J N Darby – Little Flock No 47 – Blest Lord, Thou spakest! ’twas Thy voice

1 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! ’twas Thy voice
That led our hearts to Thee;
That drew us to that better choice,
Where grace has set us free.
2 Thou wouldest that we should rejoice,
And walk by faith below;
Enough that we have heard Thy voice,
And learned Thy love’s deep woe.
Thy glory, Lord: this living waste
To us no rest can give;
Our path is on with earnest haste,
Lord, in Thy rest to live.
4 Our happiness, O Lord, with Thee
Is long laid up in store,
For that blest day when Thee we’ll see,
And conflict will be o’er.
5 Yes, love divine in Thee we know;
The Father’s glories soon
Shall burst upon our ravished view,
Thyself our joy and crown.
6 Soon shall we see Thee as Thou art,
O hope for ever blest!
Thou’lt call us in our heav’nly part,
The Father’s house to rest.
7 O rest ineffable, divine,
The rest of God above,
Where we shall ever see Thee shine,
Our joy, eternal love!


J N Darby –

Little Flock Hymn Book (1961/1973) No 47

Part of JND’s poem   The Call – What powerful, mighty Voice, so near, Calls me from Earth apart

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