Percy Hardwick – A Throne that Stands

Percy Hardwick

There is a great throne…a great control above everything national and international.  Jesus is on the Father’s throne and things are controlled from there, and the throne stands.  It does not totter.  Thrones on earth totter and fall, but not there.  John says, “A throne stood in the heaven.”  It stoodSo we can be occupied with God…God has control and that is a great help to us whatever our difficulties, whatever our limitations…We are to have the supremacy of God in our hearts

(P H Hardwick,  Whangarei, NZ, 1947)  

Percy H. Hardwick was local in West Hampstead, London. He was son of the well-known Harland Hardwick.  Professionally he was headmaster of a school.  Kingson Bible Trust has published four volumes of his ministry.  Approx 1890-1962

Golden Nugget Number 307


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