1. All through this desert dry
My path His footsteps trace,
And He doth all my need supply
In this sad, empty place.
Up to the Father there
Doth He attract my heart –
Doth make this earth a desert drear,
And draw me quite apart.
2 In Christ I find repose,
Nor follow Him in vain;
My soul no loss nor sorrow knows
When He Himself’s my gain.
Though long and hard the road,
Faith’s eyes are on the goal;
He uses trials for my good,
And thus preserves my soul.
3 Thus joyful, bright and free,
I take the heav’nly road;
My soul vibrates with melody,
My song is ever – God!
To Thee I have recourse
When sorrow fills my soul;
Thy staff and rod are my resource,
To comfort and console.
4 O what amazing grace
To know Thee here below!
To this great end my steps I trace,
And onward, upward go.
Thy face I soon shall see,
O mighty Saviour, there;
I have in Thee full victory,
And shall Thy glory share.
Little Flock Hymnbook 1962/1973 No 228
Thought to have been written by John Nelson Darby in French and translated.
Most Christians are really not waiting for the Lord’s coming – but are not planning for the tribulation either. Through God’s mercy we will be saved out of that – See the letter to the Church at Smyrna (modern day Izmir)
But His coming is the Hope of the Church – so every Christian should be waiting for it. Jesus says “I come quickly” (Revelation 22:20)
I love this hymn, written by a Godly Russian, Daniel Otsing.
Daniel Otsing
1. O Lord, with our ears and hearts open,
Awaiting Thy shout would we be,
The summons that calls us to heaven,
Forever to be, Lord, with Thee.
Thy word and Thy Spirit, blest Lover,
The earnest, are giv’n to Thy bride;
Thou’rt near to faith’s vision, O Saviour,
But soon she will be at Thy side.
2. O come then, Lord Jesus, we’re watching!
And take now Thy spouse home to Thee!
Thine absence awakens deep yearning,
The bride her loved Bridegroom to see.
Thou art, O Lord Jesus, still waiting
With love deep, eternal, we know;
Our hearts in response, with love’s burning,
Await Thee with lamps all aglow.
3. The Spirit and bride are united
And now with one voice would say “Come”!
Throughout the long night she has waited
To see Thee, her faithful Bridegroom.
Gross darkness the earth doth now cover,
And night like a pall shrouds the land;
Thy flock is still here, Shepherd Lover,
The sheep Thou hast kept by Thy hand.
4. Midst darkness faith clearly sees beaming
The light of Thy coming afar;
We watch for the dawn of the morning,
And hail Thee, the bright Morning Star.
The word of Thy patience we’re keeping,
Thy radiancy draws us apart –
A beacon us heav’nward attracting –
To meet Thee, the Hope of our heart!
Another verse, not in the Little Flock Hymn Book
How sweet is Thy word, “I come quickly”.
“Amen!” answer Spirit and bride;
Responsive to love, faithful, holy,
That never has once turned aside. Thy promise is sure; blest Protector,
“Not one shall be lost”, is Thy word;
Of the “men given” Thee by Thy Father,
We praise Thee; we bless Thee O Lord.
Tunes: 449 Willenhall 447 Petrograd 448 Russian Air
B419 Morning Star R235 Mansewood
Daniel Otsing and his Wife
Daniel Otsing (1850-1937) lived in St Petersburg/Leningrad, Russia, and was in a small brethren meeting there. He was exiled to Kazakhstan where he died in appalling conditions.. The meeting suffered a lot of persecution after the Bolshevik Revolution and many faithful souls were transported to Siberia where they continued to witness to the Love of God. His niece Alice Mutton was taken to be with the Lord in January 2015. Some ‘Russian Nuggets’ are being issued by Saville Street Distribution, Walton, Essex. Contact e.mutton1462@btinternet.com .
June 2020 – Edwin Mutton has written a book ‘We Despaired even of Life’ , a collecton of correspondence with and accounts of visits to brethren in Russia from the Bolshevik Revolution in 1916 to the Stalin purges of the late 1930’s, with further sstories up to the home-going of Daniel Otsing’s daughter-in-law Jenny Otsing in 1975?. Daniel Otsing was a key figure. Edwin’s mother, Alice was the daughter of Paul and xx Cooper (originally Kubler). Xx was sister to yy, Daniel Otsing’s wife. The book is available from Saville Street Distribution (above) or from Bibles Etc, Wheaton IL, wsc@bibles-etc.com