The Irrationalism of Infidelity – Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac

Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac is not presented as a rule of morality nor of conduct in any way, but as a special case in which Abraham’s faith was put to the test. There is no kind of analogy with “those who sacrificed their children to Moloch.”* Jer. 32:35. In their horrid barbarity, they sought to assuage their consciences to placate their vengeful god.

The Sacrifice of IsaacObjection:  Abraham’s preparedness to sacrifice Isaac in Genesis 22, makes him no different from idolaters of the worst kind – practicing human sacrifice.

Answer:  Abraham’s sacrificial act was a rule of morality nor of conduct in any way, but as a special case in which  God put Abraham’s faith to the test.   There is no kind of analogy with “those who sacrificed their children to Moloch.”* Jer. 32:35.   In their horrid barbarity, they sought to assuage their consciences to placate their vengeful god.

In Abraham’s case it was different.   God had placed the promises in Isaac.   In Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac,  he was now tested, to show that he had such confidence in God, that he would give up all the promises he possessed and obey God implicitly, whatever the cost.  When this was proved, God would not suffer Isaac to be touched.

According to Hebrews 11:8-12 Abraham believed that God would somehow raise up Isaac again, in order to accomplish His promises.

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