What will it be when all Thy saints shall be without one shade of variation

A tweet today pointed me to the sad account of the suicide of Anna Napthine in 1981.  This prompted me to write a letter to a close friend whom I had not seen since 1970.  Here is an edited version of it:

Dear xxx

A couple of hours ago I came across a reference on the web to the suicide of Anna Napthine, wife of Peter Napthine.  That was very sad and I trust that God’s mercy abounded to Peter and his family and all who were close to our sister.

This led me to think of you both as, with God  absolutely nothing happens by chance – and whatever it may be – We do know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to purpose. (Rom 8:28).

I remember those happy, but difficult, years when we were boys together.  It was the formative time for all of us.  After 43 years we stil think of you and the family.

We have a lot to thank God for:  heath, material circumstances and the love of the brethren.  But more than that we have the promise of the eternal inheritance. (Heb 9:15).  It’s yours; it’s mine – to be enjoyed now; and what enjoyment we have! Lord gave us a touch of Himself as the Good Shepherd, at the supper last Lord’s Day.  How wonderful it is to appreciate the Lord in the midst, is it not dear brother?

Since retiring, I have been with God’s help, working on a little project to help younger or not-so-young believers who might be seeking the truth to appreciate what the teaching of John Nelson Darby.  How extensive the Holy Spirit used his work.  Have a look at https://adoss.co.uk.

The Lord is coming soon – before the end of 2013 maybe.  One is reminded of those verses that are so real: 

“What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!”
          Miss A. Ross

May you and your family be richly blessed in 2014

With love in our Lord, your brother  X

Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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