Robert Dunn – A Sense of Mercy

Nothing will put us right like a sense of mercy, it subdues us; it is the way the Lord approaches us at the very bottom; He gives us the start we were talking about. Owning mercy is the line upon which I am supported.  If you give me a man with a great sense of mercy, I will give you a man who will not give the people of God any trouble.  A soul with a deep sense of mercy delights to see anybody go to the top and will be willing to go to the wall himself.  As taking this up in its reality, I am able to move in amongst my brethren, having had my heart examined and every idol cleared out of my heart, one Person alone supreme there—the Lord of glory; He is enthroned there. 

Robert Dunn (d. 1922)

Now if the Lord of glory be enthroned there, I s§hall love my brethren all the better.  You can only call a thing that displaces Him an idol.  He is supreme in your heart. Even if you should be entrusted with much of this world’s goods, it is not any trouble to you if you have Christ enthroned; and what a delight just to get amongst your brethren who have obtained like mercy!

(Robert Dunn,  Auckland NZ, 1922)

Golden Nugget Number 368

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK                                                                              

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