London – 2nd July 1862
To Mr B
Beloved Brother
I was happy to have your news. Before seeing Mr B, I had thought I read in your letter that it had been you who had lost a child; for I had one of my eye attacks, and I had only been able to cast an eye over it. I see now that it was a child of your sister-in-law. May the Lord console her.
As to N, what can I say? All this is so sad. For me, the more I go on, the more importance I attach to the judgment of the assembly, but I am profoundly saddened for X. I also think of his children: I believe that God is visiting him for his rigidity, and because his will is not broken. He even boasts about never bending, and then God is forced to say to him: Well, I will bend you. Otherwise, he breaks us; but this gives me sorrow, for he has been blessed, devoted, and has suffered for the Lord. But God desires that we should submit. There is only His grace; will is worth nothing, we are worth nothing. We have to recognise that all is grace; if we submit ourselves to His grace, God is full of goodness. He does not take pleasure in disciplining us; far from it, he spares us a thousand times and blesses us.
I am happy to learn, dear brother, that you have more courage. Have it, for this courage proves confidence in Jesus. He will never let you down. His power is perfected in weakness[38].
I am very happy to know that the Rs are better. Greet them much on my behalf; greet all the brethren too. I had some hope of visiting the South, but my bad eye takes rather a long time. I have before me now the voyage across the Atlantic, to visit the brethren in Canada. If I do not go there (for I depend humanly speaking on a brother E who has worked there), it could well be that I will see you again this year in France; if I go to Canada, I think that we will leave some time this month. It is a long voyage for me at my age, but it is for the Lord’s service, so that I feel encouraged; I am under His wings. I would surely love to see the dear brethren in France again; I do not know if, or when God will accord me this joy. May He keep them until the day of Christ! May He keep them in devotion, in humility and in the joy of His communion. My soul is much linked to theirs, my desires for their eternal happiness. All the rest only passes away. May He bless you too, dear brother. If God prospers me in my journey and I have time to see the brethren, I am thinking of coming back from Canada this year. There is much to do here and in Ireland, and thanks be to God, blessing in many places.
Your affectionate brother in Jesus
[38] See 2 Cor. 12: 9