I consider that the most wonderful verse in Scripture. “But we all, looking on the glory of the Lord, with unveiled face, are transformed according to the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Lord the Spirit.” People ask for guidance for one thing or another. I say, if they would spend ten minutes in the Lord’s presence beholding His glory, they would be so outside themselves that they would be transformed; they would get His mind. Of course His mind would be according to the Scripture; but it is not by reading Scripture, but by being in His presence that you get it.
(J B Stoney, NS vol. 6 p373)
Golden Nugget Number 366
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
Now this is what the Holy Spirit’s work here is, subduing all of man’s will and forming the saints according to the heavenly pattern. The pattern is Christ at the right hand of God. If you apprehend Him, you know what you are to be. The One who is my Representative is in the presence of God, and the Holy Spirit down here subjugates all that is contrary and forms me according to my Representative. This will all be brought to pass. It is the blessed end of God’s ways, and it will be brought out in display. Even Israel in the future will say “the Lord our righteousness”, and they too must take their character from Christ in the law being written in the heart.
May God give us to understand better the pattern on which we are formed, having our food in the living bread which came down from heaven — all the blessed features which came out in Him reproduced in us down here.
About, by or adapted from Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
J G Bellatt
Dublin, Ireland 1795-1864
One of the original brothers in the Dublin meeting. It was established before J N Darby joined it.
About, by or adapted from J G Bellatt – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” J G Bellatt” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Brian Deck
Motueka New Zealand (1912-1991)
About, by or adapted from Brian Deck – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Brian Deck” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Edward Dennett
EDWARD DENNETT was born in the Isle of Wight, 1831, at Bembridge, and died in Croydon in Oct., 1914 after a short illness. His people were all in the Church of England, but he was converted as a lad through the instrumentality of a godly clergyman, and he left the church from conviction and became minister of a Baptist Chapel in Greenwich, having previously matriculated at London University. However in France he came into contact with brethren and on his return resigned his charge. Shortly after “breaking bread” for the first time with those gathered simply at the Lord’s table “unto His Name.”
About, by or adapted from Edward Dennett – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Edward Dennett” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Alfred Gardiner – A J Gardiner – AJG
Alfred J Gardiner 1884-1976
Streatham, London 1884-1973
About, by or adapted from AJG – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Alfred Gardiner” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Arthur House
About, by or adapted from Arthur House – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” Arthur House” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
William Johnson
London 1850-1921
About, by or adapted from William Johnson – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” William Johnson” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
James Tayor Senior – J Taylor Sr – JT (Sr)
James Taylor Sr (1870-1953)
James Taylor Senior was born on January 6, 1870 at Coolaney, near Sligo, Co. Sligo, in North West Ireland. In 1884, at the age of 14, he came into fellowship at Paisley, Scotland, where he had moved to serve his apprenticeship in the linen trade with the firm of Coats. In 1888 he emigrated to St. John, Newfoundland. In 1889, J.T. moved to New York. James Taylor and Estelle Garrett of Baltimore were married c. 1892. They had six children. Mrs. Taylor died 1901 in childbirth or very shortly afterwards. The Lord took him on March 29, 1953.
His ministry as to the service of God, the Assembly and the Person and work of the Holy Spirit have been much appreciated. He was insistent on testing all by scripture.
His critics saw him as being somewhat of a ‘universal lead’ a position he did not accept, unlike his infamous son Jim Taylor JT Jr – who led the Taylorite Exclusive Brethren – now the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.
About, by or adapted from JT Sr – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
[catlist name=” James Taylor Sr.” orderby=date order=desc, numberposts = -1]
Fred Trussler
The late Mark Lemon, Stone Publishing Trust, said of Mr. Trussler, “I remember him as a man who had an unusual way of presenting things. I suspect that he spent a great deal of time meditating on the Scriptures and on the things of the Lord
“I have not been able to get a great deal of information about our brother except that he was converted during the 1st World War. He worked as a woodman and then in a saw mill.
“He was taken to be with the Lord in 1968 when he was in his 80s.” – Source: My Brethren
My recollection – A brother was enthusiastically expounding on the thoughts of Jim Taylor and the Exclusive Brethren. Mr Trussler’s reply: ‘Silly, in’t it!’.- Sosthenes
About, by or adapted from Fred Trussler – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
It is a question of partaking in God’s holiness. The world has rejected the Son of God. Up to the cross it was proved that nothing could win man’s heart: he must be born again; and now, being born again, I am associated with Christ. I am going to be in the same glory as He is in, and I am going on until I get there, purifying myself as He is pure. Then I shall see Him as He is, and be like Him. The world we are naturally of has rejected the Son of God, and the associations of the believer are with a glorified Christ, awaiting till He comes to take him home. God has sanctified us to Himself by the blood of Christ.
(J N Darby, Collected Writings NS vol. 31 p177)
Golden Nugget Number 362
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
Our affection for Christ is very much proved by the regard we (Christians) have for one another. Love is not put as a test in regard of God but in our relationships with one another. It is no use talking about loving Christ unless you love one another. Righteousness comes out in love one to another—it is the necessary sequence. You have to recognise the brethren as kindred to Christ.
Golden Nugget Number 360
(F E Raven, NS 13 p131)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
If there were more service there would be less room for things that lead to envyings, jealousies, evil speaking, and personal differences and misunderstandings
Charles Coates 1862 – 1945.
“Let us occupy ourselves in service.” Rom.12:7
A very great deal of trouble and sorrow would be avoided if believers engaged themselves more in Christian activities. If there were more service there would be less room for things that lead to envyings, jealousies, evil speaking, and personal differencies and misunderstandings. Practically deliverance from what is of the flesh is found as we move in activities which are of the Spirit.
Golden Nugget Number 359
(C A Coates. Outline on Romans, p200)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
The first thing to be seen is that the gospel comes from God. Is man’s need the measure of God’s grace? No. True the grace covers his need; It would not be the gospel if it did not cover man’s need; but it is far more than that. If you came to look at what the gospel really is, it is entrancing. In the gospel I touch the source, the very spring of God’s heart. The rest comes after: “The mystery of God; in which are hid all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge”; but the fountain of where all began is the gospel. It is “the Beautiful gate of the temple.”
(J B Stoney, NS vol.6 p81)
Golden Nugget Number 358
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
“I am determined” said an old saint, “never to speak of a man’s virtues to his face, or of his faults behind his back.” Noble determination! But, alas! alas! how little it is acted upon. We generally reverse the order; we flatter people to their face and blacken them behind their back. The Lord deliver us from this sinful and shameful practice! It is most assuredly of the devil. We want to be more faithful in speaking to people—more gracious in speaking of them. If we see anything wrong in a person let us go directly to him and speak plainly; and if we have nothing good to say of him, let us graciously draw the curtain of silence around him. This would save a world of mischief; it would prevent untold sorrow and heart-burning. “Speak not evil one of another, brethren” (James 4:11)
(C H Mackintosh)
Golden Nugget Number 357
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
God then is for us in giving, for us in justifying, for us in caring for us in everything; even as with the children of Israel, He took care of their very clothes as they passed through the wilderness. God is for us through everything. If death stares me in the face, well, Christ went through it. If evil powers are against me, well, I have a love with me that has been tried, and destroyed that power. I learn in these very things the perfectness of the love of God. It comes out in the minutest circumstance, in every little detail. I come up boldly to this truth, that “If God be for us who can be against us?” There is nothing that can make me say, I do not know whether He be for me or not. If it be difficulties and trials, I say, Well, it just shows what pains God is taking with me.
Golden Nugget Number 356
(J N Darby, Collected Writings NS vol. 31 p167)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UKTo unsubscribe, email UNSUBSCRIBE to SavStDis@gmail.com
The overcomer gains victory over the prevailing state of things
The overcomer is one who gains victory over the prevailing state of things. If then, lack of first love is prevalent, he cannot acquiesce in this, contenting himself with mere outward activity, but in a broken spirit he seeks the Lord, and the Lord is graciously found of him. Nothing is to him like the Lord’s company, as Mary sat at the Lord’s feet in the days of His flesh, and heard His word. Then it is a great joy to know that whatever the darkness around, this “good part” shall not be taken away. Like John, in the night of the Lord’s betrayal, the overcomer is in the consciousness of being loved and nestles in the hiding-place of that love. There alone is responsive affection kindled and nourished.
Golden Nugget Number 355
(Joseph Revell, The Victor’s Portion)
Jpseph Revell (1852-1900)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UKTo unsubscribe, email UNSUBSCRIBE to SavStDis@gmail.com