J N Darby – French Letter No. 113 – Perfectionism, Methodism

New York – April 1875

To Mr P

J N Darby
John Nelson Darby

Beloved Brother,

… There are two brothers, one from New Jersey, the other from New England, who are disposed to labour at the work, and who read the Word with me. I hope that they will be useful. The increase in the number of workmen is always precious to me, if they are devoted. They are brothers of a calm and sensible spirit, and not lacking in intelligence. They are Americans who are to be desired in most respects.

The desire to go deeper into the Word continues in the United States. Perfectionism,(Methodicism) which misleads much of the world, awakens needs while pointing them in a wrong direction. The same sort of thing happens everywhere. On the other hand, unbelief takes over masses, but all this brings a truer, more real and more genuine Christianity, because that is what happens now.

I think a lot of France, but in general the news is good, God be blessed.

I do not know anything new about the West. Unbelief rises up boldly there, and the lack of Bible learning in the clergy is felt more and more, but the desire to be clear about the content of the Scriptures increases, and true Christians begin to be ashamed of the things that are done in the church. But Christ is all for us. Soon nothing will have value except what we will have for Him. All the rest passes and is only vanity. It is sad to see men occupied with what is going to perish.

Salute the brethren much on my behalf

Yours affectionately in Christ



Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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