J B Catterall -The Spirit is Getting the Saints Ready for Christ.


 Everything that makes much of Christ, washes the saints’ feet.

J B Catterall (1879-1927)’ feet.


It is possible to have a very great amount of light, and be very clear in our minds as to divine truth, and yet not be following Christ.

The greatest thing open to us in the assembly of God’s people, is to be like Christ.

The time has come when the Spirit is, so to speak, packing up.  He is getting the saints ready for the rapture.  He would convince our souls that the most urgent thought of His mind is to get the saints ready for Christ.

(Memorials of J B Catterall’s Ministry)

Golden Nugget Number 296 

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD  UK

Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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