5.8 The Truth of the Rapture is Clear from Scripture

Christ’s second coming Is the proper hope of the church.It is clearly presented in the New Testament.  

The Things which shall be Hereafter (Rev 1:19)  –  The Rapture

The next event for us is the rapture. It could be at any time – today even – and applies only to the church. Because of that, there is no reference to it in the Old Testament. In scripture, the in Greek word ἁρπαγησόμεθα/harpagēsometha/Strong 726 in 1Thess 4:17. Is translated ‘caught up’. The word ‘rapture’ is a noun with the same meaning.

We should ask why is the rapture so little understood, or even accepted amongst many sincere Christians? This scripture in 1 Thess 14:13-18 is very clear:

After the Rapture, the Jewish Remnant – Particularly from the New Testament

‘After These Things’ Chapter 5.4 – After the Rapture, the Jewish Remnant – Particularly from the New Testament From our book ‘After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy – and more…’ Compiled by Daniel Roberts. For more about this book click on the picture or CLICK HERE   How does … Continue reading “After the Rapture, the Jewish Remnant – Particularly from the New Testament”

After the Rapture, the Jewish Remnant – Particularly from the Psalms

The Psalms connect Christ with and Israel, and with the remnant in particular. It would be impossible to enter into the detail of all 150 Psalms here, but what we cannot fail to see is that there is, in the latter day, a godly pious Jewish remnant – tried, oppressed and all but overwhelmed. Jehovah owns and encourages His people and rewards them with Jewish blessings according to promise, Christ having entered into their sorrows and borne their sins. Christ, as Jehovah, comes to judge. The Son of man and King in Zion enters into the temple with all things under His feet, subjecting all the nations to Himself.

After the Rapture, the Jewish Remnant – Particularly from Isaiah

Isaiah gives us we the Jewish remnant in the latter day. Christ’s personal service on the earth when He first came bore on and spoke of remnant. The blessing is earthly, Jewish, and millennial. Christ, the great Prophet on the earth, to whom Israel was to hearken, the minister of the circumcision, was rejected. The Gentiles are introduced to prove God’s patience with Israel.

The Rapture

Heir of all things, of the church as co-heir with Him, and of the coming of Christ to reign before the thousand-year millennium.

In this lecture, Mr Darby distinguishes between the resurrection of the just and the resurrection of the wicked. The first takes place before the millennium; the other afterwards. The first resurrection, the resurrection from among the dead was a thing that really gripped the early church.

The truth of the resurrection of the church should become bound up in our minds, with the precious truths of our salvation.

For Christians in Perilous Times waiting for Jesus’ Call at the Rapture

ADOSS draws on the teaching of John Nelson Darby (J N Darby, JND) Subjects include: Faith once delivered to the Saints, Christian Unity, Church Unity and Sectarianism, Churches and the Church, Ecclesiastical Independency, The Evil of Clericalism, The Nature and Unity of the Church Separation from Evil, God’s Principle of Unity , Grace, the Power of Unity and of Gathering,
The Notion of a Clergyman, Dispensationally the Sin against the Holy Ghost, Also
C A Coates: Local Responsibility

The Blessings of Covid

April 2021 Dear Brother/Sister The Blessings of Covid Jeremiah said, ‘The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved’ (Jer 8:20).  I guess we are feeling a bit like that with Covid.  In the UK we are emerging cautiously and slowly from the second wave, vaccinations are going well (My wife … Continue reading “The Blessings of Covid”

‘John Nelson Darby is the most influential Evangelical Christian that Most Evangelical Christians have never heard of’

Before asking ‘Do you know about Darby?’ I ask you ‘Do you know Jesus? Do you have peace with God? What about your sins?’ When Jesus comes to take His church, will you be left behind?’  Any doubts– Click here NOW! Who was Darby? Darby Simplified – by adayofsmallthings.com John Nelson Darby (1800-82), otherwise known … Continue reading “‘John Nelson Darby is the most influential Evangelical Christian that Most Evangelical Christians have never heard of’”

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