J N Darby – Sons – Father, Thy name our souls would bless

J N DarbyFATHER, Thy name our souls would bless

As children taught by grace,
Lift up our hearts in righteousness
And joy before Thy face.

Sweet is the confidence Thou giv’st,
Though high above our praise;
Our hearts resort to where Thou liv’st
In heaven’s unclouded rays.

There in the purpose of Thy love
Our place is now prepared,
As sons with Him who is above,
Who all our sorrows shared.

Eternal ages shall declare
The riches of Thy grace,
To those who with Thy Son shall share
A son’s eternal place.

Absent as yet, we rest in hope,
Treading the desert path,
Waiting for Him who takes us up
Beyond the power of death.

Unchanging glory fills the place
Where Jesus dwells on high;
But brighter joy our spirits trace
With Him, for ever nigh!

We joy in Thee; Thy holy love
Our endless portion is –
Like Thine own Son, with Him above,
In brightest heavenly bliss.

His Father Thou, and ours thro’ grace,
We taste the same delight –
Blest in the brightness of Thy face,
In heaven’s unclouded light.

Father! Thy love my portion is,
As son, like Christ, with Thee;
Oh, who can tell of love like this,
So sov’reign, full, and free!

O Holy Father, keep us here
In that blest name of Love,
Walking before Thee without fear,
Till all be joy above.

John Nelson Darby (1800-82)

Written 1879

  • Parts of the above are in Hymns for the  Little Flock 1962 and 1973 – Nos 25 and 26
  • Part of the above is in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1978 – No 25

C.M. (

Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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