New York – 24th March 1867
To Mr B
Beloved Brother
I was delighted to know at least that T and L have broken with these committees. If T has a true gift of evangelist, as I assume, the brethren should come to his help. It is very well to be taken up with one’s work when one can, but when it prevents one who has a true gift doing the work of the Lord, I find that it is a great pity. I shall take part heartily in this assistance as long as he labours truthfully at the work, and as long as he depends on the Lord; while doing so, I leave him to the direction of the Spirit of God; you know that it is my well established principle; however having more money than he does, I am providing him with it as a brother, according to my means. You know that what I have to give is already taken in good faith, being applied in the same way, so that what I can do does not remove the necessity to walk by faith; but I shall do what I can heartily and other brethren could take part in it. I was also written to about Geneva to give its news; the committee is dissolved, I am told, and a single individual is charged with the work. It is God who directs all these things…
I understand, dear brother, that you feel the void which the loss of your dear wife makes. It is good that it is so here; this world is entirely empty, but the heart can be filled with the Lord, and then everything goes well. Seek the Lord much. If He is looked to, one is illuminated, and we can bless Him at all times. In the way of His will, He shows himself to us; we find His face there, and then everything goes well. The rest is only for a time.
I would be happy to see all these dear French brethren again. I do not know when God will grant it to me. For the time being, my work is here, to establish the testimony in this country. I think that it is happening, although we are only in the small beginnings…
Peace be with you, dear brother. Give me your news sometimes. I am always pleased to receive it.
Yours very affectionately
Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.