If there were more service there would be less room for things that lead to envyings, jealousies, evil speaking, and personal differences and misunderstandings
Charles Coates 1862 – 1945.
“Let us occupy ourselves in service.” Rom.12:7
A very great deal of trouble and sorrow would be avoided if believers engaged themselves more in Christian activities. If there were more service there would be less room for things that lead to envyings, jealousies, evil speaking, and personal differencies and misunderstandings. Practically deliverance from what is of the flesh is found as we move in activities which are of the Spirit.
Golden Nugget Number 359
(C A Coates. Outline on Romans, p200)
Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK
They that were Scattered Abroad went Everywhere, Preaching the Word Acts 8:4.
Paul prayed ‘that the word of the Lord may have free course’(2 Thess 3:1). All true Christians should pray for that too. But alas, preaching is beset by human perverseness, especially in establishments of any sect or denomination where only appointed or ordained individuals are permitted to preach. Scripture does not support ordination or authorisation – whichever word is used. In a world under condemnation, there are sinners ready to perish. Ordination and the distinction between laity and clergy (which includes so-called lay preachers) was not known in the early church – nor is it scriptural.
No human qualification should be needed in order to declare to them God’s remedy in love: that Jesus died for sinners. Manhas set up restrictions: the gospel which was ‘to be preached to every creature under heaven’(Col 1:23) has been bound and shackled. Multitudes have been shut out from the springs of life for want of hearing a clear invitation which should have been upon the lips of all who have drunk of the living waters. The Spirit of God has been grieved.
The questions are –
Do those in appointed office have the Spirit of God?
Can any member of the church of God with love for souls preach if the Lord gives them the ability and opportunity?
Is any human sanction needful for their doing so?
Are those who are not ordained, or otherwise appointed, disqualified from preaching?
As to Christians speaking in the church, the only restriction is, ‘Let your women keep silence in the churches’ (1 Cor 13:34). Women have other blessed services. Many godly women have spiritual gifts, and we read elsewhere the directions for their exercise (in the home, with their heads covered – see 1 Cor 11:5). They were not to use them in the church, because that would be out of order.
The apostle says, ‘every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation’(v. 26). So, if God has given some men the ability to speak, they were to speak in an orderly way in the power of the Holy Spirit: not all at once or every day, but as God led them. Because of the presence of the indwelling Spirit is in the church, it is built up, and God is worshipped ‘in spirit and in truth’(John 4:24).
It is most mischievous to say that times have changed. The Spirit of God does not break His own order by systematic rules. Christ initially gave in his church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers; ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, . . . speaking the truth in love, [that we] may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love’ (Eph 4:11-16) . Some quote to justify ordination, ‘the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2). But the thing committed here was the doctrine: it does not appear that they were ordained for the purpose.
Human prescription regulates everything in matters of religion, as in politics, commerce, education and most other aspects of life. The result of this is that much has been lost in the public profession: the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge, for example. If that is true, then the effectiveness of the word is further weakened by asserting that the Spirit of God is has left the Church. This then raises the question: ‘What are we, and where are we – are we the church of God without the Spirit?’ If the Spirit is not there, all union between Christ and His members will have been cut off, and the promise, ‘I am with you always, even unto the end of the world’ (Matt 28:20) made of no effect. It would no longer be the church.
But present-day disciples of Jesus know that He is with them in spite of public failure; and that He said, ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them’ (Matt 18:20). His Spirit is with them for instruction and blessing.
The question becomes more critical when we consider speaking outside of the church. We read, ‘They that were scattered abroad, went everywhere preaching the word’ (Acts 8:4). – that was all except the apostles. ’The hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord’ (Acts 11:21). The idea of ordination had never occurred to them. Paul preached without any other mission than the Lord’s glory and His word. He preached everywhere including synagogues and encouraged others to do the same. He said simply, ‘I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak’(2 Cor 4:13) . Apollos too preached very effectively, and it is said that, when Paul would have sent him from Ephesus to Corinth, he would not go. He was not ordained, and earlier knew only the baptism of John. Aquila and Priscilla had‘expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly’ (Acts 18:26). [Note that we have here a woman performing a very vital and authoritative service in the right way. She was as competent as any].
In the previous dispensation, much of the order was according to birth. Nevertheless, there was a clear distinction according to position – priests, Levites, princes, Nethinim etc. However, even in Jewish worship, far greater liberty was permitted than in the restricted systems of the present day. ‘Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on’ (Acts 13:15). When Eldad and Medad prophesied by the Spirit in the camp, without coming to the door of the tabernacle, Moses said, ‘Would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!’ (Num 11:29).
There is therefore ample evidence from Scripture to an impartial mind. Appropriately gifted Christian men have the liberty and right to speak, in or out of the church, without needing any human authority. This is the dispensation of the outpouring of the Spirit qualifying for speaking of Jesus all who can do so. The assumption of priesthood by any person is wrong (save as all believers are priests). Priesthood and kingship belong to Christ alone.
At Pentecost, 120 were assembled together and spoke as the Spirit gave them utterance (See Acts 2:4). And Peter, standing up, explains to the Jewsthat they were not drunk, but it was what was spoken of by Joel, ‘I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy’ (Joel 2:29). The Spirit was poured on people without distinction – men and women, young and old, rich and poor, even slaves. Subsequent history has been to create classes according to social, academic, racial, financial and ecclesiastical status. This has been a cause of the loss of power in Christendom. And the consequence – unrestrained irregularities in the church.
There are, of course, other services such as pastoral care. A good shepherd will go after the scattered sheep in order to present God’s glad tidings to them, and to help them further in their souls. One significant advantage of God’s order is that all men and women are able to fulfil their part according to the gifts that God has given them. Those who should be teachers, shepherds or evangelists should not be hindered due to the lack of official academic and theological qualifications. This ought to be obvious: God appoints the field of their operations, in order do the Lord’s work. Persons should not be prevented by the spirit of Diotrephes in the system. God’s manifold grace and the gifts that He has given to the church blend together in true harmony and love in the body of Christ.
Nothing demonstrates the preference of man’s authority to the Lord’s more than the way in which the free and unrestrained proclamation of the gospel of God’s grace is discredited. Those who should be preaching are obliged to modify their message and restrict their work, for fear they should be in breach of the authority which has placed them in their appointed position. For example, an area of the country is destitute of the gospel, despite a lot of religious activity. One in whose heart God has put the desire and whose mouth He has opened to speak of His love, goes and preaches there, and many souls previously in darkness are blessed. The district is already full of men and women holding office in the various churches, but who are not shepherds and do not preach a sound gospel – replacing it with the fleshly excitement and emotional happiness of popular charismatics, or teaching doctrines which deny the deity of Christ, or telling souls that God’s love is such that they can attain salvation by their own works – or are just as the word to Sardis – dead. What is the labourer to do in these circumstances? – Is leave souls at the mercy of these unsound church leaders, or is he to abandon them altogether? There is no godly righteousness in either. Faithfulness to Christ demands that he should preach to those who in need. However, he is restricted in his activities by the systems (of whatever denomination) which have also sanctioned those appointees who harm poor souls. The church hierarchy, even if formed of devout Christians, must recognise their officially sanctioned ministers and pastors and reject faithful men of God, working in the power and guidance of the Spirit of God, but who do not hold the appropriate office and qualifications[*].
So why does one take an ecclesiastical office – vicar in the Church of England, pastor or minister in the Baptists or Methodists etc.? Because it is the only way to serve within the confines of the system. One who habitually waits on the Lord is obligated to work in an organisation which is not regulated by the Lord’s headship. The Master’s service can be undertaken in complete, unhindered dependence on the Spirit of God. If service does not fulfil the Lord’s own time, place, and purpose, servants are what Paul calls busybodies (see2 Thess 3:11), whatever may be the apparent (defective) results of their labours.
One further observation: we ‘should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints’ (Jude v.3). Look at the multitude of conflicting interests in the church – ‘wars and fightings’(James 4:1) amongst brethren. So much spiritual and natural energy is spent on defending one human system against another. Ask calmly: ‘For what are we contending?’ If the contention is for our own views or interests, or to support the system to which we owe allegiance, God cannot support us. It is not for the things of Christ; it is not of His Spirit.
All this shows that these traditional opinions are worthless and deeply injurious to the glory of God unless based upon His word. Let it be observed that the liberty of the believer is not the spirit of insubordination, but of entire subjection to the Spirit: not the spirit of enthusiasm, but of a sound mind – of a mind at one with God, which alone gives righteous judgment. And let the people of God wait on Him for His guidance. It is a time in which God is separating reality from mere outward form. May God work abundantly fill His labourers with His spirit! ‘The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest’(Matt 9:37-38).
[*]In modern times, there may be more lay preachers due to limitations of resources. Packaged lectures, even with PowerPoint presentations, may be used to spread a word. Such sermons, cannot be energised by st Spirit of God, meeting the needs of those who attend these preachings. [Sosthenes]
For 5am to 11pm I am busy all the time; only sometimes I wonder if I should do so much desk work, but at least I believe it feeds other younger brothers in their work; they have more courage and I am happy to take a back-seat place – really, I consider this to be my present work
John Nelson Darby
England 1861
To Mr P
Beloved brother
I was pleased to receive your letter. I greatly value having news of our dear friends in France. Now I am very busy in England where the work is expanding a lot. So you should not be surprised if I do not reply immediately, or think that such a fault was deliberate. For 5am to 11pm I am busy all the time; only sometimes I wonder if I should do so much desk work, but at least I believe it feeds other younger brothers in their work; they have more courage and I am happy to take a back-seat place – really, I consider this to be my present work. In the afternoons, between 2pm and 9pm I visit people and have meetings, but being so absorbed in my work, I am all the more glad to receive news about the brethren. God has granted me this favour and I am blessed by it. I have news from the South of France, but less from Switzerland.
You can imagine how much I thank God for the blessing resulting from the tour of our dear friends from P and I do not doubt that they do so in their hearts too, and I still trust that your dear brother will one day be used. May he keep very near the Lord, and read the Word for himself – I say ‘for himself’ not for his work, because this is the true way to read. The Lord says, “ If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” One drinks for oneself; one is thirsty oneself : that is how rivers of living water flow for others. One goes to Jesus for that – and all that is included in the ‘I’ is judged fundamentally in the heart, and grace acts bit by bit. Doubtlessly in judging oneself from the outset, one continues to walk in this way, but such judgment is constantly renewed in detail. One cannot work well if one is not in communion with the Lord. One must also have love for souls, for consequent on their interest one must carry them: one knows their needs and in which way the Word applies to them. Also the work must be undertaken with seriousness, with humility, in a spirit of service, with a feeling that one is dealing not just with the intellect but with the souls, which is an essential difference. We have to find in our work the feeling that we are working on souls on God’s behalf in a true spirit of service. It is in this that visits are profitable for our ministry, we can grapple with souls, be it publicly or in going house to house, and we see how the word applies to peoples’ needs, even if they do not understand it. Whatever the level of the truth it might be, the soul does not receive anything unless it applies to his or her current state. When John the Baptist spoke of the Lamb of God, his disciples said that they had “ seen the Messias ; when the Lord spoke of “ a fountain of water, springing up into eternal life”, the woman said “ Come, see a man who told me all things I had ever done: is not he the Christ?”
Coming back to the visits, the love of Christ is working there, and we feel it. For my part, I find that they always do good; I do not believe that a man can exercise a useful and blessed ministry without visiting souls. He might be able to give a very beautiful lecture, full of truths, but his link with souls will be lacking. God, without doubt, can supply anything that is lacking, but one cannot expect to feel a blessing from such a ministry. Young doctors must visit hospitals and attend clinics in order to be true doctors. At least it does us good, exercising and nourishing charity, and God takes pleasure in that. I bless God when I see labourers coming to life. He has given us a certain number of them, more evangelists, blessed in their ministry, than shepherds. Nevertheless there are some of the latter.
You will have seen my letter to F. for there is a real blessing in this country. At first there was a lot of excitement, but now things have calmed down a lot. Two labourers have been really blessed, although they count conversions rather precipitately. One of them, converted in the revival last year, who is moving at a great pace, but really devoted, believes he had 120 conversions in one month; I don’t think that can be right, but I believe there are some. In all events the run-down, the miserable, the Roman Catholics listen to him with attention. He is no more than 18 years old. This case is exceptional, but this is the sort of thing that there is – he thunders and speaks nonetheless with a true love for souls, only I am convinced that some excitement of the flesh accompanies his ministry. I have written to F to warn him while being careful – I who am so cold – not to discourage or let the young man get cold.
What a maze, humanly speaking, or rather amongst such a mix-up we find ourselves in down here. What a consolation it is to know that God sees through it all like a transparent glass, and that His perfect grace deals with it all, but that gives us a reason to be humble and go out of sight. I can say, thank God, that I have total confidence in Him, and I greatly enjoy the sense of His perfect grace and faithfulness, conscious, weak though I am, of what is in me. What grace that is! But I should like to be more directly and consistently occupied with souls. I continue to preach, and there are many present. I have good news of Montbeliard: at B. there has been several conversions, and also much opposition. They tried to establish a Moravian meeting there and about ten of them joined the brethren. The meetings in the vicinity are blessed and are added to…
The Word is always so precious to you, and tests you by its power when you read it, is it not? I see, more distinctly than ever, the practical power of the Spirit in the Christian way, and in the Word, a clear distinction between the life of the last Adam and that of the first. That is nothing new, but it is deeper and clearer in my heart, as also the new position in which the Christian is, without leaving aside man’s responsibility and the action of the Spirit in relation to that responsibility. What a picture we see in Acts 7, as to the exterior view of things: on one side man resisting, and on the other filled with the Holy Spirit…
Greet the brethren with affection
Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.