J N Darby – French Letter No. 120 – In the Charente

J N Darby
John Nelson Darby

Pau – March 1879

To Mr P

Very dear Brother,

You must not be surprised if I have taken so long to answer your letter, not only because I have not a moment to myself, but sometimes my head can hold no more; but, thank God, our work advances, I hope. The majority of the Bible is translated, and I hope with a care which will leave only little to be desired: not that I am content – I am rarely content; there are passages which embarrass everybody, but the reader will hardly notice it.

We were all with you in your illness; I fear that you also lacked care. As for me, I can testify that our good friends in Nivernais[14] and the Dauphiné[15] that they all were, and still are, disposed to do all that they could, and all that the most brotherly hospitality could suggest; I will always remember it with much recognition and affection.

We have had a very good conference here; the brethren happy together, and I fully hope that, by grace, effects will be retained in the work which is done around us.

In la Charante[16], things go on well, with conversions among the Roman Catholics.

In la Haute-Loire also there has been blessing. In Italy it seems that the work is, although slowly, making progress.

There is in France quite a general movement in the spirits of the Catholics to hear the Word; it is a drop of water if one takes account of the number, but this has not been at all for some years.

I write these things to you because I think that you like to have some news of this country. God acts in the world. We have His Word – what grace! – We have His Spirit – what grace again! The earnest of a grace yet better, His eternal presence; holy and blameless before Him in love[17], like Christ and with Christ; what more could one desire! And it is revealed to us now; He sheds abroad His love in our hearts[18]. We have everything except the glory itself, but still in an earthen vessel; only the veil becomes thinner and thinner. Soon there will be no obstacle, but the exercises here below are the opportunity for much tender solicitude of love. He never fails.

Mr and Mrs S are very poor in health, but He makes everything work together for those who love Him[19].

Peace be to you, dear brother, and may God lead you and keep you.

In Europe, the winter has been harsh and everywhere there is distress as to temporal things. Here we have rain, storms and floods. I have suffered from lumbago and I hobble a bit, but I am always working.

Salute the brethren.

Yours ever affectionately in Jesus

purchasing power.

[11] Rome, GA was founded in 1834 ; badly affected by the Civil War, the population would have been around 3,000 when this letter was written.

[12] Presumably Lord A Cecil

[13] Phil 3:13

Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.

Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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