J N Darby – There is no Place so full of Peace as Heaven

There is nothing more important, to meet the turmoil of the world, than getting into this spirit of peace.

There is no place so full of peace as heaven—no jar there; myriads of worshippers all in concord, while there are a thousand harmonies round the centre of God’s glory.  The soul in communion with God will live in the spirit of peace.  There is nothing more important, to meet the turmoil of the world, than getting into this spirit of peace.   When the spirit of peace does not rule in the heart, how can the saints walk as always having peace?  There may be uncompromising faithfulness in such a man, but he cannot walk as Jesus walked.   Nothing keeps the soul in such peace as settled confidence in God.  Without this a man will be continually excited, in haste, and full of anxiety.  If the peace of God keep your hearts, you will have the triumph of it; nothing can be heard that is distinctive from it, that does not perfectly harmonise with it.  Uncompromising firmness becomes us, yet calmness; and nothing can keep the soul so firm as a sense of grace.  This is a sign of power, and moreover, connected with humbleness.  All grace has come to us.  A sense of nothingness, with the spirit of peace, gives a power to surmount things.

(J N Darby.   Collected Writings, Vol. 16, p. 59)

Golden Nugget Number 309


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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