The Blessings of Covid

April 2021

Dear Brother/Sister

The Blessings of Covid

Jeremiah said, ‘The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved’ (Jer 8:20).  I guess we are feeling a bit like that with Covid.  In the UK we are emerging cautiously and slowly from the second wave, vaccinations are going well (My wife and I, thank God have had our two jabs).  But Continental Europe is already in a third wave, and we are being told to expect the same before the end of the summer.  Continental trips visiting our fellow Christians and for many families too seem very uncertain this year as well as last.   We cannot have it all in our own way.  God said, ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts’ (Isa 55:9). Or as the adage goes, ‘Man proposes; God disposes’.  Here are a few observations:

  • Zoom meetings – some have problems, but I have found them fantastic.  We find we are able to meet up with fellow believers all over the world supported by the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s presence.  It’s not the same as meeting in a hall but it’s different.  We cannot limit God. 
  • We have a quieter life with less rushing about.  Many are working from home. 
  • Not being physically with our brethren and our natural families makes the expectation of seeing them greater. Paul was happy writing letters but wanted to see the saints face to face.
  • There is time to get on with a project. In my case it has been my book ‘After These Things’ (see below).
  • Not the least there is more time for prayer.

The Gospel Spread Abroad

As we have seen already there is evidence that more persons have been listening to the gospel online and they ever did in halls.  Let us pray that this has led to much true repentance, joy and liberty of the knowledge of forgiveness. 

One encouraging line has been a testimony by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Up till recently, there has been little recognition of t0he Lord but in his speeches. But his Easter message was clear as to the work of Christ on the cross and the resurrection. Doubtless, his severe attack of covid caused him to take stock of things. It is also understood that one of the consultants attending to him it was a sincere believer it was able to talk about the Lord.

‘After These Things’

I am aware of sales of 52 paperback copies of ‘After These Things’ There must be at least as many electronic copies, but for some reason I have no record of sales in the ePub digital book format – though till recently there has been an error in the link.  Here are the correct links (About the bookPaperbackKindleePub (Apple Books).  It would be nice to know if you have purchased or downloaded a copy. But that is only for my own satisfaction. The more important thing is that the prospect of the coming of our Lord Jesus to rapture his saints should brighten in each one of our hearts. 

Your prayers please

At the end of last year, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.  Mercifully it was at an early stage, despite being of an aggressive type. I have completed a series of BCG immunotherapy inductions, and have another cystoscopy scheduled for 28th April.  I trust that he will find a satisfactory outcome  and would value your prayers.

 Trusting you are being encouraged

 Daniel Roberts (a.k.a. Sosthenes) 

After These Things – Summarised Papers by JN Darby on Prophecy and More

Zech 4:10
Who hath despised the day of small things

ADOSS Newsletter

September 2020

Soon to be Published

Dear Brother/Sister
I have not issued anything from A Day of Small Things since May 2020.   A few short articles have been added to the website, thanks to our brother Edwin Mutton’s ‘Golden Nuggets’ but there has not been any new summary of J N Darby’s papers or ministry.  A few reasons:
1.     My neuropathic pain has been very trying.  It has limited the number of hours I can work at a time.  Thank God for the Great High Priest who sympathises with our infirmities.
2.     We have been clearing out and selling the house of a local sister who has had to go into a care home.
3.     In some ways, I am not sure of what to add.  Most articles I read cover the same ground as summaries already published.  Nonetheless, I am always open to suggestions.

Title Page

But the main reason is that I have been writing a book: ‘After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy for Christians waiting to see the Lord of Glory when he Raptures his Church’.  When finished it will be about 300 pages long, much of it being revisions of articles I had summarised over the past six years, supplemented with chapters on subjects which Christians often confuse, and which Darby strove tirelessly to clarify.  Doctrine is unashamedly premillennial, based on scripture and showing clearly what pertains to the heavenly Church and earthly Israel.


Most of the book has now been written and reviewed.  Five brothers, in particular Jim Hibbert of Calgary, have provided invaluable input and helpful comments.  A challenging task has been a ‘Timeline’ covering events in heaven or on the earth between the Rapture and the Appearing drawing on scriptures in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Revelation, 1&2 Thessalonians, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others.
If you reply to this email, I will send you pre-publication PDF copies of the Timeline, the Table of Contents and a summary of one of Darby’s 1840 Geneva addresses.  There is still time to make minor additions or changes, so if you ask questions such as ‘Have you covered/explained . . .?’ or ‘Have you distinguished between X and Y?’ I will certainly take these into account.
It has been quite a mammoth undertaking and I feel the more cast on God for help in this holy subject.  I have learned a lot while doing it, but become increasingly conscious of there being so much more to learn.  Even Paul said, ‘We see now through a dim window obscurely, but then face to face’ 1 Cor 13:12 Darby).  That is why I feel so dependent on the Lord, the Holy Spirit, reliable publications (rejecting what is unsound) and many dear brethren from several countries and denominations.
I hope, if the Lord will, to have it published by November.  It will be available on-line at cost in hard copy and Kindle and ebook electronic formats.
2020 has been such an unusual year.  Whether you are gathering physically – with restrictions, or on-line –  I trust you are feeling blessed and encouraged.  As a ‘second wave’ of Covid-19 now appears inevitable, people – some believers even – are fearful.  May we all seize the opportunity to point persons to the One on whom we can cast all our cares.  We need not fear.
With greetings in our Lord Jesus, your brother
Daniel Roberts (a.k.a. Sosthenes)

Spiritual Apathy – A Plague worse than Coronavirus

Why are you indifferent to that which is of vastly greater importance than plagues like coronavirus — your eternal salvation?

Please God, the worst of Corvid-19 may be over.  The death rate is falling; in many countries lockdown is being eased – hopefully soon in Britain where at the time of writing over 30,000 people have died.  But there is a deadening plague which continues and by its very nature is ignored – spiritual apathy.  How many millions have it – and those of us who have a living relationship with the Lord, how many of us just acquiesce?
This is an abridged version of a paper by Charles Coates[i].  It is undated, but indications are that it was in the late 1930’s.  Britain had come through the great depression and things were pretty good.  There were worrying developments in Germany, but they were not causing problems in Britain.  Chamberlain had a meeting with Hitler, signed a treaty and said, ‘It’s peace in our time’ (See 2 Kings 2:19).  How can you make peace with an evil man?  Yesterday we celebrated the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  Coates was taken to be with the Lord five months after VE Day;  I was born four weeks after that day.

Coates said:

Charles Coates

It has been estimated that over seventy-five per cent of the inhabitants of this country have no concern about the salvation of their souls. They are not atheists or infidels, nor do they make any profession of being saved; they are simply indifferent to the whole matter. If the thought of having to do with God comes into their minds, they solace themselves by a comparison of their own state with that of their fellows, and they conclude that as they are not worse than others, and perhaps better than many, there is no reason why they should have any concern as to their spiritual state. Any occasional alarm is speedily stilled by the thought that God is merciful — a sentiment which in the mind of an indifferent sinner means that he likes to think of God as One whose judgment of sin is not much more severe than his own. It is to this large body of people, and to each individual in it, that the following plain words are addressed.

Then why so indifferent to that which is of vastly greater importance than all these things put together — your eternal salvation? A friendly voice asks you the question which once rang on the startled ear of Jonah — ‘What meanest thou, O sleeper?’ (Jonah 1:6).


Beware! The signals of Holy Scripture are all against you, and another warning reaches you now as you speed along to eternity. ‘When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them … and they shall not escape’ (1 Thessalonians 5: 3).
In the year of the Great Plague (1665) 90,000 persons died in London. With the earliest symptoms of the disease all indifference fled. Many went mad with terror and ran screaming through the grass-grown deserted streets, as if to escape from the pursuit of death. Have you no symptoms that might justly fill your conscience with alarm? ‘The thought of foolishness is sin’ (Proverbs 24:9).  ‘To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin’  (James 4:17). ‘God shall judge the secrets of men’ (Romans 2:16). The plague of sin is in your heart; your members are yielded as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin; and the end of these things is death. Have you never been astounded at the evil thoughts of your own heart? or are you so thoroughly accustomed to them as to be ‘abominable and filthy’, and to drink ‘iniquity like water’? (Job 15: 16). In any case it is high time for indifference to be thrown off as a dangerous and deadly thing.
Sad, sad, that bitter wail — ‘The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved’ (Jeremiah 8:20).
‘God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent’ (Acts 17: 30).
‘God … will have all men to be saved’ (1 Timothy 2: 4). It is at an infinite cost that God has secured for Himself in righteousness the title of SAVIOUR GOD. The Son has been given; Jesus has died; and the whole universe can see at the cross of Christ that God is neither indifferent to sin, nor to the need of His poor creature who has fallen under its power. Then let indifference be banished from your heart. Turn in true repentance to God, and receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. For your life hangs on a thread; the record of your sins is on high; and the blackest midnight is brighter than the darkness of a Christless grave. ‘If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved’ (Romans 10: 9).

My Comments

If 75% of Britons were not concerned about salvation in the 1930’s.  What is the percentage of spiritual apathy now?
What word is going out to people?  Are they hearing the gospel?  We don’t hear much, but then almost all the media is secular, liberal and anti-Christian.  But concerned Christians are speaking out.  They see the gospel under attack, and they are not afraid to say so.  Of course, I have not seen or read every message, but a surprisingly large group of voices are from within the Church of England – even from bishops and members of the Synod.  Others are from evangelicals – Baptists and Free Church.  What I don’t see are similar messages from charismatics and community churches.  Like Sardis (Protestantism) – ‘Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead’ (Revelation 3:1) – concerned with form, liturgy, organisation and outward works.  I have just listened to a well-known American preacher[ii]. describing the Church of Scotland as an ecclesiastical corpse.  Thank God that in Sardis there were a few genuine Christians who had not defiled their garments.
We hear platitudes.  Yes, by all means talk about the love of God.  But first lay the conviction of the need of man – lost, sinful and deserving eternal judgment.  Met by the One who died – not just a sacrifice for our sins, but to settle the whole question, knowing that man in the flesh cannot please God.
Some preacher pointed out – Preachers say ‘Chose for Jesus and pray’ – No! ‘Cry to Jesus in faith and repent’.  ‘There is joy is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth’ (Luke 15:10).

Some interesting articles:

Crisis of faith – Damian Thompson – The Spectator 13 June 2015
Andrea Williams ‘What has become of the Church of England?’  – You-tube video – Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern and general synod lay member

Beliefs and stand of Rod Thomas, Bishop of Maidstone –  I have spoken to Mr Thomas personally.  He told me of his early life – see Wikipedia.

–       See also. – Revd. Stephen Rae explains why in a context of increasing theological liberalism, he posted the Southwark Declaration on Canterbury Cathedral.
– – A Ugandan Bishop (Alfred Olwa) commits his Diocese to the One True Gospel

Some Good News

We can thank God that there are indications that Covid 19 is causing some to turn to God.  Here are a few snippets from, the press
The number of searches on Google for the word “prayer” have greatly increased over the past few weeks as the coronavirus has garnered headlines -Jeanet Sinding Bentzen- In Crisis, We Pray: Religiosity and the COVID-19 Pandemic.
More Christians worshiped, prayed, and shared Scripture online in the past week than ever before, as COVID-19 precautions shut down in-person church gatherings across the US and around the globe. – When God Closes a Church Door, He Opens a Browser Window  – Christianity Today 15 March 2020
In the thick of COVID-19 concerns, Bible publishing companies report increased sales . . . yndale reports that engagement on its New Living Translations Facebook page – home to Bible verse memes – has tripled since last March and is up 72% from just last month.  LifeWay Christian Resources also saw an increase in sales of 62 percent last week compared to the previous year.  “We believe this is no accident, as people often go to the Bible as a source of hope in times of crisis and uncertainty,” said Ben Mandrell, LifeWay CEO. “People draw hope from Scripture because in it they see a God who is with us during our suffering – Christian Headlines 8 April 2020

Christian Zoom Meetings

In these very unusual times, we cannot gather together normally.  But the Lord

loves His church and will not let His sheep go unfed.   My wife and I have found blessing in attending ‘Zoom meetings’. They cannot be regarded as formally constituted assembly occasions according to 1 Cor 14:23 – ‘The whole church be come together into one place’ – (of course, due to the breakdown it can only be a few Christians gathering in the light of the whole).  We enjoy bible readings with up to 20 screens, or larger scale preachings.  Many recipients of this letter attend a preaching of the gospel (16:30 BST Lord’s Days) arranged by some in Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland where last week about 120 screens (maybe 300 persons) streamed in, and we were able to see one another over several pages.  Some we had not seen for a few years, from the UK and Continental Europe, North America and even Australia and New Zealand.  Also audio only –  Preachers Corner, arranged by some in Worthing, Sussex (18:00 BST Lords Day.   If you are interested in the ‘Zoom meetings, please send me a private email (

I trust you have found these thoughts encouraging – and comforting.  May you be kept well, and free of Covid 19.
Your brother in Christ
[i] ‘What Meanest Thou’. CAC – Volume 21 – 21 A Sure Foundation and other Gospel Papers and Addresses page 7

Coronavirus –  Christians don’t panic ; Unbelievers do

in Britain we have a lot to thank God for

As if you have not heard enough of it! . . .

A few days ago, I telephoned my financial advisor to discuss the current economic situation. I opened the conversation with the words, ‘Christians don’t panic; unbelievers do!’. He replied “Amen”. Of course, he is a fellow Christian.

The media is full of nothing else at the moment. It dominates news, and it monopolises the government’s agenda. Other important matters such as the war and humanitarian situation in Northern Syria and Yemen have vanished from the news.  Politics circles around the crisis.  Here in Britain we have a lot to thank God for: there is a national health service, which for all its shortcomings is geared for emergencies like this. In the USA, the situation could be a lot different. Many poor people do not have health insurance and run the risk of infecting others when trying to work when ill.   We are told to pray for the authorities and be subject to them (Romans 13).

As we are in our 70s, we are having to curtail our activities – ‘social isolation’ they call it.  We will miss our Christian meetings much. It brings home how much we rely on meetings, and how little we rely on our individual links with the Lord.  In our pathway we are alone yet not alone.

Indeed, many churches are closing their doors.  What do Christians do? – At the start we read ‘And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved’ (Acts 2:43-47).  Maybe something of the simplicity of the early Christian church will return.

Andrea Williams – The Church must repent of being ‘just another club’

Barrister Andrea Minichiello Williams, co-founder of Christian Concern, who represents persecuted Christians legally, has some forthright words. Maybe the current crisis will cause people to put Christ as the centre – not the congregation or community – and then learn what His church here really is.  Read her full article:

Andrea Williams calls the Church to repent of its silence in the face of evil

An Independent Path?

This brings me to another subject.  Some believers look on those with whom they do not meet as being on an independent path.  There is only one path for a Christian, the Christian path.  If by putting the company first we view others as ‘independent’, we must be unintentionally trying to walk on two roughly parallel paths at the same time – one foot in each.  They must slowly diverge – then where will we be?

The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day’. (Proverbs 4:18)

Through waves, through Clouds and Storms

This morning I had an email from our brother Leonard in Secunderabad, India.  He drew attention to Paul Gerhardt’s hymn ‘Through Clouds through Waves and Storms’ or ‘Through waves through clouds and storms’

I have posted it on the site, along with Leonard’s comments:

Through waves through clouds and storms

In grace, your brother


March 2020

A Church with No Name

The question comes up. ‘Who do you meet with?’  –
Answer – ‘We don’t have a name’.
Question ‘I see, so which of the many groups of Brethren are you?’ 
However much we try, it seems as we cannot get away from that label. 

Why do we like to Fall Back on Labels?

I am guilty of a serious thing.  This week I met a fellow believer and we enjoyed a happy conversation.  Then came up the inevitable question ‘Who do you meet with?’. My friend said something indirectly pointing to a group of Christians.  Immediately I pigeonholed him into a division of that united vessel (I wish I could think of another word) and associated this with preconceived negative thoughts and doctrinal differences.  The result – our warm and happy conversation was marred, and we went away thinking of differences, not of our Saviour, His glory and His return to rapture His saints.  I owe that brother an apology.

Why do I do such a thing?  Doubtless, Satan has us resting on this or that group of Christians.  We are comfortable with the fellowship, the structure and the part we can play.

This is so different from what we have been taught.  There is only one church – the assembly of the living God, purchased with the blood of our Lord Jesus; there is only one fellowship – the fellowship of God’s Son.  We have confused the true function of the church – something perfect, with its origin and destiny in heaven with what we as Christians can and should do down here.  In God’s grace, we may have been led to reject human organisation and church leadership, sectarianism, the building up of things here.

The question comes up. ‘Who do you meet with?’  –

Answer – ‘We don’t have a name’.

Question ‘I see, so which of the many groups of Brethren are you?’

However much we try, it seems as we cannot get away from that label.

A Church with No Name

The Church with No Name

Here is a picture of a little chapel or meeting room, about an hour’s drive from where I live.  Formerly an evangelical church, it was disused and in a bad state when a few lovers of our Lord bought it and painstakingly renovated it.  When finished they invited many from the area to join in prayer – not to bless the room or any group, but to seek the Lord’s guidance as to what they should do.  I was led to give a little word from 2 Cor 8:5 – ‘They gave them selves first to the Lord, and to us by God’s will.’ (Darby).  (See ‘Have we had it the Wrong Way Round?’)


There is no name.  All you can say that is where there is a gathering of a few simple Christians who seek to be true to our Lord in very confused circumstances.  They break bread in obedience to the Lord’s request ‘This do in remembrance of me’ (Luke 22:19).  Those who go there regularly know the certainty of their eternal salvation and have received the Holy Spirit.  They are not connected with any humanly organised sect – nor are they in that meeting by membership.  Collectively, they do not know who they are, apart from a collection of lovers of the Lord Jesus, and, though bound for glory, do not know where the Lord is leading them in their testimonial pathway. May it remain that way!

May you be encouraged

In God’s grace


October 2018

Know God or Know about God

Branch of Theology Darby’s Probable Position
Hermeneutics  – concerning the Biblical text Qualified-literal – Passages are literal,  figurative or symbolic, and recognised as such.   Also, that which relates to Israel and the law (OT) is distinct from that which applies to the church and grace (NT).
Soteriology – concerning salvation Classic evangelical – God-given faith in the blood.  Without the atoning work of Christ, man must bear the guilt of his sin and remain at a distance from God without knowledge of Him or of His love. More Calvinist than Arminian but claiming neither

Should there be an Introduction to a Little Basic Theology?

At a discussion about ‘A Day of Small Things’ with a few friends, the suggestion was made that there should be an introduction to a little basic theology.  This is a subject many like myself have steered clear of, even regarding the term as a dirty word, and for very good reason.

–  We read the scriptures, we have bible readings and other occasions, and we pray with a view to ‘knowing God’ and in an assembly setting it can be said that we are ‘taught of God’ and guided by the Holy Spirit.

– On the other hand, theology is the critical study of the nature of the divine.  It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities and seminaries. (Wikipedia) – Trying to mentally encompass the inscrutable God is futile, even profane!

However, there are times when we desire to help fellow Christians who have been subjected to a different system of teaching.  It is then useful to understand lines of thought, which we might feel are not fully in accord with, or a misinterpretation of scripture, even when they are held by seriously devout godly believers.

So recently I have been seeking to produce a short guide to some of the theological terms that we might encounter – not to make theologians of us, wasting time on ‘foolish and unlearned questions (2 Tim 2:23)’.  But it is useful to know what is meant, for example, by the difference between Calvinism (and its five points) and Arminianism, pre-, post- and a-millennial eschatology etc.  Through this we can see how we might relate to those from Baptist (Calvinist), Wesleyan/Methodist/Pentecostal (Arminian), and other backgrounds, and to be able to bring in what is positive in a meek way without giving offence.  We are exhorted: ‘In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth’  (2 Tim 2:25) – a scripture which follows the instruction as to separating from iniquity.

The Word

Love is of God, and every one that loves has been begotten of God, and knows God. He that loves not has not known God; for God is love. (1 John 4:7-8 Darby)

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent(John 17:3)

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings (Phil 3:10) 

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me (John 5:39).

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth(2 Tim 3:7)

Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. (Eccl 12:12)


A Call for Help

I am no theologian – I studied economics and statistics, not theology.  So I would like to invite several to review my draft when I have done my bit.  There are two or three persons I have already contacted, but if you feel you could help please let me know.

John Nelson Darby

Meanwhile, for a start, here is what might be written about Darby theology


Branch of Theology Darby’s Probable Position
Hermeneutics  – concerning the Biblical text Qualified-literal – Passages are literal,  figurative or symbolic, and recognised as such.   Also, that which relates to Israel and the law (OT) is distinct from that which applies to the church and grace (NT).
Soteriology – concerning salvation Classic evangelical – God-given faith in the blood.  Without the atoning work of Christ, man must bear the guilt of his sin and remain at a distance from God without knowledge of Him or of His love. More Calvinist than Arminian but claiming neither
Eschatology – concerning prophecy ‘The Father of Premillennial Dispensationalism’ – The pre-tribulation secret rapture with the Church returning with Christ at the start of the millennium
Ecclesiology – concerning the church and church form The true church is heavenly, unified and perfect – publicly it is in ruins – the call is to depart from iniquity and gather to the Lord’s name – without form, organisation or ordained leadership.
Christology – concerning the Person of Christ None! – How can the blessed Object of our worship be studied academically?

A Warning

This is no substitute for:
  • Reading, remembering the Holy Scriptures (see 2 Tim 3:15)
  • Knowing that your sins are forgiven and rejoicing in the Saviour (see 1 John 2:12)
  • Awaiting our Lord’s return with a heart aglow (see 2 Peter 1:19)
  • Enjoying a wonderful relationship with one another, with he Lord’s presence when two or three are gathered to His Name (see Matt 18:20)
  • Worshipping our great ‘God and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (Titus 2:13 Darby and others)
This is reality – not theology!

Your comments, please

God’s blessings for the holiday season

Your brother, Sosthenes



ADOSS blog: Defending the Glad Tidings – The Gospel is under Attack

I have only recently come to realise how much the glad tidings are under attack.  In the past few weeks several things forced themselves on me. I had drafted a blog on the subject: Know about God or Know God.  I may come back to this later – but this is more urgent.

Four things:


The Church Leader

For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Heb 13:14).

But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep (John 10:12-13).

We went to an ‘open garden’ at the residence of a senior clergyman.  The weather was perfect, and the gardens, specially the roses, were beautiful. We had the obligatory tea and cakes – very tasty.  As we left, the curate himself was standing at the entrance shaking hands.  I said to him, ‘You’ve created a paradise on earth; you won’t want to leave.’  He smiled and demurred, but really accepted what I said.  I said, ‘Are you trying to make things better here’. To which he replied, ‘Of course!’  My retort:  ‘Jesus died for my sins, and He is coming soon.  I don’t want to stay here; I want to be with Him.’ He was at a loss what to say – my wife was flabbergasted.  ‘Not even a recognition of the Lord.’

I looked at one of his recent sermons.  He was arguing for hope for the vulnerable, admitting that they would have hope if Jesus had turned their lives around.  Did our friend himself have hope?.  He needs our prayers.


The Charismatic Church


 Neither . . . foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. . . .Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them.(Eph 5:4-7)

I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. (Acts 20:29-30)

A brother was talking to me about his daughter who belonged to an apostolic charismatic church which insisted on the overriding words of its leaders. Earlier he had been attended the church too.  One of the sect’s leaders told him, ‘You obey your house group leader rather than the bible’. That finished him.

He had seen other churches like that – attractive in many ways, re-baptising more and more members especially amongst the young who liked the happy, uninhibited atmosphere and the music.  It was satisfying to the flesh, but not to God.  They say, ‘You need Jesus as your friend’. Little mention is made of sin, repentance, and the precious blood, though they do mention the risen Saviour.  Money is important.  I understand a leader said in his sermon, ‘If any of you have not signed a covenant for £X to be given to this church each week, you cannot be members and need to check you are believers’.   What part of scripture does that idea come from?  Oh yes! ‘I am not like other men; I tithe everything I gain!’ (Luke 18:12).

I am reminded of the recent sermon by Bishop Michael Curry at the recent wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.  On one side it was a positive message of the love of God.  But behind that is the suggestion of ‘All you need is love’ – a theme popularised in the 1960’s by John Lennon and the Hindu seeking Beetles.  There may have been an acknowledgment that Jesus died, but not of repentance and faith in the blood.

They talk of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Is it really of the Spirit, and is it baptised to the death of the Lord?


Formalism and Legality


Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they (Acts 15:10-11).


Rules of the Church! (Canon Law)

This is something that has dogged the church from its earliest days.  The early believers were almost entirely Jewish: they were brought up under the law of Moses and took it into Christianity, and insisted that Gentiles kept the law too.  Peter, a previously devout Jew, whom Paul had once to withstand, was clear to them in the above account of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15.

The flesh is content when there are boundaries, with liberty to do what we like within them.  A child is brought up that way.  Are we to remain children?  Paul’s most severe condemnation was on those who would bring persons back under bondage (see the whole book of Galatians).

The Roman Catholic Church is, of course, the clearest example of legalism – and with that formalism, where so many features of the Jewish system migrated into a new quasi-Christian form of worship – priests, altars, vestments etc. Persons are kept unsure of salvation, and the fear of purgatory holds them in bondage.  If only they knew the scriptures; if only they knew the Saviour!

But we see it closer to home.  What started in the early 1800’s as a simple movement of believers under the Spirit of God, gathering separately to the Lord’s name forsaking formalism and legality appear to have split into several groups with some of this legalistic line of thinking.  Why is it that as soon as liberty comes in, dear believers want (with the best of intentions) to mount a rear-guard action as to ‘standards slipping’.  No one would doubt that the flesh wants licence – but let us present Christ.  Be like Him; keep near Him.  If the state amongst Christians is to be raised, present Jesus.


Liberalism and Political Correctness

They glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen (Romans 1:21-25).

Much has been written about this.  Militant secularists and humanists, supported by the media and many politicians have put acceptance of moral corruption and unholy relationships above God’s law.  Confronting this can result in prosecution.  Cases have been numerous.


Frederick Raven wrote ‘The gospel is very little understood by many believers. The defect is in preaching the benefitsof Christ’s death instead of CHRIST Himself. If anyone asked me what the gospel was, I should say, ‘CHRIST’ (Address on ‘The Gospel’ – FER’s Ministry Vol 14 page 157)

J B Stoney wrote in a letter, ‘I am more and more convinced that the real check to our spiritual growth is from some defect in infancy — an imperfect apprehension of the gospel. The death of Christ and all involved in it must be entered into before the value and greatness of the resurrection can be estimated.’ ( Discipline of the Servant No. 4 Letters vol. 1 page 190)

But let’s be thankful wherever the gospel is preached – God can use anything:  Paul wrote, ‘I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace. . . .But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel; so that. . . [I am] much more bold to speak the word without fear. Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife, and some also of good will; the one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds; but the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice (Phil 1:7-18).


What do you think?  As always I value your comment either by email or by, better still, by leaving a comment on


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Like all other site owners, we are having to adhere to the new data protection regulations.  We have updated our privacy policy. We keep the absolute minimum of information – mostly name, email address, and any other information a correspondent has shared with us, none of which is made public.  Our mailing list is mostly by registration, referral, contact by social media, and with persons that the author knows personally, sharing Christian fellowship in some way.  We are not reconfirming our list, but you are always at liberty to unsubscribe – see below.


In grace, your brother

Sosthenes Hoadelphos


June 2018


PS – My previous letter on ‘Eternal Punishment’ attracted much less comment than usual.  Whilst we don’t preach judgment, is it a subject we are shy about?  Think about it, how many of those in churches marked by the above, eternally lost?  Comments?












Hell is Real, Eternal and Consistent with the Love of God 

Around Easter it was reported that the Pope was unsure as to the existence of hell.  The Vatican unsurprisingly said that the Pope’s comments had been misrepresented.  Nevertheless, a survey in the USA came up with the statistic that 30% of people identifying themselves as Christians did NOT believe in hell.  (Evangelicals  – 25% not believing in hell, ‘Mainline protestant’ 40%, Mainly-black Pentecostal’ 18%, Roman Catholic 37%, Orthodox 41%).  Surprisingly 36% of those who said they had no religion DID believe in hell. (Source Pew Research Center – Belief in Heaven and Hell among US Adults 2014).
This cause me to look into what J N Darby had to say about the subject, and found he was battling with ‘universalists’ who said that God was such a loving God that everybody would be saved, even if they had to wait a bit, and ‘annihilationists’ who believed that the fire would consume souls completely, so nothing would remain.  Of course, both are wrong, and both views continue to be prevalent today.
Whether we have many old-fashioned hell-fire sermons designed to frighten souls into submission, I don’t know.  But one thing is certain ‘Hell exits; hell is eternal, and we all deserve to go there as sinners.  ‘By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God’  (Eph 2:8).  We are called on to warn souls of the consequences of rejecting God’s grace in the gospel, whilst saying, ‘Despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?’  (Rom 2:8).

JND and Hell

 JN Darby did not write much about hell, but a paper met the then-current thought (and just as current now).   ‘Brief Scriptural Evidence on the doctrine of Eternal Punishment, for plain people’.  Collected Writings Vol 7 (Doctrinal 2) page 1.
This is summarised in our posting ‘Hell is Real and Eternal’
And the backup scriptures

The Lake of Fire and the Love of God

A couple of snippets from ministry:

It may be said that the lake of fire is the result of righteousness and not of love, but it is the outcome of love in God.   From Reading on 1 Cor 13 – Ministry of James Taylor Vol. 10 page 62.
The lake of fire is consistent with God’s love.  God has almighty power, and it would be inconsistent with divine love to tolerate lawlessness.  God may tolerate it for the moment, but in result He will limit it in the lake of fire.  From Righteousness and Salvation Ministry by F E Raven Vol 18 p 117

What about those 36% of who said they had no religion and who DID believe in hell.

 What must grip them. FEAR!  How do we reach them with the glad tidings?

Remember it says:   ‘But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, . . . and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Rev 21:8)
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;  and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Heb 2:14-15)
And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:  who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God. (1 Peter 1:15-21)
What could be more eloquent than scripture?
Greetings in the Name of our blessed Saviour who has redeemed us from Hell by His blood.
 Sosthenes Hoadelphos
May 2018

That in all things He might have the Pre-eminence (Col 1:18)

April 2018

Dear [first name],

This morning in our family reading we read from the first chapter of Colossians:

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.   And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.   For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; and, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. (v12-20).
What struck me was the juxtaposition of His having the pre-eminence and His being Head of the body, the church.  Christ is the Head – that is incontrovertible.  However does He have the first place in our local assemblies?  I am not saying that is always the case but a vicar, pastor or minister might have that place because of his position or ability (though he – it should be ‘he’- would want to think otherwise).  Those gatherings which, more scripturally sound, do not have a single person is head, but might have a more specious fault – the gathering in itself having the first place (example Laodicea- Rev 3:14-22).  If that the case, human politics doubtless come into place – assertiveness on the part of the brothers, and an undermining influence on the part of the sisters.
The main trouble in Colosse was the temptation to bring in rules, another evidence of the church – not Christ – having the first place (Touch not; taste not; handle not – ch. 2:21) – and philosophy and vain deceit (ch. 2:8).  Godly men and women like Epaphras, Philemon and Apphia were not philosophers or politicians.
But Corinth!  They were reigning as kings, puffed-up, showings off their abilities, and not mourning despite serious immorality in their midst (see 1 Corinthians 4:8-5:2).
If only love for our Lord Jesus, and love with respect for one another, pervaded we would be occupied with Him, not troubles and rejoicing with all in bad times and good.

Today if ye will hear His Voice

In addition to A Day of Small Things, I edit the publication of ministry under the heading ‘Today if ye will hear His Voice’.  This comprises words of ministry, readings and addresses, generally amongst the group of Christians with whom I am privileged to break bread.  Issues are approximately monthly, depending on availability of material.  Whilst I might move them to a separate website, they are now posted in a separate section in – see ‘Today if ye will hear His Voice’ .  If you want to be added to the list for Today if ye will hear His Voice’, please click here.

A Call for Help

I am 72, and there is no way I am going to do summaries of all the articles by JND.  In addition I am conscious that many can be improved, and there is a need for hard copy publication.  For this I need assistance.  If you are interested in helping me, please send me a personal email.  Of course to do so, you must be fully assured of your eternal salvation, and be doctrinally in tune with that servant of the Lord.  I look forward to hearing from you.
With greetings in Christ
 Sosthenes Hoadelphos

Your comments

Theological Seminaries – Do we need them?

There are many sincere believers, and sound teachers who work in these institutions. There are many earnest young Christians, men and women, desirous of serving the Lord, who attend them, and have gone on to serve Him faithfully. But is there any scriptural basis for them?

I have looked at a few websites recently and there are some noble statements. The Dallas Theological Seminary, for example, is very much influenced by the ministry of John Nelson Darby, and has produced some worthy alumni, such as my friend Paul Wilkinson. It states, ‘The mission of Dallas Theological Seminary is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.’ Nobody could criticise that – in fact the church needs more and more workmen. But what do many desire? A Doctor of Ministry degree? A wonderful graduation ceremony in robes? And how much does it cost? not that a degree should be without cost, of course. Timothy was told ‘for those who shall have ministered well obtain for themselves a good degree, and much boldness in faith which [is] in Christ Jesus.’ (I Tim 3:13 JND). They get their degree by ministering; they do not get their degree in order to minister.

Furthermore, like any college, it is a social institution with sports, clubs etc., and you only need to look at Facebook to see that. Nothing wrong, of course, with sport and social activities, but are they part of the church?

There was the School of Tyrannus in Corinth. It was a place to read and discuss the word, and for interested persons to come to the Lord. If it was a formal school, I don’t think it was more than a place of convenience for Paul. Then there was the home of Aquila and Priscilla. I don’t think either had a doctorate, but they were able to take Apollos (who maybe had one) expound unto him the way of God more perfectly (Acts 18:26).

So, maybe the best place to learn is in the assembly. We are to learn in the school of God. There is a good book by James Butler Stoney (1814-1897) – Discipline in the School of God. Maybe this is a good place to start. Though we had best start on our knees first.


June 2014

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