Good and precious Saviour, we do indeed rejoice that Thou, who hast suffered so much for us, hast now fulfilled all things, and art now at rest with Thy Father, whatever may be Thine active love for us. Oh that we knew and loved Thee better! But still we can say in fullness of heart, Come quickly, Lord! Leave once more the throne of Thy rest and of Thy personal glory, to come to take us to Thyself, that all may be fulfilled for us also, and that we may be with Thee and in the light of Thy Father’s countenance and in His house. Thy grace is infinite, but Thy presence and the joy of the Father shall be the rest of our hearts, and our eternal joy.
What an honour to be counted worthy to stand in the crisis! – the honour to which all Scripture from the beginning has been looking; the winding-up of time. Let us bear in our bodies the last blows of the flesh; let us manifest in our mortal bodies that Jesus is alive; let us be willing to endure all things for the elect’s sake; let us put by our play-things, because the world is in flames. Why creep about in this deadening atmosphere of falsehood, instead of ever abiding in the region of truth and reality? Why are not our visits to earth only as messengers of mercy to dress the wounds of the church – to glorify Him by finishing the work He has given us to do? Sent of Jesus, even as He was sent of the Father. And, while seeking to be worthy of the name put upon her, may she remember that it is not of herself the bride is to speak, but her object, her subject, her delight, her hope, her only resting-place is her Beloved – the Bridegoom of her heart
Letters and Papers of Viscountess Theodosia Powerscourt,pp.245-246)
The rationale for this collection stems from the volume of second-hand ministry that has passed through the Editor’s hands over the years.Often, previous owners have highlighted sections they had particularly enjoyed.
Add to this the need at times in these busy days to have the means to snatch some ray of Christ, His glory and the world that He fills, to sustain the soul during periods when more prolonged reading may be impossible.
The Editor readily agrees that taking ministry out of its context can be dangerous.The selection has therefore been made to try and avoid this pitfall.The extracts selected are hopefully nuggets of gold that have an instant resonance in the affections of those who “love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption” Eph 6:24
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QDUK
James says, “for what is your life?…It is even a vapour, appearing for a little while, and then disappearing”.
James says, “for what is your life?…It is even a vapour, appearing for a little while, and then disappearing”. How reducing that is, is it not? How it puts things in perspective. How it makes us see that anyone altogether absorbed with the things that are here is spending time and energy, maybe involving much anxiety, in regard to what in itself has no real substance; a vapour has no substance, or very little, and is passing away, disappearing. I think this is one of the most telling passages in the Scriptures to show what the existence here of man, apart from God, really is, “appearing for a little while and then disappearing”. But every person who has confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ, and an abiding hope in what He has done, who has faith in His blood, that precious blood, is possessed of a life that will never pass away.
Ernest Palmer, Croydon Golden Nugget 229
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
We are represented at the right hand of God by the Priest, and the Priest loves us. We could hardly say that Aaron loved the people. He interceded for them, and bore the names of the tribes on his shoulders and on his breast. But our High Priest loves us, and supports us as long as we are on earth, and nothing can separate us from His love. It is wonderful to think that He knows us individually. Aaron had the names of the tribes on his shoulders, but the Lord says He knows His own sheep by name; John 10: 3. He spoke to Mary by name; He knew her individually; she was a sheep. And so in regard to us, He knows us and intercedes for us.
What a comfort it is to know that God thinks of us, and arranges all for us, though we fail to think of Him! There is not a day, not a moment, but God is thinking of us, and He is above all the plotting of Satan. He will take care of His people. Do they want food? He sends them manna. Guidance? There is the pillar going before them. Do they come to the Jordan? There is the ark there. Have they enemies in the land? There is Joshua to overcome for them. He deals with them in the way of discipline when they need it, as He did with Jacob. He humbled him, but gave him the blessing in the end. What a thought this ought to give us of the love of God, when we thus see His activity in goodness to us all the way through! What comfort to know He is for us, out of the spring and principle of His own love.
(J N Darby, Collected Writings vol.27, p.29
Golden Nugget Number 229
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
But there is coming a day, and it is cherished in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus…when the One who was despised – and is still despised and rejected of men – is going to be honoured and glorified in the presence of men. Do you rejoice in that? I find a thrill goes through my soul every time I think about it. There is a verse which says this:-
Thee, my Master and my Friend, vindicated and enthroned, Unto earth’s remotest end, glorified, adored and owned.
Does that not thrill you?
Ernest Palmer, Chelmsford, 1977
I knew Ernest Palmer when I was a boy until my 40’s, I guess – he was a brother who radiated the glad tidings. To see him sing was a treat – Sosthenes
Golden Nugget Number 225
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton on the Naze, CO14 8QD UK
We are in the midst of a Christendom divided into a thousand fragments, in some of which, most, alas! Christ is dishonoured. It is not that one wishes to speak against any, but everything in Christendom is my responsibility, from Rome down.
James Taylor
Sometimes as we move along, we think of our meetings as…everything being orderly – right hymns chosen, right words used in the giving of thanks, and so forth, and we almost assume that we belong to a system of things by ourselves that God can own.But that is an entire mistake.We are in circumstances that are most humiliating, and we cannot get out of them.We are in the midst of a Christendom divided into a thousand fragments, in some of which, most, alas! Christ is dishonoured.It is not that one wishes to speak against any, but everything in Christendom ismy responsibility, from Rome down.
Can I get out of it? I cannot. I may get out of it in spirit, as we see here, (2 Samuel 15) by ascending…But how ascend? With tears and head covered, and barefoot…Was not God delighted with (David)? He was…He was acting suitably, humbly; he was owning things as they were, but he was finding an outlet. What is the outlet? The outlet is in heaven… It was spiritual power in secret; spiritual power in the full acknowledgement of the position.
God at the first came down to create; and then when the serpent presumed to meddle with creation God came down to save. This is brought out in the first words uttered by the Lord God after man’s fall.
James Butler Stoney (1814-1897)
Creation never could have brought out what God was. There was infinitely more in Him than power and wisdom. There was love, mercy, holiness, righteousness, goodness, tenderness, long-suffering. Where could all these be displayed but in a world of sinners? God at the first came down to create; and then when the serpent presumed to meddle with creation God came down to save. This is brought out in the first words uttered by the Lord God after man’s fall. “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?” This question proved two things. It proved that man was lost and that God had come to seek. It proved man’s sin and God’s grace
Golden Nugget Number 220
(J B Stoney New Series vol.1 p27)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton on the Naze, CO14 8QD UK
Much is involved in these three words, “walked with God.
And, oh! How much is involved in these three words, “walked with God.” What separation and self-denial! What holiness and moral purity! What grace and gentleness! What humility and tenderness! And yet what zeal and energy! What patience and long-suffering! And yet what faithfulness and uncompromising decision! To walk with God comprehends everything within the range of the divine life, whether active or passive. It involves the knowledge of God’s character as He has revealed it. It involves, too, the intelligence of the relationship in which we stand to Him. It is not a mere living by rules and regulations, nor laying down plans of action, nor in resolutions to go hither and thither, to do this or that. To walk with God is far more than any or all of these things.
The Christian should regard himself as the channel through which the manifold grace of Christ may flow out to a needy world;[through Christian giving] and the more freely he communicates, the more freely will he receive, ‘for there is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty.’ (Prov 11:24) This places the believer in a place of sweetest privilege and at the same time of the most solemn responsibility. He is called to be the constant witness and exhibitor of the grace of Him on whom he believes
.Golden Nugget Number 217
(Notes on Genesis C.H.Mackintosh. p25)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton on the Naze, CO14 8QD UK