Rochdale – 27th June 1861
To Mr B
Beloved Brother
I have no regret at all that the brethren have recognised their faults in their manner of acting. This often gives to the heart more confidence to act and to serve the Lord. I hope that now that the assembly will go on in peace and seek again the blessing of the Lord. The fruits of righteousness are sown in peace[24]. I have not thought of concerning myself in this moment, unless by my prayers, with the walk of the assembly in X. There are times when one must leave the Lord to act. I hope that His grace will lead these sisters to recognise their faults and even more that the assembly should walk in piety – with that piety which flows from true communion. I believe that at this time this is the important thing. Piety with humility gives a solid judgment, it waits on the Lord, jealous of His glory; it seeks to do His will and not to say: ‘You are wrong and I am right’ – for then it is the ‘you’ and the ‘I’ which enjoy the greater part – but it says: “What wilt thou, Lord, that I should do?[25]” Moreover, while one is not in this state of soul, it is impossible to walk well. To restore souls, so that these souls, so precious to the Lord, glorify Him, that is our great concern. It is not that the state of the assembly does not interest me livingly, quite the contrary. If I was staying longer in France, I would love to have made a journey to X. It is there essentially that the work commenced in the South, when G was established there; there were only four women then, old dissidents; but for the moment, I do not see any direct action where others are acting, able to serve what might be for the blessing of the assembly. I wait rather for the action of God Himself. They are Christians on one side and the other, and I hope that grace will take the place in their hearts.
As to Italy, this is where I am. When the work commenced in F[26], certain people were involved with it, then the Italians, following the malicious proposal from Geneva, had a true fear of the name of Plymouth Brethren. Then I felt that I could not work with these people, and that to raise these questions would have been cruel to these new souls. I therefore only committed the thing to God but, with patience, the time for action for us, and that of testimony to God, comes if one waits on Him. One wearies of evil and what is of man, when one has a true desire for Christ. I believe that although it may be a small beginning that begins to dawn in Italy this time, but it is still necessary, not to say always, to wait on God. One cannot do other than answer to the needs of faith. It is not like a first evangelisation, but I believe these needs begin to be produced. And I am assured that our good and faithful Master, that the God of grace will come to meet these needs. I am assured of it. Our brother O is going there for his health; perhaps he will be able to be useful, in spite of his bodily state? God knows. Whatever it may be, I believe that God will act. Here even, I believe that the neutral party is decadent. It flourishes in one or two places where worldly Christians need something of this sort, but mixed with much worldliness. In general, however, one sees that it breaks down. They do not have God’s power, either, even when their system flourishes outwardly, souls which have need of Christ leave them and come among the brethren. They seek to sustain themselves by the activity of awakening, but the work is not deep.
There are numerous conversions on all sides, with a certain excitement. Some of our brethren who are active in this movement are deceived in their hopes, counting the conversions too quickly, and this creates a certain evil, but in spite of this, there is much good. The work is a bit superficial, but there are very numerous real conversions. This requires pastoral care, for the meetings grow enormously, and these new souls have need to be confirmed. This is my special work at this time, and although I long a bit after evangelisation (which I am occupied with however at the same time), I am very happy in the work. In general, the brethren go on in life, waiting on the Lord; if it were not a matter of the increase in numbers, we would be in a more flourishing state, but I believe that by God’s goodness there is more good than that. In weakness, no doubt, but the brethren experience the goodness of God. In Ireland, things are good.
Take courage, dear brother; we have to work for a little time, but with a power which is not ours and which suffices for all, under the eye of, and encouraged by the goodness of Him whose love we will never lack. Count on Him, abide in Him, feed yourself on Him – work with all patience according to the power He gives you, and be strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory[27].
Greet your wife on my behalf. Greet all the assembly cordially. May God give them to nourish themselves on the Lord, and to seek piety and His communion.
As I am travelling, I have not taken your last letter with me; if this contains something important, I will write from London.
Your very affectionate brother
Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.