Adam failed –  Christ  Replaces Him

ublicly, the Church has fallen like all the rest. Grace will produce and perfect its own work. Christ’s building will be complete and perfect, and manifested in glory. But Man’s building is defective and corrupt, and will come under the worst and severest of judgments.


JohnNelsonDarbyThe Law

In Exodus 20, God gave Moses the law.  Within days Israel had made a golden calf, breaking the first commandment.  The stones were broken.

In a future day, when Christ comes to reign, the law will be written upon the heart of Israel (See Jer 31:33).


The Priesthood

In Leviticus 10, the priesthood failed, Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire.  The result was that Aaron was forbidden to enter the sanctuary, except on the great day of atonement, and then not in his garments of glory and beauty.

On the other hand, Christ is now in glory as a merciful and faithful High Priest.


The Kingdom of Israel


Though wise, Solomon failed.  He loved strange women, and the kingdom was divided.  It was ultimately ended by Nebuchadnezzar.

However Christ, now in glory on His Father’s throne, will take the throne of David and reign over Jews and Gentiles.


The Church

The Church was established here called to glorify Christ.  But evil workers (John called them antichrists) came and there was falling away. Paul prophesied that grievous, seductive wolves would come from within the church – they did.  But Christ will come to be glorified in His saints and admired in all them that believe (1 Thess 1:10).

Publicly, the Church has fallen like all the rest.  Grace will produce and perfect its own work.  Christ’s building will be complete and perfect, and manifested in glory.  But Man’s building is defective and corrupt, and will come under the worst and severest of judgments.


The conclusion of a paper by J N Darby ‘The Church – the House and the Body’ – Collected Writings Volume 14 (Ecclesiastical 3) – p.99




October 2016

Man always spoils what God has set up perfectly

Let me add that God, in His history of man, has shown what flesh is, and even the creature left to himself. The first thing man has always done is to spoil what God has set up good.

An epilogue to

 J. N. Darby‘s

JohnNelsonDarbyUnion in Incarnation, the Root Error of Modern Theology

Let me add that God, in His history of man, has shown what flesh is, and even the creature left to himself. The first thing man has always done is to spoil what God has set up good. Man himself —

  • The first thing we read of him is eating the forbidden fruit.
  • The first Noah did, after offering thanksgiving for his deliverance, was to get drunk.
  • Israel made the golden calf, before Moses came down from the mountain.
  • Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire the first day after being consecrated, and Aaron never went into the holy of holies in his garments of glory and beauty.
  • The son of David, Solomon, loved many strange women, and the kingdom was divided.
  • The Gentile head of gold persecuted the godly, and became a beast, characterising the empires that followed him for the seven times.

What shall we say of the church? How soon did all seek their own, not the things of Jesus Christ, and forsake the devoted and faithful apostle! John could say, “There are many antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time.” But God has worked on in grace, in spite of this, to shew what He is, His longsuffering and goodness and patience. So all those things — man, the law, the priesthood, royalty in the Son of David, He that rises to reign over the Gentiles, His being glorified in His saints — all is made good in its place in the Second Man, the Last Adam. May His name be eternally praised! As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy. As is the Heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.


June 2015

For original see  Union in Incarnation, the Root Error of Modern Theology

For my summary see Christ’s Coming into Manhood – Some Errors Exposed

A Brief Outline of the Books of the Bible – Samuel, Kings, Chronicles

lay-preaching1 SAMUEL

The judicial priesthood connection is here broken. Both judge and priest go in Eli. The ark is taken – a total breach. Power is lost.   Then God comes in, in His own sovereign way, by a prophet, as He had earlier when He brought them out of Egypt.  (Everything on the ground of man’s responsibility was gone; but God’s sending a prophet was sovereign mercy.)  Before He brings in strength (the king), He brings in prophecy – note this.  Before Christ returns in power, it is the testimony of the Spirit and word, by which a connection is maintained between God and His people.  From Eli to David on the throne the principle is faith and power, not succession.

But flesh requires governmental order,* and it gets what it wants.  However, it breaks down under the power of the enemy.  Even believers who cling to the flesh, fall with it (Jonathan).   If governmental order is established without Christ, they cannot accept Christ’s coming to set it aside.  The one in whom hope is (David) must be content to be as a partridge on the mountains.

Saul was raised up to put down the Philistines and Jonathan subdued them.  Saul did not, and was destroyed by them.  Jonathan was a believer associated with the outward order.  The place of faith was with David.  It is the place of the power of faith without the king.

{*It is quite true that there was a want through the misrule of Samuel’s sons.  Spiritual energy had failed.  The church can only stand in power: when it turned to the principle of succession, all was lost.}


Saul falls on the mountains of Gilboa.   Then we get the royalty of David, in active power, not in the reign of peace.  There was the promise that God would  maintain David’s house, however they conducted themselves.  God would chasten them if disobedient, but not take His mercy from them.  Then we get David’s personal failure when he is king.

There is another element – the ark and the temple come in question.  The relationship with God is re-established first by faith, not according to order, but by spiritual power according to grace.  The ark was on Mount Zion, and there they were singing, “His mercy endureth for ever”.   At Gibeon there was the high place, and Solomon went there.  The tabernacle was there, but not the ark.  Solomon is not seen at Mount Zion till his return from Gibeon, after God answered him. Consequent on God’s interfering in deliverance and redemption, the place of ordered worship is set up, connected with earth, at the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.  It was after judgment: people had been slain, and sacrifice made.   God loves Jerusalem; He stays His hand in judgment, and shows by prophecy the path of reconciliation by sacrifice.


Here we have the reign of Solomon, the figure of the great Son of David.  We have the establishment of Israel in peace, and the building of the temple.  This fails in Rehoboam.   The book of Kings then gives us the history of Israel, not Judah, but with sufficient notices of Judah to carry on the history.  You get the intervention of God  in mercy, by prophets in Elijah and Elisha.   In the midst of Israel,  Elijah was a testimony to Israel, who had left the temple, on the ground of responsibility; Elisha was a testimony in resurrection-power.

First and Second Kings continue the history in Judah till the captivity, and then Lo-ammi (not my people) was written on the nation.   There are, of course, many details and various characters.   Hezekiah had faith, Josiah showed obedience, Jehoshaphat had piety, but through association with the world, there never was success.


Chronicles gives us the history of the family of David – ending with the Babylonish captivity.

1 Chronicles is David himself.  At the close, David has the pattern of everything by the Spirit, and leaves it to Solomon to execute.

2 Chronicles is David’s posterity.

Chronicles is more connected with the establishment of the kingdom on earth; Kings is more figurative of what is heavenly.  In the temple in Chronicles there is a veil (2 Chron. 3:14), in Kings there is not.   The veil will not be rent for Israel in the millennium.

Lightly edited by Sosthenes, May 2014

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