20th October 1876
To Mr B
Beloved Brother
I have followed with a sustained interest all that happens in the Ardèche and la Drôme, but my part in this sorrowful story has been rather before God than to occupy myself with men. I have read the account by G; F has written to me, besides C, to whom I have replied but only in a general way. I have known most of the actors too well, not to have an idea of the part each one has taken, but unless called by God to be there, I will not enter directly into assembly difficulties. I believe that this is done too often, while it is a matter rather of awakening the conscience of a troubled assembly. I recognise that an assembly can draw profit from the counsels of a brother more exercised than it in God’s things; I also recognise fully that we are all one, and that if one suffer all suffer with it. What I fear is the substitution of individual influence for the awakening of the conscience of the assembly. I have full confidence that this sorrowful gust of wind will turn to profit for the brethren. The hand of God will be seen, and it will become more severe. Truths which have been a little neglected will come to mind, worldliness will be judged, and thus everything by which the Holy Spirit has been grieved; it will be felt more as one depends on the grace in which one is found. What must be sought is that souls are not led astray altogether in the conflict, and do not abandon the way of the Lord. I have understood that there has been schism at O. Grace will be needed, and patience and firmness to face it; firmness in the walk of those who have, I believe, left the place and not under the influence of G, firmness as to those who lead the thirteen who have kept the place, but a testimony of regret towards those who are led. The schism is an evil; this sin has been committed under the influence of those who were not of the assembly. Romans 16: 17 shows us our way in this case clearly, and 2 Thessalonians 3: 14, 15 the spirit in which we must act, so that all are brought back and so that none goes astray completely and in a permanent way. But all this is not yesterday, and there was too much weakness, too little spirituality in general; so that one is surprised that God chastens. That is why those who suffer have to be brought before God by acknowledging His hand, and the One who has smitten will recover. The Lord has not taken the cup which He had to drink for us, either from men, or from Satan, but from the hand of His Father. In our looking to this, it softens our pain and bitterness, and makes us humbler and more sincere; then we can pray for others. I trust in the Lord that He will restore order and peace; it is possible that for some it may not be very quickly, but with this objective it is necessary that those who are right should conduct themselves with grace, seeing the hand of God, but with firmness in rejecting the schism and making those who have caused it to feel it, that it is not a light thing to have done. I have already said that this must be done with a sorrow of heart well removed from pride and hatred.
May God Himself act by His grace in your midst …
[1] a different version of this letter also appears in JND’s published Letters – vol 3 p381
Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.