For Christians in Perilous Times waiting for Jesus’ Call at the Rapture

James Taylor Sr – Christ’s Name

… or mine?

                                                                                                                 Chapters 3 and 4 (of Acts) show us the character of the apostles’ testimony; that is, that they were not engaged with their own reputations, but with Christ’s name. What marked the Christian unity was that His name was to be great instead of our name.  Wherever you find a man, be he Christian or not, who has his own name before him, he is Babylonish; he is virtually a Babel-builder. But

James Taylor Sr (1870-1953)

what marks the apostles is Christ’s name- “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”  Peter said he had neither gold nor silver, and he had no reputation, but Jesus of Nazareth had a name of renown.  Peter boldly states in chapter 4 that there is none other “name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”  That is what marked Peter and John in their testimony.  Now, Satan was against that name. The injunction of the religious leaders in chapter 4 was not simply that they should not hold certain doctrines, but that they should not teach or preach in that name. But the divine intention is to maintain that name.

(J Taylor NS vol. 3 page 171.  Suggested by an English subscriber)

Golden Nugget Number 314


A few years ago, my wife and I were on vacation in Quebec City and took the boat over the St Lawrence.  We got talking to a fellow Christian who told us how well his church was doing and what he was doing to improve it, then gave us his business card – it said ‘John Smith* – Professional Church Planter’. That made me think of his priorities

  1. Himself
  2. His church – whatever sect it was
  3. Jesus

If  ‘me’ or ‘my church’ means more to me than Jesus, I think there is a problem.

* Not his real name


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

George Cutting: Souls need a Message, not a Sermon

A Word to Preachers

Pray more about souls than about sermons, and always be more concerned to get a message from the Lord than to have a subject.  Since my health precluded me from preaching, I have listened to many preachers; I have heard many subjects, well prepared, ably-handled and quite scriptural, but I have often listened in vain for the message.  It is that which is used of God.  Therefore, wait much on God for the message!

Then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth.  And the Lord said unto me, Behold I have put my words in thy mouth.  Jeremiah 1: 9.

George Cutting

George Cutting (1843-1934) – well known for his tracts including Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment

Golden Nugget Number 312 

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

J N Darby – There is no Place so full of Peace as Heaven

There is nothing more important, to meet the turmoil of the world, than getting into this spirit of peace.

There is no place so full of peace as heaven—no jar there; myriads of worshippers all in concord, while there are a thousand harmonies round the centre of God’s glory.  The soul in communion with God will live in the spirit of peace.  There is nothing more important, to meet the turmoil of the world, than getting into this spirit of peace.   When the spirit of peace does not rule in the heart, how can the saints walk as always having peace?  There may be uncompromising faithfulness in such a man, but he cannot walk as Jesus walked.   Nothing keeps the soul in such peace as settled confidence in God.  Without this a man will be continually excited, in haste, and full of anxiety.  If the peace of God keep your hearts, you will have the triumph of it; nothing can be heard that is distinctive from it, that does not perfectly harmonise with it.  Uncompromising firmness becomes us, yet calmness; and nothing can keep the soul so firm as a sense of grace.  This is a sign of power, and moreover, connected with humbleness.  All grace has come to us.  A sense of nothingness, with the spirit of peace, gives a power to surmount things.

(J N Darby.   Collected Writings, Vol. 16, p. 59)

Golden Nugget Number 309


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

Brian Deck – The Faintest Prayer . . .

The faintest prayer touches the heart that guides the hands that rule the universe.

The faintest prayer enters the ear and touches the heart that guides the hands that rule the universe.

– Attributed to Brian Deck, Motueka New Zealand (1912-1991)

Also by Brian Deck

The Love of the Truth & other ministry
MMMMMM Brian M Deck

Percy Hardwick – A Throne that Stands

Percy Hardwick

There is a great throne…a great control above everything national and international.  Jesus is on the Father’s throne and things are controlled from there, and the throne stands.  It does not totter.  Thrones on earth totter and fall, but not there.  John says, “A throne stood in the heaven.”  It stoodSo we can be occupied with God…God has control and that is a great help to us whatever our difficulties, whatever our limitations…We are to have the supremacy of God in our hearts

(P H Hardwick,  Whangarei, NZ, 1947)  

Percy H. Hardwick was local in West Hampstead, London. He was son of the well-known Harland Hardwick.  Professionally he was headmaster of a school.  Kingson Bible Trust has published four volumes of his ministry.  Approx 1890-1962

Golden Nugget Number 307


C A Coates – Jesus, the Blessed Vessel of Divine Grace.

The One who was there! (on the cross). Think of Jesus, the blessed Vessel of divine grace…He was God’s salvation for sinful men


Charles Coates

Think of the One who was there! (on the cross). Think of Jesus, the blessed Vessel of divine grace…He was God’s salvation for sinful men; the One anointed to preach glad tidings to the poor; the One who said that He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance! He was indeed the Creditor, but here to announce a frank forgiveness to all His debtors! The Samaritan freely expending divine wealth and resources in compassion on the misery of man ruined by sin and Satan! The One who told of the great supper of grace, and of the blessed inviting and compelling of divine love! The Shepherd who would go after the sheep which was lost until He found it! The One who as the Vessel of all the grace of heaven told of the joy of God in receiving a repenting prodigal! The One who by the grace of God tasted death so that the river of that grace might flow forth for worldwide blessing through a channel of divine righteousness.

Golden Nugget Number 305

(C A Coates, Letters, pp384-5)

Just a thought.  This morning (our time) I was at what they call the South Pacific Zoom Reading.  Jeremy from Auckland set the reading on, on various scriptures on sight.  One was Bartimeus (Mark 10).  He said ‘It was a greater thought that the Creator of the Universe could stop in mercy to give sight to a blind beggar, than that the sun could stop for a day.’


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

J N Darby – Shall I forget the Humiliation of Christ?

Shall I ever forget the humiliation of Christ?

Shall I ever forget the humiliation of Christ? . . . Never! Never! Through all eternity. I shall never forget His humiliation on earth. While seeing Him in glory animates the soul to run after Him, what feeds the soul is the bread come down. That produces a spirit that thinks of everything but itself. . . . Go and study Him, and live by Him, and you will come out in His likeness, in all His grace and gentleness and loveliness. . . . The Lord give us to be so occupied with Him who was so full of love . . . . so full of lowliness, that we shall manifest the same.

(J.N.Darby Pilgrim Portions)

Golden Nugget Number 304

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

C H Mackintosh – God’s Large Loving Heart

God enters into all our little trials and sorrows, conflicts and exercises, as if He had nothing else to think of.



He enters into all our little trials and sorrows, conflicts and exercises, as if He had nothing else to think of.  Each one has the undivided attention and sympathy of that large loving heart, in all that may arise in our passage through this scene of trial and sorrow.  He has gone through it all.  He knows, as we say, every step of the road.  We can discern His blessed footprints all across the desert; and look up to the opened heavens and see Him, a glorified Man, but the same Jesus who was down here upon earth — His circumstances changed, but not His tender, loving, sympathising heart; “The same yesterday, today, and for ever”.

Golden Nugget Number 297

(C H Mackintosh)

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD  UK

J B Catterall -The Spirit is Getting the Saints Ready for Christ.


 Everything that makes much of Christ, washes the saints’ feet.

J B Catterall (1879-1927)’ feet.


It is possible to have a very great amount of light, and be very clear in our minds as to divine truth, and yet not be following Christ.

The greatest thing open to us in the assembly of God’s people, is to be like Christ.

The time has come when the Spirit is, so to speak, packing up.  He is getting the saints ready for the rapture.  He would convince our souls that the most urgent thought of His mind is to get the saints ready for Christ.

(Memorials of J B Catterall’s Ministry)

Golden Nugget Number 296 

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD  UK

Arthur House – An Ambassador Bound with a Chain

But, I would have you know brethren, that the circumstances in which I am have turned out rather to the furtherance of the glad tidings.


Now a word as to Philippians. Paul is writing to the saints at Philippi from prison an ambassador bound with a chain.  He, as we all know, had moved in service amongst the saints in the fullest way, more than any other servant or apostle of his day.  Now he is in prison, the bondman of Jesus Christ.  Nevertheless, he may have reflected in prison over the Spirit’s voice to him when moving up to Jerusalem, also the known feelings of the brethren as to it. But the Scripture read is full of the greatest encouragement that, even in these restricted circumstances Paul says, “But, I would have you know brethren, that the circumstances in which I am have turned out rather to the furtherance of the glad tidings.”  Again in 2 Timothy 2: 9 he says, ”in which I suffer even unto bonds as an evil-doer but the word of God is not bound.”  Therefore, we are to recognize with Paul that no external limitation can hamper or hinder the development and prosperity of the work of God.

At the end of the book of the Acts it is stated that Paul remained two whole years in Rome “in his own hired lodging, and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, with all freedom unhinderedly.”  We may feel very concerned that those who may be specially used of the Lord are not now able to move about as heretofore, but any movement on our side to interfere with the limitations the Lord is permitting may have very serious consequences.

(Arthur House, Auckland, N.Z., 1941  “Words of Grace and Comfort”  Suggested by an American subscriber)

Golden Nugget Number 295


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD  UK

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