We are in the midst of a Christendom divided into a thousand fragments, in some of which, most, alas! Christ is dishonoured. It is not that one wishes to speak against any, but everything in Christendom is my responsibility, from Rome down.
James Taylor
Sometimes as we move along, we think of our meetings as…everything being orderly – right hymns chosen, right words used in the giving of thanks, and so forth, and we almost assume that we belong to a system of things by ourselves that God can own.But that is an entire mistake.We are in circumstances that are most humiliating, and we cannot get out of them.We are in the midst of a Christendom divided into a thousand fragments, in some of which, most, alas! Christ is dishonoured.It is not that one wishes to speak against any, but everything in Christendom ismy responsibility, from Rome down.
Can I get out of it? I cannot. I may get out of it in spirit, as we see here, (2 Samuel 15) by ascending…But how ascend? With tears and head covered, and barefoot…Was not God delighted with (David)? He was…He was acting suitably, humbly; he was owning things as they were, but he was finding an outlet. What is the outlet? The outlet is in heaven… It was spiritual power in secret; spiritual power in the full acknowledgement of the position.
The epistles to Timothy and Titus are not addressed to churches, nor were they to be communicated to the churches as such. Of course the church of God has them, guiding us as to the individual conduct which is an unceasing obligation for Christians.
1 Timothy
The epistles to Timothy and Titus are not addressed to churches, nor were they to be communicated to the churches as such. Of course the church of God has them, guiding us as to the individual conduct which is an unceasing obligation for Christians.
Timothy had been charged insist on sound doctrine. However he has to draw attention as to the right order in the church. The first letter gives us the order of the church under normal conditions; 2 Timothy, shows us the path of faith when things are abnormal – in disorder.
You have in 1 Timothy 3:15 the principle of Timothy’s conduct.
2 Timothy
In 2 Timothy Paul was at the close of his career, and though the church had fallen into disorder, there is no other epistle in which he insists so much on the unfailing courage and energy of the saints. He calls upon them to endure the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God. We do not have the outward church connected with the body of Christ, but simply individual piety and devotedness wherever he could find it.
Chapter 2:18-22 is indicative of the tone of the instruction as regards the state of the church. The faith of some had been overthrown, so he refers first to the sure foundation of God, the Lord knowing them that are His. Whoever names the name of the Lord is to depart from iniquity. That is individual responsibility. Then he takes the great house as the analogy of the church publicly, showing that in such there are vessels to dishonour, and to be a vessel to honour, a man has to purge himself from these. Then he is to follow righteousness, etc., with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. This distinguishes those who are really saints. Paul associates himself with them, and warns of perilous times in the last days – a form of godliness denying the power. He insists, besides his personal authority, upon the known scriptures as a child might read them, and asserts that they are sufficient to make us wise unto salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus. They have been given by inspiration of God, and are adequate to make the man of God perfect [or complete, fit], thoroughly prepared for undertaking all good works.
Originally by JND. Lightly edited by Sosthenes, September 2014
We need to watch ourselves, lest, after having been preserved from the corruption of the age by the very precious truths revealed to us in our weakness, we should be taken in the net of presumption, or thrown into insubordination. These are things which God can never recognise or tolerate, since we are called to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
John Nelson Darby
This article by John Nelson Darby was published in JND’s Collected Writings Miscellaneous 5.
‘They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.’ (Psalm 126:5); ‘
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.‘ (Matthew 18:20)
Man’s pretensions and energy manifest themselves strongly, But to learn to be still in a clay of grace, and know that God is God, is completely above the education of the flesh.
The spirit of the age affects many Christians, who labour to restore old things for the service of God. They should be broken before Him with the sense of their downfall.
To confess openly that which we are in the presence of that which God is, is always the way to peace and blessing. Even when only two or three are together before God, there will be no disappointments nor deluded hopes. God’s word for the remnant is, “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.” (1 Peter 3:15) He is the only centre of gathering.
The Holy Spirit does not gather saints around mere views, however true they may be. It is not q question of what the church on the earth is, or has been, or may yet be; He always gathers saints around that blessed Person, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matt. 18:20.
We need to be watchful against boasting, as people do in these days. We need to be still, in the presence of God. There is much independence and self-will almost everywhere.
If anyone speaks of separation from evil, without being humiliated, let him take care lest his position becomes simply sectarian, and produces doctrinal heresy. Sectarianism is the most natural weed of the human heart. (Sectarianism is getting an interest in a little circle round ourselves.) Nearness to Christ would keep us from that.
Now I know, at the present time, of no service which is worthy of Him, if it is not done in humiliation. This is not the time to speak of a place for ourselves. If the church of God, so dear to Christ, is dishonoured in this world; if it is scattered, ignorant, afflicted, the person who has the mind of Christ will always take the lowest place. True service of love will seek to give according to the need, and because of the need, he will never think of slighting the objects of the Master’s love because of their necessity.
Men taught of God, for His service, go forth from a place of strength, where they have learned their own weakness and their own nothingness. They find that Jesus is everything in the presence of God, and Jesus is everything for them in all things, and everywhere. Such men, in the hands of the Holy Spirit, are real helps for the children of God, and they will not contend for a place, or a distinction, or for authority, among the scattered flock. A man in communion with God about the church will show his willingness to be nothing in himself, and he rejoice in his heart to spend and to be spent. He is faithful in the path of separation, in sorrow, and in the conflicts he is obliged to pass through.
When persons think of the church, they would rather think of the church in power. We can learn from the conduct of Zerubbabel, recounted in the book of Ezra. Also, despite the position Solomon had occupied, as heir, in days of his prosperity and glory, he did not speak of either his birth or his rights.
If we speak of our testimony upon the earth, it will soon be evident that totally in weakness. Like the seed by the wayside, the testimony will likewise ends in shame.
Neither the anger, prudence, or pretensions of man can do anything, in the state of confusion in which the church is now. I freely own that I have no hope in the efforts which many make to assure themselves an ecclesiastical position. When the house is ruined in its foundations by an earthquake, it matters little how one tries to make it an agreeable dwelling place. We had better remain where we first discovered of the ruin of things by man’s action – with our faces in the dust. S uch is the place which belongs to us by right, After all, it is the place of blessing.
I have read of a time when several were gathered together in such sorrow of heart, that for a long time they could not utter a single word; but the floor of the meeting room was wet with their tears. If the Lord would grant us such meetings again, it would be our wisdom to frequent these houses of tears. “They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy.” Psa. 126:5.
This is not just true for the earthly remnant; it is also written for us. I would willingly take a long journey to join these afflicted ones; but I would not go a step to to receive power from men, however excellent, to overturn the present and reconstruct the future.
Lightly edited by Sosthenes – May 2014
I am indebted to our brother Jeff in Illinois for bringing this article to my attention. S.