The Irrationalism of Infidelity – Why Do Men Die?

Death brings fear, and extends its power and gloom over man in spite of his folly and indifference in denying the Saviour. Despite his conscience, man can hide death from his heart, till he meets God.

If God created man in His own image, why does he die?

Everyone knows that man is mortal.  The unbeliever would argue that it is constituted to be so for humans and for animals, and must always have been.  But could not God have sustained it?   All things subsist by Him.

One thing is certain:  some dire and ruinous confusion has come in; the world is full of misery and violence.  This must be due to either a hard-hearted, unintelligible deity, or to a desolated, ruined and sinful world.

Death brings fear, and extends its power and gloom over man in spite of his folly and indifference in denying the Saviour.   Despite his conscience, man can hide death from his heart, till he meets God.

Man was created in the image of God.  Scripture tells us that by sin … death passed upon all men (Rom 5:12).  Man has become like the animals that perish (See Psalm 49:12).   Death could not have come upon animals; dead animals are in ancient fossil remains.  But man was special.

Based on J N Darby  – The Irrationalism of Infidelity – THE ENTRANCE OF DEATH.  For original click here.

The Irrationalism of Infidelity – The Fall of Man and its Effect

By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned

The_Fall_of_Man-1616-Hendrik_GoltziusObjection:  The thought of the fall of man, or original sin, is totally irrational.  Evolution shows that people die, just like the animals.  And there is good in everybody.

Answer:  Paul wrote, “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Rom. 5:12).

We are taught, and accept by faith, that when man was created, God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, a thing never said of animals.  Death was to be the result of failure to obey God’s word.   Beasts are described as perishing beings — “The beasts that perish.” (Ps. 49:20) Peter says, “Natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed.” (2 Peter 2:12).

Darby makes an interesting observation:  God does not answer our curiosity as to the condition of the animals prior to the fall or man.  We are told that the creature has got into misery and ruin by our fall, and will not be restored till we are manifested in glory; and this is true even of our bodies.  This is morally important for us to know, so that we might be humbled by the way in which man has dragged the animal creation with him.  Things will be restored; our glory would be the occasion of the restoration of blessing for all creation.  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. (Rom. 8:22

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