Contact Form

Dear Fellow Believer,

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your local assembly.  Then we can support and pray for one another.

[contact-form-7 id=”5401″ title=”Contact form 1″]

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 22.19.20If you would like a draft copies of the  ‘Faith Once Delivered’ and/or ‘The Present Hope of the Church’, E-books please request them below.   Unless indicated otherwise they will be in .pdf format. Something elseI get a number of communications from people, many genuine I am sure, asking for funds.   I would like to make a couple of points:The Church of God does not require funds.  God has infinite resources and provides exactly what is needed, not more.  The idea of a salaried pastor or minister, one man running a local assembly is not scriptural.  In the early days they met in houses.  If there isn’t funds for a church building or meeting hall, so be it.A couple of requests that I have had recently:

  • Vestments for mass –  well, well!  Does God appreciate the first man, judicially terminated in the death of Christ, dressing himself up to approach Him?
  • Money to pay for son’s education at a seminary in Canada –  the best education is in the school of God, in the place where we are sovereignly set by Him.  And why Canada?
  • Money to fund bibles in local language.  That is a good need.

Christians have needs – some are rich; some are poor.  I am neither.  Those who have, can give to those who have not.  I do not have the knowledge of the needs, or wisdom in distribution.  So be it physical needs of the poor, or bibles, there are Christian charities who are better equipped to service these.  In a very small way, I am happy to give to these.So please write about your spiritual exercises that you have – individually and collectively – but please don’t ask for money!Greetings in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.Sosthenes

31 thoughts on “Contact Form”

  1. I pastor k david raju from india the state of andhra pradesh fraith fellowship church ministries, dear respected sir please visite my ministry and pray for some pastors and all the work we love you too
    yours in christ
    david raju k.

  2. To Judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress. Psalms 10:18

    Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

    Welcome to House of Prayer Ministries

    Dear my daddy pastor Daniel Roberts

    Lord has given great mighty works to your holy hands. We are also here doing well. But we needy your partnership in your org. pray for us and given link below .we shall pray for your family and ministry activates

    Greetings to you in the name of our lord savior Jesus Christ

    It is based on faith then non-profit org .it is an interdenominational church here then we believe trinity

    I, Rev. D John David, the founder of House of Prayer Association prayerfully invite U ALL to get into the details of our ministry and join hands together for the widespread of the kingdom of God through both spiritual and social services.

    Pastor we have a pastoral team here. But every month once we have gathering 30 pastors one church fasting and praying after prayer over us, we can have a small food. Just look them my fb .it is all defend by faith. We are physically poor but we are rich in Christ, without any org support. I given cycles and sound mouths, still we needy, then they never attended bible collage theologically study. UN -educated pastors also here, they needy your team love and effort then teachings here.

    we are providing clothes ad rice every month to widows and old aged peoples

    we are maintenance Blessing children home. just look at my website and Facebook which I given above information

    pray for us

    Skype id is pastorindia2

    Rev. John David Dimmili, Founder & President

    Calvary House of Prayer

    Door. No. 6-7-15, Nehru Nagar, Beside RTC Complex,
    TUNI-533401, East Godavari district
    Andhra Pradesh, India. Mobile No: +91 9866950510.and 8885125288
    E-mails:; Website:

  3. Dear John

    It was good to hear from you. We can thank God there is a good work going on in AP. I have no first hand connections with India (except through many residents over here), but I maintain a list of gatherings with whom we share Christian fellowship (not on denominational lines, but the tendency is always there) and every time I issue it there are additional gatherings in Andra Pradesh. Would that there was as much interest in the truth in Britain! Missionaries now come over to visit us. We need it.

    Greetings in our Lord
    Daniel Roberts (a.k.a. Sosthenes)

  4. One Baptism through Jesus Christ. In the Name of the Father, And the son, and the Holy Spirit

  5. Dear,Church
    Greetings in Jesus’ name. I am Bishop I. Paul from Pak Methodist Church, Lahore, Pakistan. Dear The Executive Board of The Methodist Church is registered here in Pakistan from 1950 and in 1947 Pakistan was separated from Hindustan. Pak Methodist Church is the new name of The Executive Board of The Methodist Church. We are working independently from 1970 and in a country like Pakistan it’s very tough to work because we are minorities in Pakistan.

    I have visited your website and saw your work, it is really good and I really appreciate your work. Me and my team will pray for you all and May he bless us with a chance to work together for the poor people of Pakistan.

    God Bless you. I will be waiting for your kind reply.

  6. Dear Paul

    Thank you very much for your kind email.

    Not having been to Pakistan (or anywhere else on the Indian subncontinent) it is difficult to relate to the conditions. But what we read in the papers give plenty for us to pray about – the weakness of government, the extreme Muslim fanatics in the border provinces, the long term arguments over Kashmir etc. When we read of young Christians being sentenced to death for adultery, because she had married a fellow believer, we really feel for you. Maybe the press (including the evangelical press) over dramatises it.

    I live in Rochester, and we had high regard for the Anglican bishop – Michael Nazir-Ali, who was born in Pakistan. He was a good man and stood out against modernising liberal trends in the C of E. He has been sidelined.

    May you be blessed. I look forward to keeping in touch with you.

    Your brother in our Lord

  7. Dear Shaukat

    Thank you very much for your kind email.

    Not having been to Pakistan (or anywhere else on the Indian subncontinent) it is difficult to relate to the conditions. But what we read in the papers give plenty for us to pray about – the weakness of government, the extreme Muslim fanatics in the border provinces, the long term arguments over Kashmir etc. When we read of young Christians being sentenced to death for adultery, because she had married a fellow believer, we really feel for you. Maybe the press (including the evangelical press) over dramatises it.

    I live in Rochester, and we had high regard for the Anglican bishop – Michael Nazir-Ali, who was born in Pakistan. He was a good man and stood out against modernising liberal trends in the C of E. He has been sidelined.

    May you be blessed. I look forward to keeping in touch with you.

    Your brother in our Lord

  8. Dear pastor plesevist my ministries and pray for some pastors and all the work we love too…

  9. Dear Brother
    35And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

    36But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 37Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

    In grace

  10. Dear Brother

    You are one year older than me! In the old system Levites retired at 60. There is no retirement in the Lord’s service. I quoted to another brother this evening: 35And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

    36But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 37Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

    Where are you located?

    In grace

  11. Praise God, you are doing great for the Lord, we are so happy to see this, praying for you,
    I am Pastor Job k makau with Berea Baptist church here at Kenya, Requesting for partner and be visited by you and your team, and preacher Christ,God bless please email me,

  12. Dear brethren
    Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ our Lord, My name is Pastor Geofrey Ombaso I am a minister for the LORD in Kenya Africa. I run an Orphanage in Kenya Africa. I am writing to you because of my needs for funds to feed not only the children but widows I also have under my care.
    I salute you in the name of Jesus Christi take this good chance that our Almighty Father has given to thank him in all power , strength.
    Am happy to share with you and get involved into to your ministry in serving the Living God with all our heart.
    Am single orphan but God has let me from far where i didn’t know and expected. My dad is not there.
    He left as while young of a family 4 children was the 1st born to our family.
    He died, their brothers grabbed us the land and took it.We suffered much but we were on serving God to open for us the way and get to school for studies. The live went on well in my primary and secondary level till i sat down for my examination . I left there because i had no funds to go ahead with my education.
    Before, we used to worship inside our home. After school, i saw a gradual change and the members multiplied in our church. We had no pastor but i was trying to lead the church as a pastor as there was none to conduct the service.
    In the year 2011, i built my house which was big. My mum worried much what is the house for had a vision of caring the orphans even if i had no enough facilities to start with included my brothers and sisters as the orphans and i brought another from outside and we reached 30.
    Am happy that God is doing great to us until now. We are independent and non-denominational church.
    Am happy to welcome you to my ministry as it is young and lay your foundation here and support us fully where you can as we are in need of more materials and basic needs.
    Pray for us and for our orphans and the church. Feel free to come and minister with us.
    Pray for us to have:
    1. A house of worship as we get hard during rain season to worship
    2 Enough food to feed the orphans.
    3. Enough funds to pay school fees
    4. School facilities e.g books , uniforms ,shoes pens etc
    May God bless you and your hearts to get in touch with us and may he shine upon to your hearts in Jesus Name.
    Nice to hear from you
    Pastor Geoffrey

  13. Dear Brother

    You have our prayers.

    There are many things that you, as a minister, feel are necessary to run a church. They are not. Your local church does not need a minister or a building – just some faithful Christians who are instructed in the Word and are helped by the Holy Spirit to take part in worship and instruct others. Our meeting does not have any minister or even appointed elders (though I might function as one).

    To help the poor there are funds provided by those who understand local needs. I am happy to give to these, but not directly to any church.

    May you be encouraged

    Greetings in Christ


  14. Dear Brother Jeremiah
    Please don’t call me honorable man of God. I am just a humble man who is seeking to do something for my honourable Saviour.
    But thank you for your encouragement.
    Please tell me a bit about your thoughts regarding the truth of Christ and His Assembly.
    Your brother

  15. To my dearest brethren and fellow partakers of Christ suffering. Please pray for the work of the Lord here in the place where our good God put me and my family to do a mission work. We are working and reaching the people who are maybe called a tribe. Please bear with us in your prayers. My wife and I working full time in this ministry. We have one fruit of our love she is two months old. Baby girl. Please include also of God’s provision of the said mission work. In Christ Sake, Pastor Noel C. Talisay. Please email me.

  16. The place where our good God put us is in San Francisco, Prosperedad, Agusan Del Sur. Philippines. I am Independent Pastor. Working in God’s ministry by faith. Without support any agency. We depend on God’s mercy.

  17. Dear Brother Noel. MY wife and I have spent many happy weekends amongst Christians in San Francisco. Earlier I enjoyed good fellowship with many there and in Oakland when I was working for a company based in Santa Clara.
    It is good to realise that a local assembly is not dependent on any one person. Even Paul, when in Corinth, was not full time in the ministry. You don’t even need a building.
    Sadly with things publicly in confusion we gather to the Lord’s Name in simplicity, in the light of the fact that every one of the redeemed are members of the body of Christ, and we are members one of the other. We can pray for one another too.
    Greetings in Christ

  18. So it seems that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are on the right track in following Jesus’example in going from house to house and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Matthew 24:14; Acts5:42.

  19. Dear Annie
    Yes you are right to a point. It is such a pity that these dear souls do not know the King. God manifest in flesh – Immanuel. Would that they had the assurance of faith knowing that every claim of God’s righteousness has been met.
    Greetings in Christ

  20. We are serving God through Radio programme and this is done once weekly and for one hour,plus holding open air crusades but we are doing all this to see that we get one see atleast believing that may be his coming can manifested,we are a small church of 50 members and most of the are peasant and i need to thank God for this only pray for us the enemy destroyed the business of a supporting sister and brother for they were supporting 80 percent so now are nolonger in the field of envagelism the way we were doing.

  21. Hello Daniel, despite your second message regarding the email problems, the link back to your website still doesn’t seem to work. Can you just clarify what your response email is again please.

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