The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:6) with a summons designed only for the ears and hearts of His own. Not one uncircumcised ear shall hear—not one un-renewed heart be moved. The dead in Christ, including, as we believe, the Old Testament saints, as well as those of the New, who shall have departed in the faith of Christ—all those shall hear that blessed sound, and come forth from their sleeping places. All the living saints shall hear it and be changed in a moment. And oh! What a change! The poor crumbling tabernacle of clay exchanged for a glorified body, like unto the body of Jesus.
Look at yonder bent and withered frame—that body racked with pain, and worn out with years of acute suffering. It is the body of a saint. How humiliating to see it like that! Yes, but wait a little. Let but the trumpet sound, and in one moment that poor crushed and withered frame shall be changed, and made like to the glorified body of the descending Lord.
And there, in yonder mental hospital is a poor patient. He has been there for years. He is a saint of God. How mysterious! True; we cannot fathom the mystery; it lies beyond our present narrow range. But so it is; that poor patient is a saint of God, an heir of glory. He too shall hear the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, and leave his illness behind him forever, while he mounts into the heavens, in his glorified body, to meet his descending Lord.
Oh! What a brilliant moment! How many sick beds will be vacant then! What marvellous changes shall then take place! How the heart bounds at the thought, and longs to sing, in full chorus, that lovely hymn,
Christ, the Lord, will come again, None shall wait for Him in vain: I shall then His glory see: Christ will come and call for me. Amen and Amen!
Will you explain the difference between objective and subjective truth?
His answer:
James Butler Stoney
Objective is – everything is done for me, all is pure grace. Subjective is – the Spirit’s work in me; you must not separate them. The Spirit effects in me what Christ has done for me. The Spirit makes it all good to me. He sheds the love of God abroad in our hearts. No one will be happy till he is as clear of the old man in his own eye as he is clear of him in God’s eye. In the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, I am free from the law of sin and death. If you have gone the road you will know what it is.
Finally, as if to complete the picture, he says, “when I come again.” (Luke 10: 35 KJV) He awakens in the heart by these last words, “the blessed hope” of seeing him again. What a lovely picture! And yet it is all a divine reality. It is the simple story of our blessed Jesus who, in His tender compassion, looked upon us in our low and utterly hopeless condition, left His eternal dwelling-place of light and love, took upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh, was made of a woman, made under the law, lived a spotless life, and fulfilled a perfect ministry down here for 33 years, and finally died on the cross as a perfect atonement for sin so that God might be just and the Justifier of any poor, ungodly, convicted sinner that simply trusts in Jesus.
Yes, dear reader, whoever you are, high or low, rich or poor, learned or unlearned, Jesus has done all this; and He is now at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens. The One who was nailed to the cross for us, is now on the throne. Eternal Justice has wreathed His sacred brow with the wreath of victory, and that, be it remembered, on our behalf. Nor is this all. He has said, “I will come again.” Precious words! Would you be glad to see Him? Do you know Him as the Good Samaritan? Have you felt His loving hand binding up your spiritual wounds? Have you known the healing virtues of His oil, and the restoring, invigorating, and cheering influence of His wine? Have you heard Him speak the thrilling words, “Take care of him”? If so, then, surely, you will be glad to see His face: you will cherish in your heart’s tender affections the blessed hope of seeing Him as He is and of being like Him and with Him forever. The Lord grant it may be so with you, beloved reader, and then you will be able to appreciate the immense difference between the law and the gospel — between what we ought to do for God and what God has done for us — between what we are to Him and what He is to us — between “do and live” and “live and do” — between “the righteousness of the law” and “the righteousness of faith.”
Coronavirus is giving us time to do things we would not be able to otherwise. A few days ago I got talking to a gentleman from the close opposite, He was a self-employed shoplifter so had no work. I remarked that we do not need to fear because God is in control.
Coronavirus is giving us time to do things we would not be able to otherwise. A few days ago I got talking to a gentleman from the close opposite, He was a self-employed shoplifter so had no work. I remarked that we do not need to fear because God is in control. He agreed and said that the whole affair said had brought him back to God. He was a lapsed Irish Roman Catholic, but had now realised that he needed a direct relationship with God. That really got us on to the gospel. Would that I were more evangelical!
Have you been able to meet up with Christians on-line? Last week we ‘zoomed’ into a bible reading in Chelmsford, and to a preaching in Warrenpoint N Ireland. In this there were about 70 screens and over 200 people.
May you keep safely within the restrictions the government lays down (See Romans 13:1) – and preserve you from this awful virus.
What are your experiences?
God’s Blessings
Daniel (or Sosthenes)
Some Good Videos
Our Christian friends have been sending round videos – from You tube, on WhatsApp, Instagram – or whatever. I have found a few myself. Some are from people in high places – some just ordinary people, many in the health service. If you have one you think I should post, email me or use the contact form.
Rep. Randy Weber Tearfully Begs God To Forgive America For The Sins Of Abortion & Gay Marriage
Dreadful straits; millions dying through [the Sudan] famine. [like the Coronavirus epedemic in 2020 – Sosthenes] Is God unmindful? He is not. You may be assured, He will get His harvest through grace
…the masses of humanity, everyone needing a Saviour…and let our hearts share God’s feelings for men. Dreadful straits; millions dying through [the Sudan] famine. [like the Coronavirus epidemic in 2020 – Sosthenes] Is God unmindful? He is not. You may be assured, He will get His harvest through grace in all these calamities; it must be, in all things he has the pre-eminence; it is a great comfort to think of that. God allows these things to happen and we should not do other than reflect His feelings. We should never live remote from the needs of men. A calamity should bring out in us sympathies and express God in them.
Oh, the relief of a living faith in a living Man who bore that load for me. Why did He do it? Oh that “why”; “why hast Thou forsaken me?” Who can answer that “why”? We would have to tell you of the ocean of the love that lay behind the reason why Jesus died. Love held Him there. He could have come down. He could have called on all those angels. He did not. He was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross…But more than that, as my substitute He bore the judgement due to me because of my sins. Oh, do you not know and love a Saviour like that? Thank God I do and I commend Him to you.
(Extracts from a preaching by Brian Deck, Adelaide,
He hath fixed the set proportions of the oceans and the land
According to the details of His plan;
He hath “measured out the waters in the hollow of his hand”
And meted out the heavens with His span.”
He controls th’ unconquered orbit of “the light that rules the day”
And guides the myriad worlds that shine at night;
And brings forth the host of heaven by their numbers to display
The uncontested brilliance of His might!
But although His arm is power to the infinite expanse,
That same unerring arm is in control
To determine and to govern my every circumstance—
To claim complete submission in my soul!
Yes! And though He counts the nations as “the dust upon the scale” And soars above their triumphs and alarms,
He remembers all about us—that our frame of dust is frail,
And holds us in His “everlasting arms.”
(R G Fear: Composed en route to France for the Invasion of Europe, June 5th, 1945.)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
18 Protestant martyrs were burnt for the pure faith of Jesus Christ. ‘They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb’
Martyrs Memorial
The following details are from a Memorial erected in 1878 in Stratford Parish Church, East London, “To the glory of God in His suffering saints”.
18 Protestant martyrs were burnt for the pure faith of Jesus Christ. ‘They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb‘ (Rev.12:11)
Patrick Packingham, aged 23, burnt at the stake on 28th August 1555. Condemned by Bonner unheard
Elizabeth Warne, widow and gentlewomen taken at a prayer meeting and burned to death on the same day. (Her husband had been burned at Smithfield, her daughter burnt and her son died in prison).
A few days ago, I telephoned my financial advisor to discuss the current economic situation. I opened the conversation with the words, ‘Christians don’t panic; unbelievers do!’. He replied “Amen”. Of course, he is a fellow Christian.
The media is full of nothing else at the moment. It dominates news, and it monopolises the government’s agenda. Other important matters such as the war and humanitarian situation in Northern Syria and Yemen have vanished from the news. Politics circles around the crisis. Here in Britain we have a lot to thank God for: there is a national health service, which for all its shortcomings is geared for emergencies like this. In the USA, the situation could be a lot different. Many poor people do not have health insurance and run the risk of infecting others when trying to work when ill. We are told to pray for the authorities and be subject to them (Romans 13).
As we are in our 70s, we are having to curtail our activities – ‘social isolation’ they call it. We will miss our Christian meetings much. It brings home how much we rely on meetings, and how little we rely on our individual links with the Lord. In our pathway we are alone yet not alone.
Indeed, many churches are closing their doors. What do Christians do? – At the start we read ‘And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved’ (Acts 2:43-47). Maybe something of the simplicity of the early Christian church will return.
Andrea Williams – The Church must repent of being ‘just another club’
Barrister Andrea Minichiello Williams, co-founder of Christian Concern, who represents persecuted Christians legally, has some forthright words. Maybe the current crisis will cause people to put Christ as the centre – not the congregation or community – and then learn what His church here really is. Read her full article:
This brings me to another subject. Some believers look on those with whom they do not meet as being on an independent path. There is only one path for a Christian, the Christian path. If by putting the company first we view others as ‘independent’, we must be unintentionally trying to walk on two roughly parallel paths at the same time – one foot in each. They must slowly diverge – then where will we be?
‘The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day’. (Proverbs 4:18)
Through waves, through Clouds and Storms
This morning I had an email from our brother Leonard in Secunderabad, India. He drew attention to Paul Gerhardt’s hymn ‘Through Clouds through Waves and Storms’ or ‘Through waves through clouds and storms’
I have posted it on the site, along with Leonard’s comments:
Through Clouds through Waves and Storms,
God gently clears the Way
WE wait His Time: so shall the night
Soon end in Blissful Day
He everywhere hath sway
And all things serve His might;
His every Act our blessing is,
His path unsullied Light
When He makes bare His Arm
Who shall His work withstand?
When He His peoples cause defend,
Who then shall stay His Hand?
We leave it to Himself
To choose and to command;
With wonder filled, we soon shall see
How wise, how strong His Hand!
We comprehend Him not,
Yet earth and heaven tell.
God sits as Sovereign on the Throne
And ruleth all things well
Hymn no 55 in the Little Flock hymn book 1962 and 1973.
First line often ‘Through waves, through clouds and storms’
Paul Gerardt 1607-1676, a Lutheran minister near Berlin. Author of many hymns – see biography in Wikipedia.
This hymn was suggested to me in the middle of the coronavirus crisis by our brother Leonard in Secunderabad India.
He wrote:
These Scriptures have encouraged me
Exodus: 8:19. Land of Egypt was under plagues, but the children of God had Light (LOVE, JOY, PEACE), in their Tents.
Because: All things serve His might; His every Act our blessing is,
Phil 2:5-1, Every Disease, Plague, Sickness, Flood, has a name. His Name is above all Names you name, for He healed many, so that they beset Him that they might touch him, as many as had plagues.
Because: Through Clouds through Waves and Storms, God gently clears the Way
Exodus 12 the whole land of Egypt was going through death, His Children were keeping the Passover in their houses, death did not hold them to keep things commanded by God.
Because: God sits as Sovereign on the Throne, And ruleth all things well.
And I saw, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and their number was ten thousands of ten thousands and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that has been slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in the heaven and upon the earth and under the earth, and those that are upon the sea, and all things in them, heard I saying, To him that sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb, blessing, and honour, and glory, and might, to the ages of ages.
Your brother in Him
Original: Thou commandest Thy ways
Befiehl du deine Wege
und was dein Herze kränkt
der allertreusten Pflege
des, der den Himmel lenkt.
Der Wolken, Luft und Winden
gibt Wege, Lauf und Bahn,
der wird auch Wege finden,
da dein Fuß gehen kann.
Dem Herren musst du trauen,
wenn dir’s soll wohlergehn;
auf sein Werk musst du schauen,
wenn dein Werk soll bestehn.
Mit Sorgen und mit Grämen
und mit selbsteigner Pein
lässt Gott sich gar nichts nehmen,
es muss erbeten sein.
Dein’ ewge Treu’ und Gnade,
o Vater, weiß und sieht,
was gut sei oder schade
dem sterblichen Geblüt;
und was du dann erlesen,
das treibst du, starker Held,
und bringst zum Stand und Wesen,
was deinem Rat gefällt.
Weg hast du allerwegen,
an Mitteln fehlt dir’s nicht;
dein Tun ist lauter Segen,
dein Gang ist lauter Licht;
dein Werk kann niemand hindern,
dein Arbeit darf nicht ruhn,
wenn du, was deinen Kindern
ersprießlich ist, willst tun.
Und ob gleich alle Teufel
hier wollten widerstehn,
so wird doch ohne Zweifel
Gott nicht zurücke gehn;
was er sich vorgenommen
und was er haben will,
das muss doch endlich kommen
zu seinem Zweck und Ziel.
Hoff, o du arme Seele,
hoff und sei unverzagt!
Gott wird dich aus der Höhle,
da dich der Kummer plagt,
mit großen Gnaden rücken;
erwarte nur die Zeit,
so wirst du schon erblicken
die Sonn der schönsten Freud.
Auf, auf, gib deinem Schmerze
und Sorgen gute Nacht,
lass fahren, was das Herze
betrübt und traurig macht;
bist du doch nicht Regente,
der alles führen soll,
Gott sitzt im Regimente
und führet alles wohl.
Ihn, ihn lass tun und walten,
er ist ein weiser Fürst
und wird sich so verhalten,
dass du dich wundern wirst,
wenn er, wie ihm gebühret,
mit wunderbarem Rat
das Werk hinausgeführet,
das dich bekümmert hat.
Er wird zwar eine Weile
mit seinem Trost verziehn
und tun an seinem Teile,
als hätt in seinem Sinn
er deiner sich begeben,
und sollt’st du für und für
in Angst und Nöten schweben,
als frag er nichts nach dir.
Wird’s aber sich befinden,
dass du ihm treu verbleibst,
so wird er dich entbinden,
da du’s am mindsten glaubst;
er wird dein Herze lösen
von der so schweren Last,
die du zu keinem Bösen
bisher getragen hast.
Wohl dir, du Kind der Treue,
du hast und trägst davon
mit Ruhm und Dankgeschreie
den Sieg und Ehrenkron;
Gott gibt dir selbst die Palmen
in deine rechte Hand,
und du singst Freudenpsalmen
dem, der dein Leid gewandt.
Mach End, o Herr, mach Ende
mit aller unsrer Not;
stärk unsre Füß und Hände
und lass bis in den Tod
uns allzeit deiner Pflege
und Treu empfohlen sein,
so gehen unsre Wege
gewiss zum Himmel ein.]