Halifax[5] – 2nd April 1877
To Mr P

Very dear Brother,
I am happy that you have come to the United States.
The work of the brethren in English begins to take on some consistency so as to warn the world to be on its guard. But the French brethren need labourers. M works peacefully and usefully; L is occupied with the English. At Grand River (Detroit), things are good; I have received news about that through X, whose son has been converted.
Here the Lord is working in a cheering way, so that I have had to remain longer than I thought. In New York, the work makes progress and there is need of a labourer. I have profited from the presence of brother X to get as far as here, more than 900 miles, but God willing I will soon be in New York. I think of crossing the ocean as soon as it is good weather. They ask for me in the West, but I seriously doubt whether I am able to go there; it would be for the month of June. If the work relents in New York, it is possible that I will make this visit, but in this case I will not be in Europe until the month of July.
I have been happy to have good news of dear France; this has rejoiced my heart.
Times become sober; unbelief spreads and hinders souls, but God, His word, warns us of it. We will have combat for the faith once delivered to the saints[6], but modern unbelief seems superficial and hollow, somewhat pretentious as it may be.
I will write to you if my voyage is delayed.
Peace be with you
Yours affectionately in Jesus
Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.