OH, bright and blessed hope!
When shall it be
That we His face, long loved,
Revealed shall see?
Oh! when, without a cloud,
His features trace,
Whose faithful love so long
We’ve known in grace;
That love itself enjoy,
Which, ever true,
Did in our feeble path
Its work pursue?
O Jesus, not unknown,
Thy love shall fill
The heart in which Thou dwell’st,
And shalt dwell still.
Still, Lord, to see Thy face,
Thy voice to hear;
To know Thy present love
For ever near;
To gaze upon Thyself,
So faithful known,
Long proved in secret help
With Thee alone;
To see that love, content,
On me flow forth,
For ever Thy delight,
Clothed with Thy worth!
O Lord, ’twas sweet the thought
That Thou wast mine;
But brighter still the joy
That I am Thine!
Thine own, O Lord, the fruit,
The cherished fruit,
Of Thine all perfect love!
No passing root
Of evil e’er will dim
Thy cloudless rays;
But a full heart pour forth
Thine endless praise!
Nor what is next Thy heart
Can we forget –
Thy saints, O Lord, with Thee
In glory met,
(Perfect in comeliness
Before Thy face –
Th’eternal witness all
Of Thine own grace),
Together then their songs
Of endless praise,
With one harmonious voice,
In joy shall raise!
O joy supreme and full,
Where sunless day
Sheds forth, with light divine,
Its cloudless ray!
John Nelson Darby (1800-1882)
Wriiten 1879
Parts of the above are in Hymns for the Little Flock 1962 and 1973 and in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1978 – No 160 usually sung as