ADOSS Newsletter No 6 – March 2014

Not the ruler of the synagogue but a brother - depiction from an icon in a Russian Orthodox ChurchΣωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother – 

ADOSS Newsletter No 6 – March 2014

Dear Christian Friends

ADOSS is progressing well, thank God, which gives me a lot to pray about.

I summarised two groups of articles – JND’s Faith once delivered to the Saints and the Present Hope of the Church.  These have been prepared for e-publication but I have not had enough replies from critical readers correcting the work.  Thank you for the input so far – but I need more before the booklets can be released in electronic or hard copy form.

The Sufferings of Christ

I have done a summary of JND’s  The Sufferings of Christ  – on Christ’s Sufferings from Men and from God, in His Spirit, and in Anticipation.  It is a most holy subject, and I am surprised it brought out so much criticism in Darby’s time.

This is the second of a series which can go on indefinitely Fundamental Truths’.  The first was on ‘The Resurrection’More will come, if the Lord will.  Your suggestions are welcome.

The Righteousness of God

I must confess to the fact that I am struggling with this one, originally in Doctrinal vol 2 (Series vol 7).  Darby sought to counter the belief, which was taught at that time, that Christ became our righteousness, that is that what was due under the law from us, He took on himself.  Hence He would help us walk in according to the same law here if we are to follow Him.  Personally, I have not heard this taught, nor do I know where it is still taught, but any tendency for Christians to place themselves under a legal obligation must have its root in this unscriptural teaching.  There is that favourite Easter hymn ‘There is a green hill far away’.  It goes on ‘He died to make us good’  and ‘try his works to do’.  Oh dear!

I hope to have this one done in a week.


I still need friends who will review ADOSS critically.  I am all too aware of my shortcomings, but I do not want anything erroneous to be on the website, or worse still in print.  So PLEASE take an article and compare it with the original (ask me for this) and see if I have covered the ground accurately and comprehensively, but in modern language, and reduced to about 1/3 the length.

So long as you have a love for the truth, love for the Lord and His people, and have the capabilities I do not mind who helps me:  male or female, old or young, ‘or whatever church connection.

Some new Friends

I am receiving more and more correspondence with godly souls.  Some of course are people just wanting money – one Roman Catholic priest wanted funds for Mass vestments and other things.  I pointed out that God was not interested in vestments, they were not necessary and, besides, all real priests in his congregation (ie all believers), were already clothed in the ‘best robe’!

But there are others – one sister hanging on to the idea that we will have to face the great tribulation – but most sound.

The Church

More and more, the ruined state of the Church is evident.  Wouldn’t we all like to see it totally united in its pristine pentecostal state?  But there are inconsistencies everywhere.  It just casts us on God.  When I was a boy, there was a brother in London who served widely, Percy Lyon.  He might have been a bit eccentric, but his teaching on the ‘broken-hearted churchman’, has remained with me all my life.

May you prove God’s grace.  Maranatha!

Your Brother, Sosthenes





Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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