For Christians in Perilous Times waiting for Jesus’ Call at the Rapture

The Things which shall be Hereafter (Rev 1:19)  –  The Rapture

The next event for us is the rapture. It could be at any time – today even – and applies only to the church. Because of that, there is no reference to it in the Old Testament. In scripture, the in Greek word ἁρπαγησόμεθα/harpagēsometha/Strong 726 in 1Thess 4:17. Is translated ‘caught up’. The word ‘rapture’ is a noun with the same meaning.

We should ask why is the rapture so little understood, or even accepted amongst many sincere Christians? This scripture in 1 Thess 14:13-18 is very clear:

A few weeks ago I was talking to some of my younger Christian friends regarding the various things which had happened and were yet to happen.  They had little problem with the history – creation, the fall, the flood, the Exodus, Moses receiving the law,  David, the captivity, the birth of Christ, His death and resurrection, Pentecost etc., but they had real problems with what is to come.  I thought therefore in this and a few coming letters to look at these future events so that we might be sure where we are in relation to them.


The Rapture

new-jerusalem-2sThe next event for us is the rapture.  It could be at any time – today even – and applies only to the church.  Because of that, there is no reference to it in the Old Testament.  In scripture, the in Greek word ἁρπαγησόμεθα/harpagēsometha/Strong 726 in 1Thess 4:17. Is translated  ‘caught up’.  The word ‘rapture’ is a noun with the same meaning.

We should ask why is the rapture so little understood, or even accepted amongst many sincere Christians?  This scripture in 1 Thess 14:13-18 is very clear: ‘But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them [Darby – are in no way to anticipate those] which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words’.  Look at a few phrases ‘the dead in Christ shall rise first’ – that encompasses all those who have been ransomed by His blood from creation onwards.  Whether we who are alive now will be taken before the rapture, none of us knows.  Paul referred to ‘we, the living’, as if he thought it would be within his lifetime.  Of course we know it was not, but he was looking forward to the Lord’s coming – we should be too.[1]

Paul also says, ‘we shall ever be with the Lord’ (v.17), and ‘them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him’.  Now when Jesus comes (the public second coming, often referred to in scripture as ‘the appearing’) the dead in Christ will be with Him – and so will be those lovers of the Lord who were alive at the rapture.  Also, ‘When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory’ (Col 3:4).  Clearly, we could not come with Him, if we were still on the earth.

The church is heavenly entity: she belongs to Christ in heaven, and her hope and glory is Christ Himself.  She looks forward to and His return to take up His rights.   Therefore the church has nothing to do with the course of events of the earth.  This makes its rapture and return with Christ so simple and clear, as we see from Col 3:4, ‘When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.’ [2]

1 Cor 15:51-52 is another scripture which describes the rapture: ‘We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. ’  From this we can deduce that there will be a rallying trumpet, the whole event will be very quick, and our bodies will be changed.  The latter is also referred to in  Rom 8:23waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body’.

When the Lord was discoursing with his disciples immediately prior to the crucifixion, He tells them that a place was being prepared for the saints to be with Him, where He is.  ‘I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.’ (John 14:2-3).


  • The rapture will be sudden
  • No one knows when the rapture will be
  • The rapture will be private
  • At the rapture there will be a voice (or trumpet sound) which only Christians will hear
  • At the rapture the Lord will not come quite to the earth – just to the air
  • The rapture will affect people, whether raptured or left here: the world carries on
  • At the rapture bodies will be changed

The question often arises as to what the effect of the saints being taken will be.  Suddenly millions of people will just vanish!  Hal Lindsey, who awakened many Christians to the rapture in the 1970’s in a popular book ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’, said that there would be confusion.  I doubt it.   Christians who are ‘not of the world’ will not be missed.  Writing about future events in his second epistle to the Thessalonians Paul said, ‘God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie’ (2 Thess 2:11).  The Antichrist will conjure up a satisfactory credible explanation which will be accepted universally.


The Rapture and the Appearing

We must not confuse the second coming with the rapture.  At the rapture the Lord comes to the atmosphere immediately above the earth.  At the appearing He comes to the earth. Here are some differences between the rapture and the appearing:


No one knows when it will be It will be 7 years after the rapture
It will be private It will be very public
The Lord comes to the air The Lord comes to the earth
He comes FOR His saints He comes WITH His saints
It is followed by the great tribulation[3] It is followed by the millennium
He is the Bridegroom He is the King
He is the Morning Star He is the Sun of Righteousness
It is for the Church It is not for the Church
There is little in prophecy There is much in prophecy
The world will carry on Christ will reign
The man of sin will be revealed Satan will be bound
There will be the judgment seat of Christ[3] The world will be judged
People will be translated Nobody will be translated
People will believe a lie The truth will be acknowledged


Two Resurrections

Something else many Christians do not realise is the fact there will be two resurrections.  The Old Testament did not distinguish between the two.  John made the distinction very clear.  When the Lord was here, He said ‘all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation’ (John 5:28-29).   Also in Revelation, ‘Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power’ (Rev 20:6).  The second death is to the Great White Throne – the resurrection of the dead for judgment[3].

The first resurrection (the resurrection of the just) is primarily at the rapture.  J N Darby says that it will be the consummation of our happiness[4].  Having given life to our souls, He will give life to our glorified bodies.

Satan is the author of this confusion.  He does not want Christians to burn with anticipation of the Lord’s immediate coming.  He certainly does not want us saying ‘Come Lord Jesus’ (Rev 22:20).

Dear Christian friends, may we keep near Him, and be assured as to the immediacy of His return.




December 2016


[1] See ‘ADOSS – The Lord is Coming Very Soon’

[2] Note that this is distinct from the individuals who, though not of this world have to do with things here.

[3] This will be addressed in a later note, God willing.

[4] Lecture 4 on ‘The Hopes of the Church of God’, summarised by ADOSS asThe First Resurrection – or The Resurrection of the Just’


See other references in ADOSS:


The Woman at the Well

What is this gift, and the Giver?

The gift – a well of living water – the Holy Spirit
The Giver – Christ.
It is not a pool, which, even if full now, can dry up. It is a fountain which can never dry up. The believer has it in himself, and he has for ever. But first the believer must first get to know the Giver.

A short summary of a preaching by J. N. Darby entitled  ‘The Woman of Samaria’ – Collected Writings volume 12 (Evangelical 1) p. 1..  Click on link for original.

This was the first of series of thirteen preachings. Unlike his wrigins, the preachings are much easier to follow – so – if you have time, read the original.

John 4:1-26

John 4Three chapters in John’s gospel speak of the effects and operations of the Spirit of God.

  • John 3: New birth – the power and efficacy of the Holy Spirit in giving life
  • John 4: The Well – a well of water springing up into everlasting life
  • John 7: Rivers of living water – the internal effect of the indwelling Spirit

The Lord Jesus Christ is the giver of the Holy Spirit to them that believe.   As sinners, we have no relationship with God – that relationship had been lost forever.  However, because of Christ’s sacrifice and intercession, it has been restored for the believer.  All our blessings are through Him.   He died for our sins, and rose again.  He was made ‘sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him’ (2 Cor 5:21).  The knowledge of God’s righteousness is by the Spirit.  Knowing it we can share in God’s happiness, having fellowship with the Father and unhindered communion with God.  This is the gift of God: there is no other way

The Pharisees were jealous because Jesus was making more disciples than John. In order to follow peace with all men, Jesus left Judea for Galilee, passing through Samaria on the way.  It had been a long journey and He was weary, so He sat down by a well to recover His strength.  It was not just that journey, He had left His home of glory and of blessedness, and come down to this weary, sinful world.   There everything around would make Him weary – sin, hatred, ingratitude, ill-will, open opposition, and toil.  However, He was never weary of love.

So what do we find?  The Lord of glory, the Son of the Eternal God, sitting alone with a wicked sinner by a well, asking her for a drink of cold water – the humblest request possible.  He was to settle the great question of eternity with her, showing her what she was herself, and telling her who He was.   In love the Lord is still humbly asking people for a drink – that is, to be reconciled – ‘We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God’ (2 Cor 5:20).

Among the Jews it was considered obnoxious to have anything to do with the Samaritans, let alone to be beholden to them for a favour.  Despite what the woman asked, the Lord did not enter into argument about the prejudices of the Jews, but focused instead on her salvation.  So He says, ‘If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith unto thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water’ (v. 10).  Her carnal mind could not take that in, it just did not mean anything to her, and it does not mean anything to people now: divine things appear stupid and valueless.  Nor did she know the Giver.  She said, ‘Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?’ (v. 11).

So what is this gift, and the Giver?

  • The gift – a well of living water – the Holy Spirit
  • The Giver – Christ.

It is not a pool, which, even if full now, can dry up.  It is a fountain which can never dry up.   The believer has it in himself, and he has for ever.  But first the believer must first get to know the Giver.

The woman was occupied with her worldly duties and pursuits, and could not rise to anything higher.  Satan uses these mundane things (even a waterpot) to keep souls from Christ.   Dear reader, is there any waterpot which is keeping you from knowing Christ, and seeing His great salvation?  It may be harmless, innocent or even praiseworthy – your family, your job or your pastimes.

Now, all of a sudden, the woman realised that there was something in what the Lord had been saying.  She said, ‘Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw’ (v.15).  Though she was still thinking naturally, and may even been sceptical, the Lord persevered with her in love.  The Lord is always patient: He never gets weary when it comes to souls.   He says ‘Go, call thy husband’, and follows this up with ‘Thou hast well said, I have no husband: for thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband’ (v. 16-18).  In effect, He showed her that she did not realise the wretched, ruinous state she was in.   Her conscience vibrated.   In the presence of One who was acquainted with the hidden recesses of her heart, she was stripped of her self-disguise.  She had never really believed that she was a sinner.  Now she knew that she was, like the man who came into the assembly in 1 Cor 14:24, ‘He is convinced of all, he is judged of all; and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.’

There was some discussion as to the Lord’s being a prophet, and the arguments as to where one should worship.  The Lord bore with this.  But she was in the process of leaving her waterpot and coming to know the Saviour.  She even appeared to be looking forward to His (the Messiah’s) coming.  The Spirit lead her to say, ‘I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ; when he is come, he will tell us all things’. Jesus’ reply, ‘I that speak unto thee am he’ (v. 25-26).

The woman had wanted water and had come with her waterpot.  Now she had a well of water and had left her waterpot.   Christ had revealed Himself to her soul; the Messiah’s glory was now her aim and end.  She knew Him, not from hearsay but personally, and immediately she preached Him to others.  ‘Come, see a man that told me all that ever I did: is not this the Christ’ (v. 29).  A total revolution had taken place.

It is a process in which we are taken out of a former position, as strangers, even enemies, and are introduced to a new position, where we are brought near to God.  We no longer have a worldly but a heavenly portion – Christ’s portion.  The Spirit shows us that our new life is the life of Christ.  In fact, we are in the same position as Christ Himself!

The world’s wealth, power and distinction now has little value to us.  We find no wealth but in Christ; we find no power but by Christ; we have no distinction but from Christ.  Our joy is full.  We have a fresh spring, drawing from the Lord of glory, giving us fellowship with millions of others who have had the same experience with the Lord, and who have received the Holy Spirit.

Dear reader, how is it with your soul?  Have you asked for the living water?  Is there this well within you?  Do you have it yourself, or you relying on others? – that will not do.  Now, if you have it, what practical influence has it had?  Are you separated from the world, and separated to God?  Do you think about your high calling? – heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ!  (See Rom 8:17)  Are you imitating Him?  He was ‘holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners’ (Heb 7:26).   Are you?

Do you have this spring, this well of water?  If not, you do not yet know the gift of God.  if you have not got it in you, you’ve got nothing.  Don’t deceive yourself, nothing else will do.  When temptation, trial, or affliction comes, your pool will be dried up without any resource – a useless pool without a spring,


Summary by Sosthenes

November 2016

Man in God’s Image and Likeness

In this creation, man had the capability of voluntary thought, which put him into a position of responsibility. He could therefore obey or disobey. We know that he disobeyed, and the motivation was not the fruit, but ‘self’. The fall was total: man gave up God. In new creation it is different, man now has the knowledge of what God is, having been created ‘in righteousness and holiness of truth’ (Eph 4:24). We have a powerful, intimate relationship in communion with God, by the Holy Spirit. We have been redeemed.


A summary of J N Darby’s note on ‘Image and Likeness’ – Notes & Comments vol 1 p 178.

In Genesis 1 God created man in His image.  The Greek word used, according to Strong (1503) is εἰκών/eikṓn – a mirror-like, high-definition representation, very close in resemblance.  The word is used for ‘statue’.  See 1 Cor 11:7 , ‘a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God’ and other scriptures.

This is different from chapter 2 which concerns man’s relationship to God – like offspring (γένος/genos – Strong 1085) – see Acts 17:29we are the offspring of God’.

In this creation, man had the capability of voluntary thought, which put him into a position of responsibility.  He could therefore obey or disobey.  We know that he disobeyed, and the motivation was not the fruit, but ‘self’.  The fall was total: man gave up God.

Christ, the second Adam, gave up any thought of His own will – He did not use His liberty or power for His will.  He came to obey ‘Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.’( Heb 10:7 and Ps 40:7-8).  He renounced self.  In the midst of ruin, He bound the strong man, whereas in the place of blessing, Adam succumbed.  He bore the abandonment, into which man had voluntarily run, to his eternal ruin.

In new creation it is different, man now has the knowledge of what God is, having been created ‘in righteousness and holiness of truth’ (Eph 4:24).  We have a powerful, intimate relationship in communion with God, by the Holy Spirit.  We have been redeemed.  Because of the Lord’s perfect work of grace, we have been brought back, restored and reconciled to God. What a wondrous thing is redemption!



November 2016




What did John Nelson Darby and the Brethren hold?

Darby and the brethren held to all the fundamentals of the Christian faith:

There is one God, eternally blessed – Father, Son and Holy Spirit,.
The Lord Jesus was and is human and divine. He was born of a virgin and was raised from the dead and is now glorified at the right hand of God.
The Holy Spirit, having descended on the day of Pentecost, dwells in believers who are waiting for the promised return of the Lord Jesus.
The Father in His love has sent the Son to accomplish the work of redemption and grace towards men. Jesus, the Son, finished the work on earth which the Father gave Him to do. He made propitiation for our sins, and ascended into heaven. Now He is the great High Priest, seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
As to the brethren, nobody would be received into fellowship who denied any of these fundamental truths, and any who undermined them would be excommunicated. They are essential to living faith and salvation, and to the life which all Christians live as born of God.

‘After These Things’ Chapter 3.3 What did John Nelson Darby and the Brethren hold?

From our book ‘After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy – and more…’ Compiled by Daniel Roberts. For more about this book click on the picture or CLICK HERE


lefrancaisA summary by Sosthenes of a letter entitled ‘ A letter to the Editor of Le Français’ – published in J N D’s letters Volume 2 page 431.



3.3 The Beliefs of Darby and the ‘Brethren’

Darby’s Reply to ‘Le Français’

Darby’s early Christian Days

The Public Church

The Fall of the early Church

What the Faithful should understand

The early Brethren

The Brethren’s Walk




What did John Nelson Darby and the Brethren hold?

The following is a summary of a letter entitled A letter to the Editor of Le Français’ – published in J N D’s Letters Volume 2 page 431.

In 1878 the editor of ‘Le Français’, a catholic newspaper wrote to J N Darby asking him about what he and the brethren held.  Although he did not like writing articles for newspapers, believing that they were not compatible with the Christian’s heavenly calling, Darby said, ‘I have given him in all simplicity what he asked for. He avowed himself a Catholic and devoted to Catholicism. His letter was simple and honest: I replied to him as a Christian.’

Darby’s Reply to ‘Le Français’

Darby and the brethren held to all the fundamentals of the Christian faith:

  1. There is one God, eternally blessed – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. The Lord Jesus was and is human and divine. He was born of a virgin. Having made propitiation for our sins, He was raised from the dead and is now glorified the great High Priest, seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
  3. The Holy Spirit, having descended on the day of Pentecost, dwells in believers who are waiting for the promised return of the Lord Jesus.

Darby’s early Christian Days

Following his accident (see Chapter 3.2 above), God gave him to understand that he was in Christ, united to Him by the Holy Spirit.  Though he had always accepted that the word of God was the absolute authority as to faith and practice, God had now implanted in his heart the conviction of it.  Scriptures which bore on that were:

  • At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you’ (John 14:20)
  • He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit’ (1 Corinthians  6:17)
  • Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost who is in you’ (1 Corinthians  6:19)
  • There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:1)
  • I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also’ (John 14:3)
  • Having believed, ye have been sealed for the day of redemption’ (Ephesians 1:13)
  • For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body’ (1 Corinthians  12:13)
  • Even when we were dead in sins, he hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)’ ( 2:5)
  • Our citizenship is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, who shall transform our body of humiliation into conformity to his body of glory’ (Phil 3:20-21)

From the above scriptures, he deduced that the Holy Spirit had given us as believers the full assurance of salvation.  We have been set apart from this world, sealed to do God’s will here.  We are citizens of another world, awaiting the return of our Lord and Saviour.

The body of Christ is composed of those who are united by the Holy Spirit to the Head – Christ in heaven.  We are seated in the heavenly places in Christ, and are already there in spirit, just waiting to be taken there, our bodies changed.

The Public Church

This brings us to the thought of the church and of its unity.

Let us look around!  We see how far we as Christians have got from what God had set up on the earth.  Where is the church?   Darby said it was not the national churches ( Anglicanism in Britian etc.).   In his early days, he had been attracted to Rome.  But then he realised that the idea of a sacrificing priesthood down here was inconsistent with Hebrews 10:14-18  ‘For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified… . Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin’. Rome pretended to be the whole, but excluded half or more of Christendom.  Protestant sects were divided amongst themselves – unity was not possible.  In fact, most of those who call themselves Christians were as much of the world as atheists or pagans.

The Fall of the early Church

The Church was formed on the earth at the descent of the Holy Spirit.  It ought to have been clearly identifiable, distinct, separate from the world.  Alas, this has not been the case.  The Lord foresaw this: ‘The wolf catcheth them and scattereth the sheep’ (John 10:12) but, thank God the same faithful Shepherd also said,  ‘No one shall catch them out of my hand’ (v.28).

In the beginning, ‘the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved’ (Acts 2:47).  Soon false brethren crept in, tares were sown, the house was filled with unholy vessels, from which the faithful were to purge themselves.  These were persons with a form of godliness without the power, from which the faithful were to turn away (See 2 Timothy 2:20-22 and ch. 3:1-5)

The apostle Paul, bidding farewell to the faithful of Asia, said, ‘I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock, and of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.’ (Acts 20:29-30).  Moreover, Jude noted that deceitful men had crept in among the Christians, ‘Certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men’ (Jude v.4).  This would lead to apostasy, those inside the public confession entirely abandoning the Christian faith. John continued this line in his epistles.

What the Faithful should understand

Paul tells us, ‘Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel to honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work’  (2 Timothy 2:19-21).

The public church is a great house with vessels of all kinds: a call comes to the faithful man to purify himself from the vessels to dishonour.  In the next chapter, he speaks of perilous times.  Men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud etc., but also ‘Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof’ (2 Timothy 3:5).  They were evidently in the professing church, not pagans as in Romans 1.  And it goes on, ‘All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse’ (2 Timothy 3:12, 13); but true believers have assurance through the scriptures, given by inspiration of God, making them wise to salvation, by the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

However, Satan will not destroy what Christ has built, the house made of living stones, and the holy temple in the Lord (See 1 Peter 2:5 and Ephesians 2:21).  The Word declares that where two or three are gathered to the name of Jesus, He would be in their midst. (See Matthew 18:20).

The early Brethren

This is what Darby recognised.  Initially, only four met together, not in a spirit of pride or presumption, but deeply grieved at seeing the state of that which surrounded them and praying earnestly about it. Darby said they were not thinking of forming a new sect.  Indeed, they did not believe that the thing would have gone any further. They were just satisfying the need of their souls according to the word of God and found the promised presence of the Lord.

As the Holy Spirit stirred up the consciences of exercised believers, similar gatherings sprung up.  The work extended in a way they did not expect – in throughout most of Europe, the British Colonies, the United States, and elsewhere.  As the gospel was preached, the Spirit of God acted and produced soul yearnings that the established religious systems could not meet.

Those brethren rested on the authority of the word of God.  They saw our Saviour:

  1. first as accomplishing redemption on the cross,
  2. then as seated at the Father’s right hand, the Holy Ghost being down here,
  3. and finally, as coming back to take His own to be with Himself.

Nobody would be received into fellowship who denied any of these fundamental truths, and any who undermined them would be excommunicated.  They are essential to living faith and salvation, and to the life which all Christians live as born of God

These Christians had the full assurance of their salvation  They had faith in the efficacy of Christ’s redemption, and being sealed with the Holy Spirit, were waiting for the Son of God to come from heaven without knowing when it would happen.  Bought with a high price, they felt bound to regard themselves as no longer belonging to themselves, but to please the Lord Jesus in everything, and to live only for Him.

The Brethren’s Walk

While Darby had to admit that not all the brethren walked at the full height of the heavenly calling, they acknowledged the obligation to do so.  Brethren walked in a morally right way, excluding any who held heresy or engaged in immorality.  They abstained from the pleasures and amusements of the world.   Evening parties would be occasions of encouraging one another and discussing the word.  Brethren did not vote or get involved in politics.  They submitted to the established authorities, whatever political colour they may be, so long as they were not called upon to act contrary to the will of Christ.  They took the Lord’s supper every Sunday, and those who had gift taught from the scriptures and preached the gospel of salvation to sinners.  Everyone felt bound to seek the salvation or good of his or her neighbour, as they were able. Feeling that Christendom was corrupt, they were not of the church-world.

Asked as to how many such believers followed this course, Darby had no idea.  Brethren did not number themselves, wishing to remain in the littleness which becomes Christians. In any case, they reckoned as a brother or sister in Christ, every person who had the Spirit of Christ.


Darby stated, ‘What is the advantage of this course?  We acknowledge Christ as the Son of God and know that we have been saved by Him.  In obeying Him, despite our weakness, faults and failures, we have Him as an indescribable source of joy.  Looking ahead, we have an earnest or advance of eternal happiness, with no failures, where our Lord will be fully glorified in all believers’


It is over 140 years since the letter referred to above was written.  Much has transpired and most readers of this book will be aware of, or be associated with, ‘brethren’ in one form other. This is not the place to go into the history of ‘brethrenism’, with its many sad divisions.  Amongst ‘so-called’ brethren (who should eschew sectarianism or any claim to ecclesiastical status), there are thousands of true lovers of our Lord Jesus who seek to please Him, serve Him and praise Him for who He is and what He has done.  Human ambition and politics, a state of loveless exactitude (Ephesus) or lukewarm self-satisfaction (Laodicea) has resulted in scattering.  Darby noted that when things were left in man’s hands they always fail.  But the Lord knows those who are His. (see 2 Timothy 2:19).  One of the hymns brethren use goes:

What will it be when all life’s toil is finished,
And we have entered our eternal rest;
When past for ever is the night of weeping,
And with Thee, Lord, we are for ever blest!

What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!

Annie Ross (1870-1955)

Little Flock Hymn Book (1962/1973) No 421 v. 1-2.



Ministry on the Temple


My wife and I returned on 4 October 2016 from a happy visit to the USA and Canada. In We saw some of the marvels of God’s creation, including National Park in Yosemite (our favourite – see photo) – Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier and Waterton Lakes.  From the desert to the Rocky Mountains and the agricultural plains it is difficult to imagine how people are not in awe of the God who created it all.  Put this against the shallow extravagance of Las Vegas where we spent one night – though I must admit that such a place excites the flesh!Yosemite

We also had some delightful times with our Christian friends in quite large meetings in the rural Mid-west and Idaho, as well as a long weekend in Calgary.  I am not one for ‘taking meetings’ but the Lord helped in serving the gatherings there.  Whilst travelling too we met some dear lovers of our Lord Jesus.  These unexpected encounters make for a rich experience, forming lasting relationships.


Our Fellowship Meeting

We returned a few days before a weekend of ministry and fellowship in our gathering.  We had invited a young man with a particular gift in teaching to serve us, and our prayers were answered.

In particular I was affected by ministry as to the temple (Greek ναὸς naos – the shrine – God’s dwelling place) in the New Testament – a subject which we might have overlooked, and also confused the various aspects of it.  Our brother cited the universal, local and individual aspects making things very clear.

Indeed, I have looked at various articles on the internet, as well as in ministry.  There is an understanding as to the what the whole assembly is and will be; there is of course that which the believer is as having the Holy Spirit.  But I have not found anything, anywhere which puts the three aspects together as clearly as our brother did.


The Universal Temple – a holy Temple in the Lord

Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit’ (Eph 2:19-22).

A temple was started at Pentecost.  It is still being built organically.  God has worked in all of us who are built into it (Peter calls us ‘living stones’), and we fit together perfectly.

CA Coates says:

Scriptures in the New Testament present this very clearly “in whom all the building fitted together increases to a holy temple in the Lord”, Ephesians 2: 21. The complete temple is in view, and the thought of increase leading up to that great result. “Yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ”, 1 Peter 2: 5.  The building is not looked at either by Paul or Peter as completed, but the work is going on with a view to completion according to what God has in mind. He would have this to be ever before us as a present stimulus. … But the thought has been revived in many hearts of the assembly as God’s temple and house, where His mind is known and answered to. Now we are to labour incessantly that the full thought of God shall be reached in grace and in spiritual power. He would have the assembly as His house to be filled with glory. That is, with moral and spiritual glory, so that, as it was said, ‘In his temple doth every one [or, everything] say, Glory’ (Psalm 29:9). (See ‘Outline of Ezra – Chapter 3 – CAC Vol 9 p 221*).


The Local Temple – the temple of God

‘I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.  For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;  Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are (1 Cor 3:10-17).

We have been given the city or town where we live in which we work things out.  It is there where we build.  Through our own failure (none of us can say we have not contributed to the public ruin of the church), we find ourselves in gatherings which represent only a small fraction of those that the Lord’s in our place at any one time.   – ‘the assembly of God which is in X’).  How do I contribute to what is for God in the place in which I live? – and will it stand the test?

I must say that this ministry arrested me.  Of course I know all in the gathering where I meet well.  I know a few other believers in the town – none well.  But the majority I do not know, and may even not be aware of every gathering of believers, and I have no real feeling for what God is doing.  Human ecumenical movements are clearly wrong – that is building wood and straw – features of the world. These are snares like what Balaam introduced (See J Taylor’s ministry NS Vol 45 p 425*).  The Lord knows those that are His.  But with God, and by the Holy Spirit, maybe I could be in tune with what He is doing locally.


The Individual Temple – the temple of the Holy Spirit

‘Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s’ (1 Cor 6:19-20).


I have received the Holy Spirit.  My body is not my own – it is the Lord’s.  Do I glory God in it, or just live to myself?


JB Stoney writes:

‘Now the dwelling and rule of the Holy Spirit is twofold; there is the individual temple, as we see in 1 Cor 6: 19, and there is the collective temple, according to 1 Cor 3: 16, 17 (scriptures cited above), … The first great thing to accept in faith is that the Holy Spirit is here; and then, as a simple consequence, whether in the church where He dwells, or in the individual, He must exercise His own sway, entirely distinct and apart from man’s ideas; and after His own mind and good pleasure. When this new though invisible government is accepted, it must be by the Spirit. No one could instruct us as to the Spirit but the Spirit. Only the man indwelt by the Spirit, and knowing the rule of the Spirit in himself, could comprehend the rule of the Spirit in the house of God. I should be unable to see that the Spirit was residing here to testify of Christ, if I had not first learned by His dwelling in me, as sent by the Father in Christ’s name, how new and distinct His rule in me is.’ (JBS Ministry vol. 11 p.192*).


Dear brother or sister, may you be blessed in finding your part in that which is for the Lord where you are.


Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour





*Volumes of ministry published by Kingston Bible Trust or accessible on-line at








Confusion as to the Church – – The House and the Body

People confuse what Christ builds with what man builds, physically and metaphorically. Christ said to Peter in Matthew 16:18 that He would build the Church and that the gates of hell (Satan’s deadly power) would not prevail against it. Resurrection was the proof of that. Peter’s confession, ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God’ (v. 16), was the rock on which Christ would build his church. Peter was the first stone in importance, but he was not the builder.


Based J. N. Darby: The Church – the House and the Body – Collected Writings Volume 14 (Ecclesiastical 3) p 91


JohnNelsonDarbyThe word ‘church’ means different things to different people:

  1. The Established Church (in Britain the Church of England)
  2. Those who are enrolled members by baptism etc.
  3. The buildings
  4. What is being built spiritually
  5. The clergy
  6. The congregation
  7. Christendom in general
  8. The body of Christ here
  9. What the Lord will present to Himself without spot or blemish


Baptism and the Church

No 2, above (enrolled members), is at the base of Romanism and much of Protestantism.  A person becomes a Christian by being baptised into the church, whether as an adult or a young child.  It is taught that one is saved because one is a member of the church, not that one is a member of the church because one is saved.   Immediately after Pentecost, of course, everybody in the church were true believers.  But soon the likes of Simon Magus got in, and introduced formality and other Jewish sacraments.  They may have been baptised and enjoyed the privileges of the church.  But they did not have eternal life, and were not members of the body of Christ.  As described in the epistle of Jude, they were ‘ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Jude v 4).

To say we are members of Christ by baptism is a falsification of the truth of God.   Alas, many of the early Church fathers, such Justin Martyr, Origen, Clement and later Augustine, espoused this heresy.  They may have been clear as to the Person and divinity of Christ, but they regarded the outward body as the Church, and its privileges was attributed to all who were baptised.  This has continued.  The (Anglican) Book of Common Prayer says ‘baptism wherein I was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven’.

Much of this confusion comes about by taking what the Lord said literally when in fact He was talking figuratively.  He could say, ‘I am the true vine’ (John 15:1), ‘I am the door’ (John 10:7), etc.  He is not a vine nor a door.  The outward act is confused with true life from God.  Life and membership of Christ are by the Holy Spirit.  We are born of the Spirit, and by one Spirit baptised into one body (see 1 Cor 12:13).

Man fell and was driven away from God.  If there is to be a remedy, there must be new birth.   We are born of God and receive the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.   As we become conscious of the sinfulness of the flesh, and say ‘O wretched man that I am!’ (Rom 7:24),   we need a change of place, position or standing – reconciled to God.  Baptism is that change of place.

We are baptised to His death, buried with Him unto death.  Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, therefore we are alive, risen and quickened together with Him.  Death has totally taken us out of our old place; we have died out of it, as Christ died out of the world  we are alive with Him –   walking in newness of life (see Romans 8).

The Lord’s Supper

There were many sacraments in Judaism.  Some have been carried over into the public church, whereas only two are scriptural.  We have looked at baptism.  The other scriptural sacrament, the supper, demonstrates the unity of the body.  The Lord’s supper is received in common – the assembly or Church participate.  Hence we have (Eph. 4:4-5), ‘one Spirit, one body, one hope of your calling’ (belonging to the Spirit and spiritual persons, and), ‘One Lord, one faith, one baptism’ (the outward profession of faith and the recognition of Christ as Lord).  Again there is a misinterpretation here: partaking of the Lord’s supper involves eating Christ’s flesh and drinking Christ’s blood.  The true meaning of that is lost.  (I hope to address this in a later article – see Address to his Roman Catholic brethren by a minister of the Gospel. and Second Address to his Roman Catholic brethren).


What is being Built

See Nos 3 & 4, above.   People confuse what Christ builds with what man builds, physically and metaphorically.   Christ said to Peter in Matthew 16:18 that He would build the Church and that the gates of hell (Satan’s deadly power) would not prevail against it.  Resurrection was the proof of that.  Peter’s confession, ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God’  (v. 16), was the rock on which Christ would build his church.  Peter was the first stone in importance, but he was not the builder.  In his epistle Peter addresses other stones coming to Jesus, ‘To whom coming, a living stone disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious, ye also as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ’ (1 Peter 2:4).  They come by faith and are built up.  There are no human rules or ordinances; there is no literal building, only faith.  Man’s building has no part in this.  And nothing prevails against it.

Paul amplifies this, developing the doctrine of the Church as the body of Christ.   But Paul does not build either.   He says, ‘Ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone; in whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto a holy temple in the Lord’ (Eph 2:21-22).  Only in Corinthians, where it is a matter of responsibility, does he write about our building.   ‘Let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon’ (1 Cor 3:10).  Wood, hay and stubble are not compatible with gold, silver and precious stones.  Man’s work will be burned up; Christ’s work never will.

Puseyism, the high church movement, does not distinguish between the perfect building which Christ builds, where living stones grow to a holy temple in the Lord, and what man has built and continues to build.  The professing church may have a good foundation, but its superstructure is questionable.  It has been built of wood and stubble, which will be burned up in the day of judgment.  Those who corrupt the temple of God dishonour Him by assuming that what they build has His seal of approval – in effect that God sanctions evil – what wickedness!   That is why Paul writes, ‘If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are’ (1 Cor 3:17).

Paul tells us in 2 Tim 2 what our path should be.  But that is another subject[*].   May we distinguish between those admitted by baptism and the body, and between the Church which Christ builds, and the sham that man builds.   All man has put his hand to has failed.  But God has put His hand in first, by the Man who never fails.



[*] See:

Simplified Darby – Separation from Evil and Christian Unity – Separation from Evil, God’s Principle of Unity

Knowing where we are, and what God wants us to do, in the Confused State of Christendom – The Faith once delivered to the Saints

Adam failed –  Christ  Replaces Him

ublicly, the Church has fallen like all the rest. Grace will produce and perfect its own work. Christ’s building will be complete and perfect, and manifested in glory. But Man’s building is defective and corrupt, and will come under the worst and severest of judgments.


JohnNelsonDarbyThe Law

In Exodus 20, God gave Moses the law.  Within days Israel had made a golden calf, breaking the first commandment.  The stones were broken.

In a future day, when Christ comes to reign, the law will be written upon the heart of Israel (See Jer 31:33).


The Priesthood

In Leviticus 10, the priesthood failed, Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire.  The result was that Aaron was forbidden to enter the sanctuary, except on the great day of atonement, and then not in his garments of glory and beauty.

On the other hand, Christ is now in glory as a merciful and faithful High Priest.


The Kingdom of Israel


Though wise, Solomon failed.  He loved strange women, and the kingdom was divided.  It was ultimately ended by Nebuchadnezzar.

However Christ, now in glory on His Father’s throne, will take the throne of David and reign over Jews and Gentiles.


The Church

The Church was established here called to glorify Christ.  But evil workers (John called them antichrists) came and there was falling away. Paul prophesied that grievous, seductive wolves would come from within the church – they did.  But Christ will come to be glorified in His saints and admired in all them that believe (1 Thess 1:10).

Publicly, the Church has fallen like all the rest.  Grace will produce and perfect its own work.  Christ’s building will be complete and perfect, and manifested in glory.  But Man’s building is defective and corrupt, and will come under the worst and severest of judgments.


The conclusion of a paper by J N Darby ‘The Church – the House and the Body’ – Collected Writings Volume 14 (Ecclesiastical 3) – p.99




October 2016

Questions God Asks

the Lord said to Saul of Tarsus, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ (Acts 9:4). Saul was full of hatred – not just in slaying the Lord, but all who followed Him, even to strange cities. But he, the chief of sinners, was shown grace. Grace to the chief of sinners, to hostile – Holy Ghost resisting – Christ persecuting – Israel. Grace to the poorest feeble saint, a member of His body, His flesh and of His bones – the Church.


JohnNelsonDarbyThe LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?’ (Gen 3:9)

  • Adam was separated from God by his own conscience – and naked.


The LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?’ (Gen 4:9)

  • Cain did not love God.  He hated his brother and was a murderer.
  • Can is typical of the Jews’ rejection of Christ.


It is the Lord who is speaking – the glorified Son of God.  He died for the sins of others – seen typically in Abel’s sacrifice.  The One who asks the questions is the One who accomplished righteousness.

So the Lord said to Saul of Tarsus, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ (Acts 9:4).  Saul was full of hatred – not just in slaying the Lord, but all who followed Him, even to strange cities.  But he, the chief of sinners, was shown grace.  Grace to the chief of sinners, to hostile – Holy Ghost resisting – Christ persecuting – Israel.  Grace to the poorest feeble saint, a member of His body, His flesh and of His bones – the Church.


Based on a passage in on J. N. Darby: ‘God’s Questions to Man’ – Notes and Comments Vol. 1, p 181



September 2016

Some thoughts on Creation, Prophecy, the Sonship of Christ and the Lord’s Day – What does Scripture tell us – and what does it not?

I am concerned that we do not become over-focussed on certain aspects of the truth and give too much emphasis to them. They are often areas of contention, and I would seek to avoid what is contentious – ‘But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes’ (2 Tim 2:23).


We are already through August – this year’s seems to be going fast – at least the Lord’s coming is fast approaching.

In the past month, through ADOSS, I have had a number of very interesting conversations with fellow believers, and I am sure God is working in many ways.  Would to God that there were more who were interested in heavenly truth!  But we can be very thankful that there are many who desire to call upon the Lord out of a pure heart, although separated into many groups ecclesiastically.  I do not believe that we will ever be together here – the public position will never be repaired – but the Lord is coming soon and we will be together then.  As the hymn put it

What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!
Little Flock No 421
Anne Ross Cousin (1824-1906)

 In the correspondence that I have had I am concerned that we do not become over-focussed on certain aspects of the truth and give too much emphasis to them. They are often areas of contention, and I would seek to avoid what is contentious  – ‘But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes’ (2 Tim 2:23).   I am not saying that the things that follow are of that ilk.  They are important, but are subjects where there can be a lot of unprofitable discussion.  There are areas where scripture is not clear – deliberately so I believe – so I am content to say that I do not know the answers to them, and am happy to leave that knowledge to a future day.  Of course I do not criticise those who believe that they have a clear view of the answers – maybe if I were closer to the Lord, I might see things differently.

Examples of these are as follows:



There has been much discussion as to whether there is a long interval between verses 1 and 2 in the first chapter of Genesis – referred to as the ‘gap theory’.  I was brought up to believe that there could have been many millions of years between the two verses.  Now I would say that I do not know, and I am content to leave the answer to that future day when things will be revealed.  In Gen 1 we read that the earth was waste and empty.  But in Isa 45:18 (Darby translation) it says ‘For thus saith Jehovah who created the heavens, God himself who formed the earth and made it, he who established it, — not as waste did he create it: he formed it to be inhabited.’  So what was there beforehand?  Darby, Schofield and others of that time had the same view.  Darby wrote, ‘Scripture, which does not reveal scientific facts, is totally silent as to them (facts of geology), but leaves a gap which may have been filled by millions of years when we were not (which no man could find out — so horribly stupid was man without a revelation), namely, that God made it. If He did not, who did?’  J.N.Darby Apologetic No.2 Vol 9 p111  – ‘And What has Geology Proved?’

Others would say, on the authority of scripture, that the earth was heavens and earth and all the rest of creation was created in a little period of six literal days.  It was created complete, along with fossils and dinosaur bones.  They say that the Hebrew word ‘yom’ refers to a day of 24 hours. Other words are used to express ‘day’ in the sense of ‘age’ or ‘era’.   I do not know which of these views is correct.  Some of my readers may have very strong views and I do not want to offend them, but I say let’s be content to wait. God will make it clear.



This is an important subject, occupying a large amount of the bible, and we are to be intelligent as to what is to come.  However I am concerned about spending too much time on this subject.  The dispensation that we are in does not come into prophecy: therefore prophetic writings do not relate directly to the church period.  We can learn from prophetic writings of course, and apply them morally, not literally, to our own time, as we pursue heavenly truth.  Most importantly is to keep near the Lord.


The Sonship of Christ

Sometimes I get letters and emails saying that since I am a ‘Ravenite’ (I don’t accept this term), that I must believe that the Lord Jesus was not eternally Son.  The truth is that I do not know, and again I am content to leave the answer to this to a future day.  We all agree that our Lord is eternal – He was, He is and He will be.  He is also the Son of God.  Hence I have no problem with the expression ’the eternal Son of the Father’ as He is both Son and He is eternal. Does the scripture ‘Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee’ (Psalm 2:7), signify that the relationship of ‘Son’ came about at the incarnation?  Darby seems to have thought otherwise – See ‘The Eternal Sonship of Christ’ Miscellaneous Vol p 265  (Published by BTP).  In 1929 James Taylor Sr, was asked by Samuel Carter ‘Would ‘marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the dead’ (Rom 1:4), be His eternal sonship?’ His reply was, ‘I do not know that there is such a term in Scripture as eternal sonship.  The Son of God is announced in Scripture after the Lord Jesus was here. In Luke 1:35 it says, ‘The holy thing also which shall be born shall be called Son of God’ (Vol 29 p 361).   Note that Taylor was not dogmatic as to the relationship, though later he said that ‘sonship in Christ implies His manhood’ (Vol 49 p288) – accessible through .

A hymn I like says:
What that love no thought can fathom;
Nor can human lips define
Those relationships eternal,
All inscrutable, divine!

Little Flock No 117
A G Doughty (1892-1949)


The Lord’s Day

I have not had much contact recently with Seventh-Day Adventists but have had in the past. They and others, believe that the Lord’s resurrection was on Saturday and therefore that is the day that we should set aside for His service.  When challenged as to which day of the week the Lord was crucified, I normally answer, ‘Probably Wednesday’.  Then, ‘Which day of the week was He raised?’ I normally answer, ‘Probably Saturday – so?’  The first day of the Passover would have been a Thursday. Three days and three nights lead to the events of action being late on Saturday in our reckoning.  But if after sunset that would be the first day of the week.  So there is no big argument here.  That they broke bread on this day in Troas is for sure (See Acts 20:7).

Maybe be balanced and keep near the Lord holding the truth in love.


God’s blessings



September 2016



What will it be when all life’s toil is finished, And we have entered our eternal rest

What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!

1 What will it be when all life’s toil is finished,
And we have entered our eternal rest;
When past for ever is the night of weeping,
And with Thee, Lord, we are for ever blest!

2 What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!

3 What will it be when sorrow’s day is ended,
And pain and grief for ever pass away;
When with Thee, Lord, we share the bright forever,
In perfect peace throughout the perfect day!

4 What will it be? – In blest anticipation
E’en now our hearts outpour in praise to Thee;
But when we see Thee face to face in glory,
Then purer, sweeter, shall our praises be.

Anne Ross

Little Flock Hymn Book (1962/1973) No 421.



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