a Pleasant Holiday

We are still down here, so we enjoy temporal blessings too. A few of our brethren are suffering – fleeing from ISIS terrorists for example. But most readers of ADOSS readers are able to travel around freely. The holiday season is an opportunity to meet other brothers and sisters in their own places and share with them the joy of being in the fellowship of God’s Son.


May you be blessed

Sosthenes Hoadelphos

Adoss Newsletter No 10 July 2014

Sinner, see thy God beside thee,

In a servant’s form come near,

Sitting, walking, talking with thee!

Sinai’s mount no longer fear.

Zech 4:10
Who hath despised the day of small things

Adoss Newsletter No 9

June 2014

A Day of Small Things

By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother



Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,


Where is Heaven?

A brother said in our bible reading yesterday ‘Heaven is where Jesus is’.   Paul said And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:’ (Eph. 2:6). We tend to think of heaven as a long way away – beyond the millions of light-years of the observable universe. In one sense it is – to the unbeliever it is an infinite distance away. But for us it is so close.

Sinner, see thy God beside thee,

In a servant’s form come near,

Sitting, walking, talking with thee!

Sinai’s mount no longer fear.
A.P. Cecil (1841-1889

Little Flock Hymn Book (1962, 1973) No 112

He came close to us. We can be close to Him.

Walking in the Light of the Assembly

Last month I wrote about this publication. Since then I have received quite a number of valuable suggestions from persons whose judgment I value. The result has been numerous changes. There will be more. Click here for the latest download version

Accordingly we are not going to print, for the foreseeable future at any rate. Please feel free to distribute it by e-mail


Whom do we promote?

I get some very encouraging mail. For example a sister in Pakistan has translated Walking in the Light of the Assembly into Urdu and is having it printed. I look forward to corresponding more with her, and others she might meet with.

I get some mail from people after money. I guess this is to be expected. I do acknowledge them, but tell them that a church does not need any building, supplies or funds to operate.

But I had one from a gentleman who claimed to be ‘Prime Minister of Jesus’ and one of the two witnesses in Rev 11! Who does he think he is? I sent him the verse:

Lord! let me wait for Thee alone:
My life be only this –
To serve Thee here on earth, unknown;
Then share Thy heavenly bliss.
J N Darby 1800-82

Our Visit to Scotland

We have just returned from Scotland where we were able to enjoy fellowship with a number in Glasgow and in two meetings on the Moray Firth   We stayed in Gardenstown. It is sad that the general spirit of these places has changed, these villages largely populated by newcomers and the owners of second homes. When we were on holiday up there when I was a boy, there were 250 in the meeting in Gardenstown alone – now there are 2 or 3 tiny gatherings of souls not in fellowship with one another, or those we break bread with.

But we had an encouraging conversation with an Australian Free Prebyterian (Wee-wee-free) Minister who we met on a train.


And a Tragedy


Bruce Pye d. 2014
Bruce Pye d. 201

Many readers will be sorrowing over the sad home-going of Bruce Pye, a young man killed in a bike accident last Saturday in New York. Two sisters from our gathering have gone to the funeral. It is easy to say ‘with Christ which is far better’ when we are talking about a demented person in their nineties. When it comes to a young man of 34, do we really believe it? I hear he gave a word that week on being ready to see Jesus. He was ready; are we?


God’s blessings

Sosthenes Hoadelphos

ADOSS Newsletter – No. 9 – June 2014

Walking in the Light of the Assembly,
Where does Islam come into Prophecy?
Darby’s Spiritual Songs
What a Price He Paid!

Zech 4:10
Who hath despised the day of small things

Adoss Newsletter No 9

June 2014

A Day of Small Things

By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother



Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Walking in the Light of the Assembly

I have sought to write, with God’s help, a short paper on a subject which still causes difficulty for many, despite all that has been opened up of assembly truth since John Nelson Darby and a few others broke bread in Dublin 186 years ago.

The children of Israel, when they had gone through Jordan took 12 stones from the Jordan and placed them on dry land. The next generation would ask, ‘What mean ye by these stones?’, they would be told, ‘The waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it passed over Jordan’ (Jos. 4:6-7).   It is like that now. There have been those who fought the Lord’s battles, taking issue with the establishment and ‘nationalist’ Christendom. They were opposed, but God sent an earthquake by Darby and others through the evangelical profession. Those that separated were blessed, numbers grew enormously throughout the world, and men like Moody and Spurgeon with large personal followings had considered joining. Even without those that would have followed these men, what started as a non-sectarian movement had already become as sect. it was not surprising that there were divisions – the ‘open’ division of 1848, the Glanton division of 1908, and more scattering since then. Things came to a head in 1970 when a man in New York declared ‘We are the church!’ How preposterous! Like Laodicea, the Lord had to spew such a line out of His mouth, leaving a few poor weak and scattered souls to humbly go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. (Heb. 13:13).

But each generation has to face things, like the children of Israel. Only those of us over 60 are old enough to remember what really happened in the 1960’s and 70’s. Satan has only a limited armour, and he attacks in similar ways year after year. But if we have not learned the lessons of history, dependently with God, we will become his prey. That is why I have written, I trust in God’s grace, Walking in the Light of the Assembly. Several spiritual and well taught people in England and the USA have read it and provided helpful comments, which I have incorporated. It is not ready to be printed yet. But I am emailing a PDF version of it to on the ADOSS mailing list, and to others besides. Please pass it on to others who are concerned as to the truth – and love the One who is True, and I look forward to receiving comments and corrections. You can also download it here.

May you be blessed as having withdrawn from iniquity, you follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Tim 2:22 Darby).


Where does Islam come into Prophecy?

I do not know the answer to that.  God has told us to be intelligent as to the signs of the times (Matt. 16:3), but also, ‘It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.’ (Acts 1:7). As a good teacher, who was in the meeting I attend, used to say ‘The prophetic clock has stopped’.

John said, ‘Even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” (1 John 2:18). Doubtless Mohammed was one of these, and his legacy is still around. Even now a fanatical group, ISIS, is gaining momentum in Syria and Iraq seeking to establish a caliphate uniting the entire Muslim world and rule with strict Islamic code. Where will that lead?

We read of various satanic beings in Revelation – the Antichrist, the beast, the false prophet, the harlot, all murderous and all enemies of God’s people (of course we will not be there!). Is Islam’s activity foretold in Rev. 9, Abaddon /Apollyon (the destroyer) being one of the names of Allah? Will Rome make a pact with Islam, reconciling the Sunni and Shiite factions, having successfully united apostate Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christendom?

What are your thoughts?

Of course, let us not get too hung up with prophecy. It is important, but not to be studied academically or out of curiosity. Just so we can be those waiting for the Lord’s return – ‘The Spirit and the bride say, Come’ (Rev 22:17)


Darby’s Spiritual Songs

When I have not known what to put on ADOSS – or perhaps lacking the spiritual energy to go to the goldmine and find the next nugget to summarise, I open a little book Spiritual Songs, by JN Darby (Published by Kingston Bible Trust).   It is a wonderful source of comfort and inspiration. So I will take one and put it on ADOSS. Recent postings have included,

In our meetings we sing edited versions of these, using the Little Flock Hymn Book, 1961 edition – download from

I’m not wedded to JND, I’ve posted hynms by James Butler Stoney (Hark Happy Saints), Stuart Price (O the wonder of the moment! God outshining from above) and others.


What a Price He Paid!

If you pay a price for something, it is because you have placed a value on it – normally greater than the price. The servant in Matthew 18 owed 10,000 talents. A talent was worth 16 year’s pay, so 10,000 talents meant 160,000 year’s pay – 4000 lifetimes – or in modern money – £4.68 billion ($7.2 billion) – in short an enormous amount which no domestic servant could conceive of. The interest would have been over £200/$340 million a year!   What’s more, the foolish servant thought he could repay his master given time.  And our Lord has valued your soul and mine more than any financial amount.

What a pity that servant did not behave like his Master! He took his fellow servant by the throat and demanded repayment of 100 denarii, 100 day’s pay or about £12,000 ($20,400), a repayable sum given time. The wicked servant was sent to prison for ever – tormented alone in the lake of fire. A brother pointed out to me – the other servants told their master, they did not confront the man. There are matters we should take to the Lord and let Him sort it out, even tough it might try our patience.

And what about Esau? He could have had the birthright. And what did he value it at? – one meal! Hebrews tells us he was profane. He did not find repentance. God hated him.

May we all value our salvation, our birthright, our inheritance, and may we value our brother or sister and not demand from them when we have been forgiven so much.


We are already nearly half way through 2014.

Tis not far off-the hour
When Christ will claim His own;
We soon shall hear that voice of power;
The Lord Himself shall come!

Hannah Burlingham (1842-1901) – Little Flock (1961/73) No 165


God’s blessings

Sosthenes Hoadelphos

ADOSS Newsletter – No. 8 – May 2014

Walking in the Light of the Assembly
Theological Seminaries
Money, Money, Money,

Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother – 

ADOSS Newsletter No 8 – May 2014

Dear Christian Friends

Here is the latest ADOSS Newsletter

Walking in the Light of the Assembly

Special Note

Since writing this newsletter in 2014, I have come to it that much of what I had written was faulty. The biblical principles are of course right, but in the application of them we need to avoid what is sectarian.  In seeking to judge one, it is easy to slip into another.  In 2017, my wife and I had to leave the company of Christians we had met with for over 40 years – that was sad,  We have continued to seek to walk in the Light of the Assembly – but that does not need another book.  Hence I have withdrawn this publication,  Please feel free to contact me

This subject has engaged me a lot recently, not least because Satan is doing his best to spoil what is closest to the heart of our blessed Lord.  As soon as man’s mind, with its politics and organisational ability, starts to get involved the result is sorrowful.  The service of praise continues; believers still enjoy bible readings and preachings, but is the Lord still the centre of everything?

Some years ago I was on a plane from San Francisco to Sydney.  Across the aisle from me there was a family of Taylorite Exclusives.  I cried to the Lord for a word for them.  In my bag I happened to have a volume of James Taylor Sr’s ministry (that is the older JT – not his infamous son!).  I found there something I have never found since, though I have tried with the ministry search engine.  It read ‘There comes a time when we realise that the Lord is the centre, not the system’.  So often we make the system the centre, our own sect, our little meeting, our circle of Christian friends or whatever, and we protect it in every way we can.

I am producing another booklet including a paper I have written Walking in the Light of the Assembly.  It is still a draft, so I would appreciate yourcomments and suggestions before putting it forward for publication.  I also include three helpful letters by Charles Coates, and one by J N Darby on the ‘Bethesda’ (ie Open) matter.

May we all have a greater appreciation of the infinite resources available to the Church of Christ, and be filled with grace.  We have been forgiven so much, so we are to be ‘kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you’  (Eph 4:32).

Theological Seminaries – Do we need them?

There are many sincere believers, and sound teachers who work in these institutions.  There are many earnest young Christians, men and women, desirous of serving the Lord, who attend them, and have gone on to serve Him faithfully.  But is there any scriptural basis for them?

I have looked at a few websites recently and there are some noble statements.  The Dallas Theological Seminary, for example, is very much influenced by the ministry of John Nelson Darby, and has produced some worthy alumni, such as my friend Paul Wilkinson.  It states, ‘The mission of Dallas Theological Seminary is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.’  Nobody could criticise that – in fact the church needs more and more workmen.  But what do many desire?  A Doctor of Ministry degree?  A wonderful graduation ceremony in robes?  And how much does it cost?  not that a degree should be without cost, of course.  Timothy was told ‘for those who shall have ministered well obtain for themselves a good degree, and much boldness in faith which [is] in Christ Jesus.’ (I Tim 3:13 JND).  They get their degree by ministering; they do not get their degree in order to minister.

Furthermore, like any college, it is a social institution with sports, clubs etc., and you only need to look at Facebook to see that.  Nothing wrong, of course, with sport and social activities, but are they part of the church?

There was the School of Tyrannus in Corinth.  It was a place to read and discuss the word, and for interested persons to come to the Lord.  If it was a formal school, I don’t think it was more than a place of convenience for Paul.  Then there was the home of Aquila and Priscilla.  I don’t think either had a doctorate, but they were able to take Apollos (who maybe had one) expound unto him the way of God more perfectly (Acts 18:26).

So, maybe the best place to learn is in the assembly.  We are to learn in the school of God.  There is a good book by James Butler Stoney  (1814-1897) – Discipline in the School of GodMaybe this is a good place to start.  Though we had best start on our knees first.


This is a subject which creates quite a bit of debate.  Believers’ baptism, infant baptism, household baptism – which is right?  Baptism by water puts us on Christian ground; it puts us into the house.  It does not confer salvation on us.  It does not put us into the assembly (or church) – By one Spirit are we all baptized into one body  (1 Cor 12:13) – That is because of God’s work, and our faith, which itself is God-given.   In an earlier project, I translated a very helpful letter, which I have put on ADOSS – see Why I could not be a Baptist. – Believers’ Baptism – Infant Baptism – Household Baptism – the House and the Assembly.

ADOSS Website

Even after a few months, the ADOSS website is getting a bit unwieldy.  I am therefore reorganising it, using ‘posts’ rather than ‘pages’ and indexing using categories.  Hopefully I shall avoid dead links, but apologies if you find some.

Money, Money, Money

A song of the world, by Abba, I think!  But I really get upset when I receive messages, some in heart-breaking terms, asking for money.  Maybe there is a genuine need; I don’t know, and cannot judge.  I am happy to help a known individual who I have met, and shared Christian experiences together who have a need.  Other than that there are organisations who know what local needs are, and are worthy of financial support.

I don’t like saying ‘No’, so please do not ask.  I will just point you to our heavenly Father who knows what we need and will give us everything necessary to prove His goodness.   Take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.3But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:31-33)

May you be blessed

Greetings in our Lord’s name.




ADOSS Newsletter – No. 7 – April 2014

Not the ruler of the synagogue but a brother - depiction from an icon in a Russian Orthodox ChurchΣωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother – 

ADOSS Newsletter No 7 – April 2014

Dear Christian Friends

Here is my latest newsletter


I am writing this on what is traditionally known as Good Friday.  Do I regard the day as anything special?  Not really; there is no scriptural justification for celebrating the Lord’s death at the time of the feast of the Jewish Passover.    Indeed many Christians believe, with some justification, that the crucifixion took place on a Wednesday, the first day of the Passover being the Thursday – and this gives time for the Lord’s body to have been in the grave three days and three nights.

I have no problems with those who wish to celebrate Easter in a simple way.   Indeed I am very pleased when people remember the One who died on the cross at Calvary, laying down His live for millions, bearing their sins and securing their eternal salvation.

We are told to remember Him.  “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.” (1 Cor. 11:26).  The frequency is not specified.  It is clear that they gathered on the first day of the week (Sunday – see Acts 20:7), and most Christians who celebrate the Lord’s supper, myself included, do this.

It is a sad thing when Christians who can answer to the Lord’s request fail to do so.  I would encourage ADOSS readers to do so, and to ‘call on the Lord out of a pure heart.’ (2 Tim. 2:22)


JND’s Man of Sorrows

I guess it is a good day to post that wonderful poem by John Nelson Darby.  Here are a few of the 36 verses.  For the full poem click her

O ever homeless Stranger,
Thus, dearest Friend to me;
An outcast in a manger,
That Thou might’st with us be!

We cling to Thee in weakness–
The manger and the cross;
We gaze upon Thy meekness,
Through suffering, pain, and loss;

Still in Thee love’s sweet savour
Shone forth in every deed,

And showed God’s loving favour
To every soul in need.

In death, obedience yielding
To God His Father’s will,
Love still its power is wielding
To meet all human ill.

We worship, when we see Thee
In all Thy sorrowing path;

We long soon to be with Thee
Who bore for us the wrath.

Come then, expected Saviour;
Thou Man of sorrows, come!
Almighty, blest Deliverer!

And take us to Thee–home.

All Roads lead to Rome

There is little doubt that things are moving quickly.  At one time Rome persecuted true believers using torture and even the stake.  Many dear saints perished in the Spanish Inquisition – and even now this is celebrated in some parades.  Manuel, a friend of my father, as a young man during the Spanish civil war, was shown a coffin by a priest and told, ‘That is where you are going!’  He fled.  Rome’s heart hasn’t changed.

Its tactics have changed though.  Protestants are being lured back – ‘ there isn’t much difference really’.  Indeed many are pleased that the Catholic church takes a firm line on abortion, gay rights and promotes moral rectitude, despite the fact that many priests have fallen miserably.

A few weeks ago I came across this video on You Tube Ecumenism: Spiritual Whoredom – a bit frightening.  It might have overplayed things, critical of some who have served the Lord.  But whoever they are, none are immune from the charms of the harlot.

Recent Postings

In addition to ‘Man of Sorrows’ I have posted other compositions by JND – A Holy Father’s Constant Care, All through this Desert Dry , and others.

I have also posted a couple of articles by Charles Coates bearing on the situation when Satan is active in dividing the Lord’s people.

May you be blessed, awaiting our Lord’s near return

Your brother


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