Adoss Newsletter No 9
June 2014
A Day of Small Things
By Σωσθένης Ὁἀδελφὸς – Sosthenes the Brother
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
Where is Heaven?
A brother said in our bible reading yesterday ‘Heaven is where Jesus is’. Paul said ‘And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:’ (Eph. 2:6). We tend to think of heaven as a long way away – beyond the millions of light-years of the observable universe. In one sense it is – to the unbeliever it is an infinite distance away. But for us it is so close.
Sinner, see thy God beside thee, In a servant’s form come near, Sitting, walking, talking with thee! Sinai’s mount no longer fear. A.P. Cecil (1841-1889Little Flock Hymn Book (1962, 1973) No 112
He came close to us. We can be close to Him.

Walking in the Light of the Assembly
Last month I wrote about this publication. Since then I have received quite a number of valuable suggestions from persons whose judgment I value. The result has been numerous changes. There will be more. Click here for the latest download version
Accordingly we are not going to print, for the foreseeable future at any rate. Please feel free to distribute it by e-mail
Whom do we promote?
I get some very encouraging mail. For example a sister in Pakistan has translated Walking in the Light of the Assembly into Urdu and is having it printed. I look forward to corresponding more with her, and others she might meet with.
I get some mail from people after money. I guess this is to be expected. I do acknowledge them, but tell them that a church does not need any building, supplies or funds to operate.
But I had one from a gentleman who claimed to be ‘Prime Minister of Jesus’ and one of the two witnesses in Rev 11! Who does he think he is? I sent him the verse:
Lord! let me wait for Thee alone: My life be only this – To serve Thee here on earth, unknown; Then share Thy heavenly bliss. J N Darby 1800-82Our Visit to Scotland
We have just returned from Scotland where we were able to enjoy fellowship with a number in Glasgow and in two meetings on the Moray Firth We stayed in Gardenstown. It is sad that the general spirit of these places has changed, these villages largely populated by newcomers and the owners of second homes. When we were on holiday up there when I was a boy, there were 250 in the meeting in Gardenstown alone – now there are 2 or 3 tiny gatherings of souls not in fellowship with one another, or those we break bread with.
But we had an encouraging conversation with an Australian Free Prebyterian (Wee-wee-free) Minister who we met on a train.
And a Tragedy

Many readers will be sorrowing over the sad home-going of Bruce Pye, a young man killed in a bike accident last Saturday in New York. Two sisters from our gathering have gone to the funeral. It is easy to say ‘with Christ which is far better’ when we are talking about a demented person in their nineties. When it comes to a young man of 34, do we really believe it? I hear he gave a word that week on being ready to see Jesus. He was ready; are we?
God’s blessings
Sosthenes Hoadelphos