C A Coates – It is Easier to be Indignant than it is to Weep

We often become hard in speaking of enemies.

Charles Coates

And if Paul has to speak of the enemies of the cross of Christ, he does it weeping. We often become hard in speaking of enemies. We may know a great deal and understand the times of the dispensation and tell people very earnestly that judgment is just about to fall, but it needs nearness to Christ to be able to tell them so with tears. When we see things wrong, we become indignant, and that is right at times, but it is easier to be indignant than it is to weep.

(C.A.C. Outline of Luke p 243-244)  

Golden Nugget Number 208

Luke 19- The Lord weeping over Jerusalem


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton on the Naze, CO14 8QD  UK

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