Rekindling – in Days of Breakdown

  Issue 2A Reading at Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland 7 October 2017 Martin Cook   I am thankful to God, whom I serve from [my] forefathers with pure conscience, how unceasingly I have the remembrance of thee in my supplications night and day, earnestly desiring to see thee, remembering thy tears, that I may be filled … Continue reading “Rekindling – in Days of Breakdown”

Introduce your Christian Friends to A Day of Small Things

Dear Fellow Believer, Have you found help and blessing from reading A Day of Small Things (ADOSS), and receiving our periodic letters? Have you had help from the more concise and simply written summaries of JN Darby’s writings? Have you had help as to how we can enjoy Christian fellowship amid the confusion of Christendom, … Continue reading “Introduce your Christian Friends to A Day of Small Things”

Changes to ‘A day of Small Things’. – What do you Think?

February 2018 – A Day of Small Things has been going almost five years.  It is time to take stock, see what the Lord has prospered and what He has not, see what Christians have shown interest in.  It is also time to brighten things up.  I hope you like the changes.  Please email me, … Continue reading “Changes to ‘A day of Small Things’. – What do you Think?”

JN Darby on The Red Sea – The Red Sea and Prophecy

J N Darby on The Red Sea by Subject – the second subject in this series ·     The Red Sea –  JN Darby Bible Notes & Synopsis ·     Israel’s Experience in the Red Sea ·     Red Sea and Jordan ·     The Red Sea and Prophecy ·     The Red Sea and Wilderness and God’s Purpose ·     Christian Teaching from the Red Sea … Continue reading “JN Darby on The Red Sea – The Red Sea and Prophecy”

Easy-to-read Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Writings

Who was Darby? Darby Simplified – by John Nelson Darby (1800-82), otherwise known as J N Darby or simply JND, had a major influence on evangelical Christendom in the nineteenth century. God used him to bring back Evangelical Christians of all persuasions to the truth as presented by Paul and the other Apostles. Leading … Continue reading “Easy-to-read Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Writings”

J N Darby Simplified – The Body of Christ (the Assembly here) and the House of God (Christian Profession)

A clear view of the way the church is presented:

The body according to the purpose and work of God, its members quickened with Christ, raised up and sitting in heavenly places in Him.
The body manifested on the earth by the baptism of the Holy Spirit (not water), outwardly expressed by union in partaking of the Lord’s supper.
The spiritual house in the thought and purpose of God, built on the foundation of apostles and prophets of the New Testament, growing up a holy temple to the Lord.

The Lord’s Coming – Is that REALLY our Expectation?

How much does the hope of the Lord’s return (the rapture) feature in our Christian meetings – an expectation – a hope.  Is it the hope of troubles being ended, of divisions being over, of our poor old bodies being changed  – or the hope of seeing our Saviour whom we love, and being with Him?  Is it also the joy of knowing that at that time, Jesus will have His bride (us!) united to Him in glory.   Is the degree of the expectation of Christ’s imminent return, the thermometer measuring our company’s spiritual warmth?

The Things which shall be Hereafter (Rev 1:19)  – The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation

This is the next in our series of ‘The Things which shall be Hereafter (Rev 1:19)’. It is a subject which is spoken of extensively in scripture but is often misunderstood. Two important points:

It is future
It relates to Israel – the church has no part in it.
The notes here are largely from ‘The Scroll of Time’ by John Ashton Savage

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