Easy Summaries of John Nelson Darby on God’s Grace, the Rapture, Dispensations, the true Church etc.
Author: Sosthenes
Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth
Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official
Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.
Now this is what the Holy Spirit’s work here is, subduing all of man’s will and forming the saints according to the heavenly pattern. The pattern is Christ at the right hand of God. If you apprehend Him, you know what you are to be. The One who is my Representative is in the presence of God, and the Holy Spirit down here subjugates all that is contrary and forms me according to my Representative. This will all be brought to pass. It is the blessed end of God’s ways, and it will be brought out in display. Even Israel in the future will say “the Lord our righteousness”, and they too must take their character from Christ in the law being written in the heart.
May God give us to understand better the pattern on which we are formed, having our food in the living bread which came down from heaven — all the blessed features which came out in Him reproduced in us down here.
At a recent Zoom Bible reading, a young brother asked the question as to the difference between our soul and our spirit. We were reading 1 Thessalonians 5:23; ‘The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body’. To the shame of us older ones, we were not able to give a concise statement based on sound teaching. We could speak in general terms, quoting scriptures and the Holy Spirit helped. But this has caused me to look into the subject.
The following is largely from a paper by J N Darby ‘The Soul’ – Notes and Comments Volume 5 page 86. However, for the convenience of our readers, the scripture text has been added to the references. Other notes are from Strong’s Notes on Bible Hub.
Matthew 10:39he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it
Mark 3:4on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill?
Luke 9:24For whosoever will save his life shall lose it
Luke 9:56the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them
John 12:25, He that loveth his life shall lose it;
and many other passages.
Conscious Feeling and Existence
Next, it is used for the general fact of conscious feeling and existence — the activity of the inner man — without defining whence or what it is. In this way, it is used even of God;
Matthew 12:18; my beloved, in whom my soul has found its delight – it goes on θήσω τὸ πνεῦμά μου ἐπ’ αὐτόν, I will put my spirit upon him
Hebrews 10:38. If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
Matthew 22:37With all thy heart, and with all thy soul
Acts 7:14, Jacob … all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls.
Life, or in contrast to Body
But as ‘life’ and ‘soul,’ it is in contrast often, or ‘life’ is used for ‘the soul’ in its higher aspect. The same word is used of what is profited and lost in the same act.
Matthew 10:39he that loseth his life (ψυχὴν/psychen) for my sake shall find it – compare with
We have then ‘the soul’ used generally for the responsible part, in which we live with God, whose state and movings are expressed in the body’s acts, as
Luke 12:20. (stronger because of verse 19); Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years…fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee
Acts 2:27, Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Acts 2:31, he, seeing it before, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that neither has he been left in hades nor his flesh seen corruption. (Darby)
Acts 20:10And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life (Acts 20:10 /psyche) is in him
compare 1 Kings 17:21, O LORD my God, I pray thee, let this child’s soul come into him again….and the soul of the child came into him again,
It is also distinguished as the mere living soul from the higher part in which it is in connection with God, through living in Him by the breath of life from Him;
1 Thessalonians 5:23; the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body
Hebrews 4:12. piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Add to this Luke 16, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It is distinguished from the power of life in Christ in
1 Corinthians 15:45. The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Its distinct condition in man is originally founded on
Genesis 2:7 — God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. This is never said of beasts; hence
Acts 17:28. For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. – No reference to soul.
The ‘souls under the altar’ (Revelation 6:9) confirm this.
Strong’s Note
Strong’s Note
psuché: breath, the soul
Original Word: ψυχή, ῆς, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: psuché Phonetic Spelling: (psoo-khay’) Definition: breath, the soul Usage: (a) the vital breath, breath of life, (b) the human soul, (c) the soul as the seat of affections and will, (d) the self, (e) a human person, an individual.
Strongs’s HELPS Word-studies
5590psyxḗ (from psyxō, “to breathe, blow” which is the root of the English words “psyche,” “psychology”) – soul (psyche); a person’s distinct identity (unique personhood), i.e. individual personality.
5590 (psyxē) corresponds exactly to the OT 5315/phágō (“soul”). The soul is the direct aftermath of God breathing (blowing) His gift of life into a person, making them an ensouled being.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
soul, life, self
From psucho; breath, i.e. (by implication) spirit, abstractly or concretely (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from pneuma, which is the rational and immortal soul; and on the other from zoe, which is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew nephesh, ruwach and chay) — heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, + us, + you.
confirming the clear distinction between the two, as with soul. So where the two latter are also distinguished, spirit, soul, and body. But I think it has another force than ‘soul,’ though used in a general way like it, in contrast with ‘body,’ as the non-corporeal part of man. ‘Soul,’ as connecting itself with its action in the body, though clearly distinct, is more connected with life, and so used for it. ‘Spirit’ is more the active, intelligent consciousness, or the seat of that consciousness, which belongs to the inner man; and just what distinguishes man from the beast is that the latter has merely a living soul connected with an organism, passions, habits, faculties, such as memory, affections; while man has received this state of existence through God’s breathing into his nostrils the breath of life — by the spirit of life he became a living soul. Hence in ordinary language the two may be used as one; because of the pneuma zoes (the spirit of life) he has a ψυχὴν ζῶσαν/psychen zosan (a living soul). The mere animal has a ψυχὴν ζῶσαν/psychen zosan, but not through a divine πνεῦμα ζωῆς/pneuma zoes.
Active Intelligent Consciousness
The mere breath of natural life is organic, and has nothing to do with this. Hence ‘spirit’ is used for this active, intelligent, consciousness. In the Christian it is connected often with the Holy Spirit which dwells in him, as its activities are produced by it, not the soul. The Spirit and its fruit may thus also characterise the state of the soul. This character of the spirit of man, the connection of the term with active intelligent consciousness is frequently found;
Luke 10:20, rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you;
Luke 23:46 , Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit:
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John 13:21 When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit,
John 19:30 he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost – KJV – spirit mostly elsewhere
chapter 19: 30, used in general, so
Acts 7:59 they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
Acts 17:16; while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry
Romans 1:9; For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son,
Romans 12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
1 Corinthians 2:11; Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God
1 Corinthians 5:3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit…as though I were present,…In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit,…deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. (used in special manner for activity of the inner man and a power, not intelligent, thus contrasted with νοῦς/nous/Strong 3563 (the mind, the reason, the reasoning faculty, intellect, according to Strong) – proof of the difference of mere mind from the active principle, though usually acting, in the present state of human nature, in it as the present form of its power; so that consciousness, not mind, is essential to it);
1 Corinthians 14:2, 14, 15, etc. he that speaks with a tongue does not speak to men but to God: for no one hears; but in spirit he speaks mysteries. (Darby) …if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth…I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding
2 Corinthians 2:13;I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother…the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all.
2 Corinthians 7:1; let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. here through the mind,
Galatians 6:18; the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen
1 Thessalonians 5:23; I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Timothy 4:22; The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
Hebrews 12:23. to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, (JND Note ‘Made perfect’ refers to ‘just men’ not ‘spirits’)
In Thessalonians and Hebrews, the contrast with body is clear, and in the former with soul also.
Strong’s Notes
pneuma: wind, spirit
Original Word: πνεῦμα, ατος, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: pneuma Phonetic Spelling: (pnyoo’-mah) Definition: wind, spirit Usage: wind, breath, spirit.
Strong’s HELPS Word-studies
4151pneúma – properly, spirit (Spirit), wind, or breath. The most frequent meaning (translation) of 4151 (pneúma) in the NT is “spirit” (“Spirit“). Only the context however determines which sense(s) is meant.
[Any of the above renderings (spirit-Spirit, wind, breath) of 4151 (pneúma) is always theoretically possible (spirit, Spirit, wind, breath). But when the attributive adjective (“holy”) is used, it always refers to the Holy Spirit. “Spirit” (“spirit”) is by far the most common translation (application) of 4151 (pneúma).
The Hebrew counterpart (rûach) has the same range of meaning as 4151 (pneúma), i.e. it likewise can refer to spirit/Spirit, wind, or breath
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
spirit, ghost
From pneo; a current of air, i.e. Breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ’s spirit, the Holy Spirit — ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind. Compare psuche.
Man is condemned: he cannot deliver himself. But Christ has come in. The Prince of Life has come into death. What is death now for the believer?
IMPORTANT – The Bible says, ‘It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment’[i] If you landed on this page because you are afraid of death, and do not have peace with God Click here first.
Death – The King of Terrors for the Unbeliever
John Nelson Darby
For the unbeliever, nothing can be more terrible than death. It is the ‘King of Terrors’ (See Job 18:14). It is the end of life of the natural man, the first Adam. Everything in which man has had – his home, his thoughts, his whole being, is closed and perished forever. ‘His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day, his thoughts perish’ (Psalm 146:4). It is the end to all his plans. This busy world forgets him: he is extinct. Death is written on him, for he is a sinner: he cannot deliver himself.
But that is not all. Man indeed, as man alive in this world. Sin has come in; with sin Satan’s power, more sin and death. The wages of sin are a terror to the conscience. Man has been unable to resist the master, Satan, who has exercised his dreadful rights.
God cannot help[ii]. Death is His judgment on sin. Sin does not pass unnoticed, and the terror and plague of the conscience is witness to His judgment, the officer of justice to the criminal, and the proof of his guilt in the presence of coming judgment. How terrible!
Christ’s Death for the Believer
Man is condemned: he cannot deliver himself. But Christ has come in. The Prince of Life has come into death. What is death now for the believer?
So we see two aspects of death –
Satan’s power:
God’s judgment:
In being made sin for us, Christ has undergone death, passing through both Satan’s power and God’s judgment. Death with its causes has been met in its every way by Christ. It is no longer a source of terror to my soul. In every sense, it has lost its power.
Death is Ours
But death has much more than passed away. Paul says that death is ours, as all things are (See 1 Cor 3:22). Death and judgment have become my salvation; sin and the wages of sin have passed away. In a word, Christ, the sinless One, having come in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, has dealt with my whole condition, the first Adam under obligation to the law (see Rom 8:3). I live before God now in the One who is risen. What is the effect of this?
Condemnation and judgment being over, my soul is accepted. The foods of water that engulfed the oppressive Egyptians was a wall of deliverance to the children of Israel (see Ex 14:22).
In the power of Christ’s resurrection, I am quickened. He becomes my life. In the new man, I can dispense with the old, Christ having passed through death, I can consider myself dead. ‘Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom 6:11). We are free of ordinances.
The old man dies; the new man can never die. It is Christ. In dying, it quits what is mortal and leaves death behind. ‘We … are absent from the body and present with the Lord’ (2 Cor 5:8 Darby). Our old man never revives, but our mortal bodies will be changed, like unto His glorious body conformed to the image of God’s Son. (See Phil 3:21 and Rom 8:29). Having a new life, we are disencumbered from the old man which hinders and hems in our way.
Death is the ceasing of the old man in which we were guilty before God. It is the ceasing of sin, hindrance and trouble. We have done with the old man righteously, because Christ has died for us, and now we live in the power of the new.
As to death: ‘To depart and to be with Christ is far better. (Phil 1:23)’
As to judgment: Christ has borne it.
As to the power of sin: it is the death of the very nature it lives in.
As to actual mortality: it is deliverance from the old to be with Christ in the new man who enjoys Him.
Who knowing the proper gain of it, would not die?
Meanwhile, we live here to serve Christ. To us to live is Christ. (See Phil 1:21).
About, by or adapted from Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
J G Bellatt
Dublin, Ireland 1795-1864
One of the original brothers in the Dublin meeting. It was established before J N Darby joined it.
About, by or adapted from J G Bellatt – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” J G Bellatt” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Brian Deck
Motueka New Zealand (1912-1991)
About, by or adapted from Brian Deck – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Brian Deck” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Edward Dennett
EDWARD DENNETT was born in the Isle of Wight, 1831, at Bembridge, and died in Croydon in Oct., 1914 after a short illness. His people were all in the Church of England, but he was converted as a lad through the instrumentality of a godly clergyman, and he left the church from conviction and became minister of a Baptist Chapel in Greenwich, having previously matriculated at London University. However in France he came into contact with brethren and on his return resigned his charge. Shortly after “breaking bread” for the first time with those gathered simply at the Lord’s table “unto His Name.”
About, by or adapted from Edward Dennett – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Edward Dennett” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Alfred Gardiner – A J Gardiner – AJG
Alfred J Gardiner 1884-1976
Streatham, London 1884-1973
About, by or adapted from AJG – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Alfred Gardiner” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Arthur House
About, by or adapted from Arthur House – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Arthur House” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
William Johnson
London 1850-1921
About, by or adapted from William Johnson – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” William Johnson” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
James Tayor Senior – J Taylor Sr – JT (Sr)
James Taylor Sr (1870-1953)
James Taylor Senior was born on January 6, 1870 at Coolaney, near Sligo, Co. Sligo, in North West Ireland. In 1884, at the age of 14, he came into fellowship at Paisley, Scotland, where he had moved to serve his apprenticeship in the linen trade with the firm of Coats. In 1888 he emigrated to St. John, Newfoundland. In 1889, J.T. moved to New York. James Taylor and Estelle Garrett of Baltimore were married c. 1892. They had six children. Mrs. Taylor died 1901 in childbirth or very shortly afterwards. The Lord took him on March 29, 1953.
His ministry as to the service of God, the Assembly and the Person and work of the Holy Spirit have been much appreciated. He was insistent on testing all by scripture.
His critics saw him as being somewhat of a ‘universal lead’ a position he did not accept, unlike his infamous son Jim Taylor JT Jr – who led the Taylorite Exclusive Brethren – now the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.
About, by or adapted from JT Sr – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” James Taylor Sr.” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Fred Trussler
The late Mark Lemon, Stone Publishing Trust, said of Mr. Trussler, “I remember him as a man who had an unusual way of presenting things. I suspect that he spent a great deal of time meditating on the Scriptures and on the things of the Lord
“I have not been able to get a great deal of information about our brother except that he was converted during the 1st World War. He worked as a woodman and then in a saw mill.
“He was taken to be with the Lord in 1968 when he was in his 80s.” – Source: My Brethren
My recollection – A brother was enthusiastically expounding on the thoughts of Jim Taylor and the Exclusive Brethren. Mr Trussler’s reply: ‘Silly, in’t it!’.- Sosthenes
About, by or adapted from Fred Trussler – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
About, by or adapted from FER – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
Frederick Raven (1837-1903)
Frederick Edward Raven was born September 9, 1837 at Saffron Walden, Essex. His family were active members of the Church of England. In 1865 when he was 28, F.E.R. left the Church of England and broke bread at the Priory meeting in north London (Mr. Darby’s local meeting). He married Kate Wallis Glenny on April 15, 1873. They had nine children. He was able to serve up to a few months before his death on August 16, 1903.
Raven was involved in a number of controversies amongst the brethren, but this is not the place to go int these.
About, by or adapted from JBS – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
About, by or adapted from JBS – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
James Butler Stoney (1814-1897)
James Butler Stoney was born in Portland County Tipperary, Ireland on 13th May 1814. He entered Trinity College, Dublin (aged 15) to study for the Bar. In 1831 during an outbreak of cholera, he was taken ill and, in fear of death, called upon the Lord for salvation.
He gave up the law for divinity, still at Trinity College, but (fortuitously) was too young to be ordained. It was in 1833 that Stoney first came in contact with brethren and John Nelson Darby.
In reading his ministry you feel that he had a distinct impression of the Lord’s greatness and that he was in the gain of what he ministered. On one occasion his daughter said to him that persons were saying servants have a special line or impression given by God. She asked him “What is yours?” he replied “Oh, I think Glory is my impression”.
For almost 60 years, Stoney served the saints actively and faithfully. Shortly after a fall in October 1895, Mr Stoney was laid aside until the Lord took him to Himself on May 1, 1897, just days before his 83rd birthday.
What an oft-repeated question! Let me put it to you my reader; for travelling you most certainly are travelling from Time into Eternity, and who knows how very, very near you may be this moment to the GREAT TERMINUS?
“Which class are you travelling?” There are but three. Let me describe them that you may put yourself to the test as in the presence of “Him with whom you have to do.”
1st Class — Those who are saved, and who know it.
2nd Class — Those who are not sure of salvation, but anxious to be so.
3rd Class — Those who are not only unsaved, but totally indifferent about it.
Again I repeat my question — “Which class are you travelling?” Oh, the madness of indifference, when eternal issues are at stake! A short time ago, a man came rushing into the railway station at Leicester, and while scarcely able to gasp for breath he took his seat in one of the carriages just on the point of starting.
“You’ve run it fine,” said a fellow passenger. “Yes,” replied he, breathing heavily after every two or three words, “but I’ve saved four hours, and that’s well worth running for.”
“Saved four hours!” I couldn’t help repeating to myself — “four hours well worth that earnest struggle! What of eternity? What of eternity?” Yet are there not thousands of shrewd, far-seeing men today, who look sharply enough after their own interests in this life, but who are stone blind to the eternity before them? In spite of the infinite love of God to helpless rebels, told out at Calvary, spite of His pronounced hatred of sin, spite of the known brevity of man’s history here, spite of the terrors of judgment after death, and of the solemn probability of waking up at last with the unbearable remorse of being on hell’s side of a “fixed” gulf, man hurries on to the bitter, bitter end, as careless as if there were no God, no death, no judgment, no heaven, no hell. If the reader of these pages be such an one, may God this very moment have mercy upon you and while you read these lines open your eyes to your most perilous position, standing as you maybe on a slippery brink of an endless woe.
Oh friend, believe it or not, your case is truly desperate. Put off the thought of eternity no longer. Remember that procrastination is like him who deceives you by it — not only a “thief, but a murderer.” There is much truth in the Spanish proverb, which says, “the road of ‘By-and-by’ leads to the town of ‘Never’. ” I beseech you unknown reader, travel that road no longer. “Now is the day of salvation.”
But, says one, I am not indifferent as to the welfare of my soul. My deep trouble lies wrapped up in another word:
i.e. I am among the second-class passengers you speak of.
Well, reader, both indifference and uncertainty are the offspring of one parent — unbelief. The first results from unbelief as to the sin and ruin of man, the other from unbelief as to God’s sovereign remedy for man. It is especially for souls desiring before God to be fully and unmistakably SURE of their salvation that these pages are written. I can in a great measure understand your deep soul trouble, and am assured that the more you are in earnest about this all-important matter, the greater will be your thirst, until you know for certain that you are really and eternally saved. “For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul.”
The only son of a devoted father is at sea. News comes that his ship has been wrecked on some foreign shore. Who can tell the anguish of suspense in that father’s heart until, upon the most reliable authority, he is assured that his boy is safe and sound. Or, again, you are far from home, the night is dark and wintry, and your way is totally unknown. Standing at a point where two roads diverge, you ask a passer-by the way to the town you desire to reach, and he tells you he thinks such and such a way is the right one, and hopes you will be all right if you take it. Would “thinks” and “hopes” and “maybes” satisfy you? Surely not. You must have certainty about it, or every step you take will increase your anxiety. What wonder, then, that men have sometimes been unable either to eat or sleep when the eternal safety of the soul has been trembling in the balance!
To lose your wealth is much,
To lose your health is more,
To lose your soul is such a loss
As no man can restore.
Now, dear reader, there are three things I desire by the Holy Spirit’s help, to make clear to you; and to put them in scriptural language, they are these:-
1. “The way of salvation.” (Acts 16:17).
2. “The knowledge of salvation.” (Luke 1:77).
3. “The joy of salvation.” (Psalm 51:12).
We shall I think, see that though intimately connected, they each stand upon a separate basis; so that it is quite possible for a soul to know the way of salvation without having the certain knowledge that he himself is saved, or again, to know that he is saved, without possessing at all time the joy that ought to accompany that knowledge.
First, then, let me speak briefly of
Please open your Bible and read carefully the thirteenth verse of the thirteenth chapter of Exodus; there you find these words from the lips of Jehovah — Every firstling of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb; and if you will NOT redeem it, THEN YOU SHALL BREAK HIS NECK: and all the firstborn of man among your children you shall redeem.”
Now, come back with me, in thought to a supposed scene of more than three thousand years ago. Two men (a priest of God and a poor Israelite) stand in earnest conversation. Let us stand by, with their permission, to listen. The gestures of each indicate deep earnestness about some matter of importance, and it isn’t difficult to see that the subject of conversation is a little ass that stands trembling beside them.
“I am wondering,” says the poor Israelite, “if there cannot be a merciful exception made in my favour this once. This feeble little thing is the firstling of my ass, and though I know full well what the law of God says about it, I am hoping that mercy will be shown, and the ass’s life spared. I am but a poor man in Israel, and can ill afford to lose the little colt.”
“But,” answers the priest, firmly, “the law of the Lord is plain and unmistakable — ‘Every firstling of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb; and if you will NOT redeem it, THEN YOU SHALL BREAK HIS NECK.’ Where is the lamb?”
“Ah, sir, no lamb do I possess.”
“Then purchase one and return, or the ass’s neck must surely be broken. The lamb must die or the ass must die.”
“Alas? then all my hopes are crushed,” he cries, “for I am far too poor to buy a lamb.”
While this conversation proceeds, a third person joins them, and after hearing the poor man’s tale of sorrow, he turns to him and says kindly, “Be of good cheer, I can meet your need;” and thus he proceeds: “We have in our house on the hilltop yonder, one little lamb brought up at our very fireside, who is ‘without spot or blemish.’ It has never once strayed from home, and stands (and rightly so) in highest favour with all that are in the house. This lamb will I fetch.” And away he hastens up the hill. Presently you see him gently leading the fair little creature down the slope, and very soon both lamb and ass are standing side by side.
Then the lamb is bound to the altar, its blood is shed, and the fire consumes it.
The righteous priest now turns to the poor man, and says: “You can freely take home your little colt in safety — no broken neck for it now. The lamb has died in the ass’s stead and consequently the ass goes righteously free, thanks to your friend.”
Now poor troubled soul, can’t you see in this God’s own picture of a sinner’s salvation? His claims as to sin demanded a “broken neck” i.e. righteous judgment upon your guilty head, the only alternative being the death of a divinely approved substitute.
Now, you could not find the provision to meet your case; but, in the person of His beloved Son, God Himself provided the Lamb. “Behold the Lamb of God”, which takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29).
Onward to Calvary He went, “as a lamb led to the slaughter,” and there and then “He once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18). “He was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.” (Rom. 4:25). So that God does not abate one jot of His righteous, holy claims against sin when He justifies (i.e. clears from all charge of guilt) the ungodly sinner who believes in Jesus. (Romans 3:26). Blessed be God for such a Saviour, such a salvation)
Do You Believe On the Son of God?
Well, you reply, I have, as a poor condemned sinner, found in HIM one that I can safely trust. I DO believe on Him. Then I tell you, the full value of His sacrifice and death, as God estimates it, He makes as good to you as though you had accomplished it all yourself.
Oh, what a wondrous way of salvation is this! Is it not great and grand and Godlike — worthy of God Himself? The gratification of His own heart of love, the glory of His precious Son, and the salvation of a sinner, all bound up together. What a bundle of grace and glory! Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has so ordered it that His own beloved Son should do all the work and get all the praise, and that you and I, poor guilty things, believing on Him should not only get all the blessings, but enjoy the blissful company of the Blesser for ever and ever. “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.” (Ps. 34:3).
But perhaps your eager inquiry may be, “How is it that since I do really distrust self and self-work, I have not the full certainty of my salvation?” You say, “If my feelings warrant me saying that I am saved one day, they are pretty sure to blight every hope the next, and I am left like a ship storm-tossed, without any anchorage whatever.”
Ah, there lies your mistake. Did you ever hear of a captain trying to find anchorage by fastening his anchor inside the ship? Never. Always outside.
It may be that you are quite clear that it is Christ’s death alone that gives SAFETY, but you think that it is what you feel, that gives CERTAINTY.
Now, again take your Bible, for I wish to say a little about how a man gets
Before you turn to the verse which I shall ask you very carefully to look at, which speaks of how a believer is to KNOW that he has eternal life, let me quote it in the distorted way that man’s imagination often puts it. “Those happy feelings have I given unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life.” Now, open your Bible, and while you compare this with God’s blessed and unchanging Word, may He give you from your very heart to say with David, “I hate vain thoughts; but Thy law do I love.” (Ps. 119:113). The verse just misquoted is 1John 5:13 “These things have I WRITTEN unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may KNOW that YOU HAVE eternal life.”
How did the first-born sons of the thousands of Israel know for certain that they were safe the night of the Passover and Egypt’s judgment?
Let us take a visit to two of their houses and hear what they have to say.
We find in the first house we enter that they are all shivering with fear and suspense. What is the secret of all this paleness and trembling? we inquire; and the first-born son informs us that the angel of death is coming round the land, and that he is not quite certain how matters will stand with him at that solemn moment.
“When the destroying angel has passed our house,” he says, “and the night of judgment is over, I shall then know that I am safe, but I can’t see how I can be quite sure of it until then. They say they are sure of salvation next door, but we think it very presumptuous. All I can do is to spend the long dreary night hoping for the best.”
“Well,” we inquire, “but has the God of Israel not provided a way of safety for His people?”
“True,” he replies, “and we have availed ourselves of that way of escape. The blood of the spotless and unblemished first-year lamb has been duly sprinkled with the bunch of hyssop on the lintel and two side-posts, but still we are not fully assured of shelter.” Let us now leave these doubting, troubled ones, and enter next door.
What a striking contrast meets our eye at once! Joy beams on every countenance. There they stand with girded loins and staff in hand, enjoying the roasted lamb.
What can be the meaning of all this joy on such a solemn night as this? “Ah,” say they all, “we are only waiting for Jehovah’s marching orders and then we shall bid a last farewell to the task-master’s cruel lash and all the drudgery of Egypt.”
“But hold. Do not forget that this is the night of Egypt’s judgment?”
“Right well we know it; but our first-born son is safe. The blood has been sprinkled according to the wish of our God.”
“But so it has been next door,” we reply, “but they are all unhappy because all uncertain of safety.”
“Ah,” responds the first-born firmly, “but we have MORE THAN THE SPRINKLED BLOOD, WE HAVE THE UNERRING WORD OF GOD ABOUT IT.
God has said, ‘WHEN I SEE THE BLOOD I will pass over you.’ God rests satisfied with the blood outside, and we rest satisfied with His word inside.”
The sprinkled blood makes us SAFE.
The spoken word makes us SURE.
Could anything make us more safe than the sprinkled blood, or more sure than His spoken word? Nothing, nothing.
Now, reader, let me ask you a question. “Which of those two houses was the safer?”
Do you say No. 2, where all were so happy? Then you are wrong. Both are safe alike.
Their safety depends upon what God thinks about the blood outside and not upon the state of their feelings inside.
If you would be sure of your own blessing, then, dear reader, listen not to the unstable testimony of inward emotions, but to the infallible witness of the Word of God.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on Me HAS everlasting life.”
Let me give you a simple illustration from everyday life. A certain farmer in the country, not having sufficient grass for his cattle, applies for a nice piece of pasture-land which he hears is to be let near his own house. For some time he gets no answer from the landlord. One day a neighbour comes in and says, “I feel quite sure you will get that field. Don’t you recollect how that last Christmas he sent you a special present of game, and that he gave you a kind nod of recognition the other day when he drove past?” And with such words the farmer’s mind is filled with high hopes.
Next day another neighbour meets him, and in the course of conversation, he says, “I’m afraid you will stand no chance whatever of getting that grass-field. Mr. — has applied for it, and you cannot but be aware what a favourite he is with Squire — occasionally he visits with him, etc., etc.” And the poor farmer’s bright hopes are dashed to the ground and burst like soap bubbles. One day he is hoping, the next day full of perplexing doubts.
Presently the postman calls, and the farmer’s heart beats fast as he opens the letter; for he sees by the handwriting that it is from the Squire himself. See his countenance change from anxious suspense to undisguised joy as he reads and re-reads that letter.
“It’s a settled thing now,” exclaims he to his wife; “no more doubts and fears about it. The Squire says the field is mine as long as I require it, on the most easy terms. I care for no man’s opinion now. His word settles it.”
Now many a poor soul is in a like condition to the poor troubled farmer — tossed and perplexed by the opinions of men, or the thoughts and feelings of his own treacherous heart! and it is only upon receiving the Word of God as the Word of God, that certainty takes the place of doubts. When God speaks there must be certainty, whether He pronounces the damnation of the unbeliever, or the salvation of the believer.
“Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89): and to the simple hearted believer HIS WORD SETTLES ALL.
“Has He said, and shall He not do it? or has He spoken, and shall He not make it good? (Num. 23:19).
“I need no other argument,
I want no other plea.
It is enough that Jesus died –
And that He died for me.”
The believer can add –
“And that God says so.”
“But how may I be sure that I have the right kind of faith?”
Well, there can be but one answer to that question, i.e.: Have you confidence in the right person? — i.e. in the blessed Son of God? It is not a question of the amount of your faith but the trustworthiness of the person you repose your confidence in. One man takes hold of Christ, as it were, with a drowning man’s grip; another but touches the hem of His garment; but the sinner who does the former is not a bit safer than the one who does the latter. They have both made the same discovery, viz.: that while all of self is totally untrustworthy, they may safely confide in Christ, calmly rely on His word, and confidently rest in the eternal efficacy of His finished work. That is what is meant by believing on HIM. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on Me HAS everlasting life.” (John 6:47).
Make sure of it then, my reader, that your confidence is not reposed in your works of amendment, your religious observances, your pious feeling when under religious influences, your moral training from childhood, and the like. You may have the strongest faith in any or all of these and perish everlastingly. Don’t deceive yourself by any “fair show in the flesh.” The feeblest faith in Christ eternally saves, while the strongest faith in anything else is but the offspring of a deceived heart — but the leafy twigs of your enemy’s arranging over the pit of eternal perdition.
God, in the gospel, simply introduces to you the Lord Jesus Christ, and says, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” “You may,” He says, “with all confidence trust His heart though you cannot with impunity trust your own.”
“Blessed, thrice blessed Lord Jesus, who would not trust Thee and praise Thy name!”
“I do really believe on Him,” said a sad-looking soul to me one day, “But yet, when asked if I am saved, I don’t like to say Yes, for fear I should be telling a lie.” This young woman was a butcher’s daughter in a small town in the midlands. It happened to be market day, and her father had not returned from market. So I said: “Now suppose when your father comes home you ask him how many sheep he bought today, and he answers, ‘Ten.’ After a while a man comes to the shop and says, ‘How many sheep did your father buy today?’ and you reply, ‘I don’t like to say, for fear I should be telling a lie.'” “But,” said the mother (who was standing by at the time, with righteous indignation, “that would be making her father a liar.”
Now, dear reader, don’t you see that this well-meaning young woman was virtually making Christ a liar, saying, “I do believe on the Son of God, but I don’t like to say I am saved lest I should be telling a lie,” when Christ Himself has said, “he that believes on Me has everlasting life”! (John 6:47). “But, says another, “How may I be sure that I really do believe? I have tried often to believe, and looked within to see if I had got it, but the more I look at my faith the less I seem to have.”
Ah, my friend, you are looking in the wrong direction to find that out, and your trying to believe but plainly shows that you are on the wrong track. Let me give you another illustration to explain what I want to convey to you. You are sitting quietly at home one evening, when a man comes in and tells you that the stationmaster has been killed that night at the railway. Now, it happens that this man has long borne the character in the place for being a very dishonest man, and the most daring and notorious liar in the neighbourhood.
“Do you believe, or even try to believe that man?”
“Of course not,” you exclaim, “I know him too well for that.”
“But tell me how you know that you don’t believe him? Is it by looking within at your faith or feelings?”
“No,” you reply, “I think of the man that brings me the message.”
Presently, a neighbour drops in and says, “The stationmaster has been run over by a freight train tonight, and killed on the spot.” After he has left I hear you cautiously say, “Well, I partly believe it now for, to my recollection this man only once in his life deceived me, though I have known him from boyhood.”
But again, I ask, “is it by looking at your faith this time that you know that you partly believe it?”
“No,” you repeat: “I am thinking of the character of my informant.”
Well, this man has scarcely left your room before a third person enters and brings you the same sad news as the first. But this time you say, “Now, John, since you tell me, I believe it.”
Again, I press my question (which is, remember, but the re-echo of your own), “How do you KNOW that you so confidently believe your friend John?”
“Because of who and what JOHN is,” you reply. “He never has deceived me, and I don’t think he ever will.”
Well, then, just in the same way I know that I believe the gospel, viz. because of the One who brings me the news. “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His son … He that BELIEVES NOT GOD HAS MADE HIM A LIAR: because he believes not the record that God gave of His Son.” (1 John 5:9-10). “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.” (Rom. 4:3).
An anxious soul once said to a servant of Christ, “Oh sir, I can’t believe!” to which the preacher wisely and quietly replied, “Indeed, WHO is it that you can’t believe?” This broke the spell. He had been looking at faith as an indescribable something that he must feel within himself in order to be sure that he was all right for heaven; whereas faith ever looks outside to a living Person and His finished work, and quietly listens to the testimony of a faithful God about both.
It is the outside look that brings the inside peace. When a man turns his face towards the sun, his own shadow is behind him. You cannot look at self and a glorified Christ in Heaven at the same moment.
Thus we have seen that the blessed Person of God’s Son wins my confidence; HIS FINISHED WORK makes me eternally safe; GOD’S WORD about those who believe on Him makes me unalterably sure: I find in Christ and His work the way of salvation, and in the Word of God the knowledge of salvation.
But if saved, my reader may say, “How is it that I have such a fluctuating experience — so often losing all my joy and comfort, and getting as wretched and downcast as I was before my conversion?” Well, this brings us to our third point, viz.
You will find in the teaching of Scripture, that while you are saved by Christ’s work and assured by God’s word, you are maintained in comfort and joy by the Holy Spirit who indwells every saved one’s body.
Now you must bear in mind that every saved one has still within him “the flesh,” i.e. the evil nature he was born with as a natural man, and which perhaps shows itself while still a helpless infant on his mother’s lap. The Holy Spirit in the believer resists the flesh, and is grieved by every activity of it in motive, word, or deed. When he is walking “worthy of the Lord,” the Holy Spirit will be producing in his soul His blessed fruits — “love, joy, peace,” etc. (See Gal. 5:22). When he is walking in a carnal, worldly way, the Spirit is grieved, and these fruits are wanting in a greater or less measure.
Let me put it thus for you who believe on God’s Son:- Christ’s Work and Your Salvation
stand or fall together. Your Walk and Your Enjoyment
stand or fall together.
If Christ’s work could break down (and blessed be God it never, never will) your salvation would break down with it. When your walk breaks down (and be watchful, for it may) your enjoyment will break down with it.
Thus it is said of the early disciples (Acts 9:31), that they “walked in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost.”
And again in Acts 13:52 — “The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost.”
My spiritual joy will be in proportion to the spiritual character of my walk after I am saved.
Now, do you see your mistake? You have been mixing up enjoyment with your safety — two widely different things. When through self-indulgence, loss of temper, worldliness, etc. you grieved the Holy Spirit and lost your joy, you thought your safety was undermined. But again, I repeat it –
Your safety hangs upon Christ’s work FOR you. Your assurance upon God’s word TO you.
Your enjoyment, upon not grieving the Holy Spirit IN you.
When as a child of God you do anything to grieve the Holy Spirit of God, your communion with the Father and the Son is, for the time, practically suspended; and it is only when you judge yourself and confess your sins that the joy of communion is restored.
Your child has been guilty of some misdemeanor. He shows upon his countenance the evident mark that something is wrong with him. Half an hour before this he was enjoying a walk with you around the garden admiring what you admired, enjoying what you enjoyed; in other words, he was in communion with you, his feelings and sympathies were in common with yours.
But now all this is changed, and as a naughty, disobedient child, he stands in the corner, the very picture of misery.
Upon penitent confession of his wrong-doing you have assured him of forgiveness, but his pride and self-will keep him sobbing there.
Where is now the joy of half an hour ago? All gone. Why? Because communion between you and him has been interrupted.
What has become of the relationship that existed between you and your son half an hour ago? Has that gone too? Is that severed or interrupted? Surely not. His relationship depends upon his birth; his communion, upon his behaviour.
But presently he comes out of the corner with broken will and broken heart, confessing the whole thing from first to last, so that you see he hates the disobedience and naughtiness as much as you do, and you take him in your arms and cover him with kisses. His joy is restored because communion is restored.
When David sinned so grievously in the matter of Uriah’s wife, he did not say, “Restore unto me Thy salvation,” but “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.” (Psalm 51:12).
But to carry our illustration a little farther.
Supposing while your child is in the corner, there should be a cry of “House on fire!” what would become of him then? Left in the corner to be consumed with the burning, falling house? Impossible.
Very probably he would be the very first person you would carry out. Ah, yes, you know right well that the love of relationship is one thing, and the joy of communion quite another.
Now, when the believer sins, communion is for the time interrupted, and joy is lost until with a broken heart he comes to the Father in self-judgment, confessing his sins. Then, also he knows he is forgiven, for His word plainly declares that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9).
Oh, then, dear child of God, ever bear in mind these two things, that there is nothing so strong as the link of relationship; nothing so tender as the link of communion.
All the combined power and counsel of earth and hell cannot sever the former, while an impure motive or an idle word will break the latter.
If you are troubled with a cloudy half-hour, get low before God, consider your ways; and when the cause that has robbed you of your joy has been detected, bring it at once to the light, confess your sin to God your Father, and judge yourself most unsparingly for the unwatchful, careless state of soul that allowed the thief to enter unchallenged.
But never, never, NEVER, confound your safety with your joy.
Don’t imagine, however, that the judgment of God falls a whit more leniently on the believer’s sin than on the unbeliever’s. He has not two ways of dealing judicially with sin, and He could no more pass by the believer’s sin without judging it than He could pass by the sins of a rejecter of His precious Son. But there is this great difference between the two, viz. : that the believer’s sins were all known to God, and all laid upon His own provided Lamb when He hung upon the Cross at Calvary and that there and then, once and forever, the great “criminal question” of his guilt was raised and settled — judgment falling upon the blessed Substitute in the believer’s stead, “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.” (1 Peter 2:24).
The Christ-rejecter must bear his own sins in his own person in the lake of fire forever. Now, when a saved one fails, the “criminal question” of sin cannot be raised against him, the Judge Himself having settled that once for all on the cross; but the communion question is raised within him by the Holy Spirit as often as he grieves the Spirit.
Allow me, in conclusion, to give you another illustration: It is a beautiful moonlit night. The moon is at full, and shining in more than ordinary silvery brightness. A man is gazing intently down a deep, still well, where he sees the moon reflected, and remarks to a friend standing by: “How beautifully fair and round she is tonight; how quietly and majestically she rides along!” He had just finished speaking when suddenly his friend drops a small pebble into the well and he now exclaims: “Why the moon is all broken to shivers, and the fragments are shaking together in the greatest disorder.”
“What gross absurdity!” is the astonished rejoinder of his companion, “Look up man! the moon hasn’t changed one jot or tittle; it is the condition of the well that reflects her that has changed.”
Now, believer, apply this simple figure. Your heart is the well. When there is no allowance of evil, the blessed Spirit of God takes of the glories and preciousness of Christ, and reveals them to you for your comfort and joy, but the moment a wrong motive is cherished in the heart, or an idle word escapes the lips unjudged, the Holy Spirit begins to disturb the well, your happy experiences are smashed to pieces, and you are all restless and disturbed within, until in brokenness of spirit before God, you confess your sin (the disturbing thing), and thus get restored once more to the calm sweet joy of communion.
But when your heart is all unrest need I ask, Has Christ’s work changed? No, no! Then your salvation has not altered. Has God’s Word changed? Surely not. Then the certainty of your salvation has received no shock.
Then, what has changed? Why, the action of the Holy Spirit in you has changed, and instead of taking the glories of Christ and filling your heart with the sense of His worthiness, He is grieved at having to turn aside from this delightful office to fill you with the sense of your sin and unworthiness.
He takes from you your present comfort and joy until you judge and resist the evil thing that He judges and resists. When this is done, communion with God has again been restored.
The Lord make us to be increasingly jealous over ourselves, lest we “grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption” (Eph. 4:30).
Dear reader, however weak your faith maybe, rest assured of this, that the blessed One who has won your confidence will never change.
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and FOREVER” (Heb. 13:8).
The work He has accomplished will never change. “Whatsoever God does, it shall be FOREVER: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it” (Ecc. 3:14). The word He hath spoken will never change.
Thus the object of my trust, the foundation of my safety, the ground of my certainty, are alike ETERNALLY UNALTERABLE.
Once more let me ask, WHICH CLASS ARE YOU TRAVELLING? Turn your heart to God, I pray you, and answer that question to Him.
“Let God be true, but every man a liar” (Rom. 3:4).
It is a question of partaking in God’s holiness. The world has rejected the Son of God. Up to the cross it was proved that nothing could win man’s heart: he must be born again; and now, being born again, I am associated with Christ. I am going to be in the same glory as He is in, and I am going on until I get there, purifying myself as He is pure. Then I shall see Him as He is, and be like Him. The world we are naturally of has rejected the Son of God, and the associations of the believer are with a glorified Christ, awaiting till He comes to take him home. God has sanctified us to Himself by the blood of Christ.
(J N Darby, Collected Writings NS vol. 31 p177)
Golden Nugget Number 362
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
This is the Table of Contents at Section and Chapter Level
Page numbers refer to the pages in the printed edition. They are not relevant to this website.
For a more detailed table of Contents Please go to Subheading Level
This book is in six sections:
Section 1: A Prophetic Timeline – from the Rapture to the New Heaven and New Earth
Section 2: A summary of Darby’s prophetic thought, the dispensations, and the differences as to what applies to the Church, to Israel and the ‘Nations’, the distinction between the Rapture and the Appearing, the Resurrection of the Living and the Resurrection of the Dead, what proceeds in heaven and what on earth, the judgement seat of Christ and the Great White Throne and the thousand-year Millennium and the eternal state.
Section 3: John Nelson Darby – the man and his ministry
Section 4: Summaries of eleven lectures on the ‘Present Hope of the Church of God’. J N Darby, Geneva 1840.
Section 5 – Summaries of other papers on prophecy by J N Darby, including his Prophetic Map.
Section 6 – Glossary of prophetic terms, bibliography, and other references.
‘After These Things’ Chapter 3.1 Darby and his Ministry
From our book ‘After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy – and more…’ Compiled by Daniel Roberts. For more about this book click on the picture or CLICK HERE
In this part, we cover:
Who was Darby and why you should know more about his ministry?
John Nelson Darby – Biographical Note of a True Churchman
The Beliefs of Darby and the ‘Brethren’ – From a letter to the editor of ‘Le Fraançais’)
Who was Darby and why you should know more about his ministry?
John Nelson Darby (1800-82), otherwise known as J N Darby or simply JND, had a significant influence on evangelical Christendom in the nineteenth century. God used him to bring back Evangelical Christians of all persuasions to the truth as presented by Paul and the other Apostles.
What made John Nelson Darby’s Teaching on the Church and its Hope so Special?
J N Darby looked at the sects, the human organisation, and the quenching of the Holy Spirit throughout Christendom, and concluded that the public church was in ruins.
Specifically, he brought Christians back to appreciate the Lord’s immediate coming to Rapture His saints (See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), the church as Christ’s heavenly bride, the public ruin of Christendom, the way out of the ruin for true believers and the position of Israel.JND perceived the truth of Christ as the Head in heaven, with His body here, the church heavenly in origin and destiny, perfectly united in the sight of God, and its hope of being with Him at the imminent (pre-millennial) Rapture. Pre-tribulation (pre-trib) Christians have come to know him as ‘the father of dispensational theology’. Such a label would have horrified him. As his epitaph says ‘Unknown, yet well known.’
He demonstrated how the public Christian Church had degenerated in worldliness, tolerating moral evil and, false doctrines and sectarian fragmentation, overriding the Lord’s words, ‘That they may be one’, (John 17:21) and His command to ‘love one another‘ (John 13:34). Church unity cannot be achieved by human compromise and confederacy. Reforming and rebuilding are futile. Christians must look to the Lord Himself, giving Him His place, by the Holy Spirit, going forth to him without the camp, and being not of the world (John 17:14).