F E Raven – Exclusiveness

what is it that will make me exclusive?  Love will do it.  I know that many people think the opposite of this and that our exclusiveness is anything but love, but I am sure of my ground when I say that nothing but divine love will enable you to be exclusive of what is in man.

Frederick Raven

I shall speak of the idea of exclusiveness.  We have been in reproach because of what has been termed our exclusiveness.  Now l want to be exclusive of all which Christ would be exclusive.  I do not think Christ is exclusive of men.  I am sure He desires to receive every man, and would save them all, but men are not willing that He should.  I am not exclusive of men, but shall I tell you what Christ excludes?  All that is of man.  What is in man?  Why, the world is in man and Christ will not tolerate it, and nor will I, by grace, go on with it, either.  I want to be exclusive of all that He excludes; lust and pride are in man’s heart, that is really the world.  Now what is it that will make me exclusive?  Love will do it.  I know that many people think the opposite of this and that our exclusiveness is anything but love, but I am sure of my ground when I say that nothing but divine love will enable you to be exclusive of what is in man.

(F E Raven, Letters p302)

Golden Nugget Number 191

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