J N Darby – French Letter No. 116 – An Opened Door

Dublin – January 1878

To Mr P

J N Darby
John Nelson Darby

Very dear Brother,

My voyage to the West Indies, and the excess of work during my short visit in London, have interrupted our correspondence and have hindered my writing to you. You will be surprised to learn that it is only now that I only just read your letter. As it was addressed to Mr McA, I thought that it was news of New York, of which I already had enough, and it was only when I wanted to write to him on leaving London that the mistake has come to light.

For the moment, I am in Ireland, but in several days, I depart for Germany; then, God willing, for Switzerland, France, Italy, where the work extends and where several labourers have been raised up by God.

I hope to see a few of our friends in the South of France[7], but this will be a bit later, and I would very much like to recover a bit beforehand. The Lord has been with me, and the Word still has more clarity and power for my soul; not in knowing new truths, but what had been vague and beclouded has become distinct and clear; only I would like a little peace and to make acquaintance with a lot of new brethren, the number having greatly increased. There are now three hundred meetings more or less in England; more than thirty in London and in the working class outskirts, not to speak of Ireland and Scotland where the number of them has greatly increased. It is impossible to follow it in detail, this casts us more on the Lord who alone can keep them (which is always true), and this in the midst of more snares and errors than ever. What a consolation to know that He loves His own, feeds them, cherishes them, and that He takes care of them. There is my consolation. He alone can do it, and He does it with a love which greatly surpasses all our poor thoughts.

But evil rises on all sides. Popery, heresies, unbelief, all the ripples which mark the power of the enemy, arise and roar around us, only the Lord is more powerful than all. The efforts of the enemy cause despair to gain momentum. The Lord’s silence demonstrated the calm of His power. But here He speaks.   As He has said to Philadelphia[8], He has the key of David. He sets before His own an opened door which no-one can shut, and one sees it, for the gospel is preached as it never has been, and the testimony to the truth spreads itself. But everything is getting ready for the end. It seems to me that the Lord allows unbelief as a counterweight to Popery, for Protestantism is no longer that at all.

In the midst of these floods, I find a very sweet peace; we have received a kingdom not to be shaken[9]. Never has there been such sobriety, or desire to hear the Word. The time is short; let us seek to wait for the Lord, and to serve Him until He come.

… (See 116A)

Salute the brethren. God knows if at my age I will be able to see them again. In the end, I seek as I have sought their good before God, and He is One who never leaves them. May He keep them in His grace near to Him. Peace be to you.

Yours ever affectionately

[1] in Illinois

[2] B F Pinkerton from Springfield, IL who went as a missionary to Syria, Egypt, and Palestine.

[3] see Note 24 to Letter No 13

[4] Le Midi – see Letter 105

[5] JND’s letter in Letters vol 3 p389 shows this to be Halifax, Nova Scotia

[6] Jude 3

[7] Le Midi – see Letter 105

[8] Rev 3: 7-8

[9] Heb 12: 28

[10] 2 Cor 4: 10

[11] 2 Cor 5: 15-17


Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.

What would happen if Somebody from Thyatira left that Company and tried to Break Bread in Philadelphia

A letter written by Charles Coates

charles-coates… The question is raised by you as to whether the breach of 1908 was not caused by some misunderstanding. It appears that it is still your conviction that it was so. I would most gladly do anything possible to remove misunderstandings.

You say, I do not see disorder if, say, a saint in Laodicea or Thyatira, feeling the condition of things, and having read the instructions of 2 Timothy 2, withdrew and was received at Philadelphia. I cannot see that Philadelphia would be interfering with the Lord’s prerogative in receiving such a one.

If such a one had gone to Philadelphia it seems to me very probable that the brethren would have said something like this to him:

Dear brother,

We are deeply interested in you, as being of the assembly in Thyatira, for we love the brethren everywhere, and we feel a special care for those who are comparatively near to us, as you are. We are conscious that the spiritual power we have is only little, but this makes us desirous of clinging tenaciously to every intimation of the Lord’s mind that we can gather from His word. And we should like to put before you what we have learned from Him.

For a long time we have had a copy of a letter written by the apostle Paul, and we recognise that the things he wrote are the Lord’s commandment to us. We have gathered from that letter that assembly exercises are to be taken up and worked out in each locality where the saints are found, for not only was it addressed to ‘the assembly of God *which is in Corinth*’, but to ‘all that *in every place* call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’. This has taught us to recognise the assembly of God as in local responsibility in each place where saints are found, and that ‘in every place’ the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ can be called on as One who is available to direct His saints, and to adjust them locally. Indeed we count it a most precious privilege that we can thus refer directly to the Lord in our own locality, and obtain His grace and help in seeking to keep His word and not to deny His Name. We thankfully own that we are set in Philadelphia in responsibility to maintain here all that is due to the Lord, and also to avail ourselves of all the resources and sufficiency that is in Him for us. We feel it to be a great privilege that in our local exercises we have not to look to our brethren in Sardis or Smyrna, but directly to our beloved and only, Lord. We have proved His grace and faithfulness and sufficiency in our local needs, and we earnestly and affectionately entreat you not to call upon us, who are of another assembly, but to call upon the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ that He may show you His mind and act for you in the locality in which He has set you.

We may say, further, that we have just recently received from Patmos a copy of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him, and we have been intensely interested in John’s letters to the seven assemblies in this district. These have greatly confirmed us in what we had previously gathered from Paul. We have been greatly comforted by having a direct communication from the Lord to us locally. It has given us the sweetest sense of His love and concern, not only for the assembly universally, but for His saints in each local assembly. This is exceedingly precious to us, and we earnestly desire that you should prove the value of it in your own locality. We know something of your exercises, for we have read the epistle to the angel of the assembly in Thyatira, and it encouraged us much to know that the Lord was taking direct account of you in your locality even as He did of us in ours. We counsel you to attend to what He says. He is addressing you in your local responsibility, and your blessing will lie in owning this, and in obtaining His grace to answer to His mind.

As to what you say about withdrawing from the assembly in Thyatira, we do not understand what you mean. Are you not one of those of whom the Lord has spoken as the assembly in Thyatira? This is how *He* regards you, and therefore how *we* regard you. We could understand your having to withdraw from iniquity, and to purify yourself from vessels to dishonour, for we, too, have read Paul’s second letter to Timothy. But we believe it to be impossible for you to withdraw from the assembly in Thyatira so long as you are resident there. The Lord is unquestionably addressing you *there*, and though we have observed with sorrow that there is much in the assembly there of which He does not approve we have also noted that there are some exercised souls there whom He has addressed as ‘the rest who are in Thyatira’. Why cannot you take up your exercises with them?

If you have not been able to get on happily together with them you need the Lord’s grace locally to enable you to do so. He wants you to recognise His voice, and to obtain His grace for the adjustment of your local differences. We are ready to help you in every spiritual way that is in our power, but we believe the greatest help we can give you is to exhort you to be cast upon the Lord that you may prove His sufficiency in your own locality where He addresses you. He has reserved to Himself the authority to adjust and regulate things amongst you at Thyatira; He has not committed any charge as to this to us. We believe it to be your great privilege to recognise His direct authority where you are, and to obtain His personal direction and grace for every difficulty and exercise in regard to your walking together there. We believe it to be His holy and perfect ordering that it should be so.

Are you not prepared to accept that the above is according to Scripture? Then why accept another kind of action which is not at all in accord with it? If there is a divine order, that which is not consistent with it must be disorder. To acknowledge that there is a divine principle which should govern our action, and in practice to go contrary to it, is a course which I find it difficult to understand.

With love and greetings in our Lord, on behalf of your brethren in Philadelphia

Your brother  X.


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