A Personal Message: What shall I do?

How should I continue with ‘A Day of Small Things’.

Recently we had some dear friends to stay with us.  On the Saturday evening, one young lady was not her normal ebullient self.   She was coming up for her secondary school graduation exams (‘A’ levels), and was asking the question, ‘What shall I do?‘.  She had so many options – subjects and places at university, or would an apprenticeship be better?  Of course, we encouraged her to seek help from the Lord.

This gave our friend the subject for his preaching on the Lord’s Day.  Many in scripture – even God Himself – asked the question: ‘What shall I do?’ (Luke 20:12).  Also, we have a young rich man who wants salvation through his own works (Mark 10:17), a fool who relied on worldly wealth (Luke 12:17) and Pilate asking a frenzied crowd (Matthew 27:22).   Then there was a servant of the Lord recalling his conversion asking the Lord for the first time.  He was to find an answer amongst the Lord’s people (Acts 22:6).

That brings me to my question, ‘What shall I do?

I have been working on ‘A Day of Small Things’ for about six years.  The site has some 500 articles including over 80 summaries of the works of John Nelson Darby.  I could go on producing summaries and have a couple in my in-tray.  But largely I am repeating what has already been covered. I have limited time and strength, and of course, do not know how long I have remaining, but I desire to use my writing skills to God’s glory.

I edit some ministry for publication under the series ‘Today if ye will hear His Voice’, but my question is: How should I continue with ‘A Day of Small Things’.  I am therefore asking you, my dear Christian readers, for guidance.

  1. I can continue with JND articles, but as I say that is repeating.
  2. I could work similarly on other servants’ works, such as that of the oft-maligned Frederick Raven, or that servant with an outlook to heaven James Butler Stoney.
  3. I am also conscious that there are many dear believers dissatisfied with the institutional structures of sectarian Christendom and desire to find a living ministry – what belongs to the Lord’s assembly, what sees the Christian calling as a heavenly one and who are looking for the Lord’s return to rapture His saints. reaching them without retorting to the world’s methods is a challenge. But I would like to reach more.

After some prayer I have felt that our eyes need to be lifted up – so for the next few weeks, I hope to work on some of the ministry of J B Stoney – Steps in Light, Acquaintance with Christ, Acceptance and Deliverance etc.  I trust that this will also be of encouragement to my younger readers. I believe JBS was only about 20 when he wrote:

Hark! happy saints! loud lift your voice,
Tell to the world how we rejoice –
Yon heaven is our home.
There lives our Head with glory crowned;
And we as for His kingdom bound,
All cry – Lord Jesus, come!

Little Flock (1962, 1973) Hymn No 7

J B Stoney was the author of ‘‘Discipline in the School of God’

A good selection of extracts from his ministry was compiled by our late brother Gavin Simpson: ‘Encouraging Words’ published by Stone Publishing Trust

I welcome your suggestions.

In grace and in the service of our blessed Lord

Daniel Roberts

–    This time I’m using my real name – not ‘Sosthenes’!

–    daniel@roberts.at


Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

One thought on “A Personal Message: What shall I do?”

  1. Sister Sharlene from the USA says:

    love to see anything you share in your articles you post.I’ve been reading CAC book on An Outline of Exodus!! So rich the teaching on the tabernacle!! So when you sent the article by JBS and he starts off saying…Two great spheres of blessing are known in type in Exodus. They are
    1. The Tabernacle
    2. Canaan
    I was beside my self !! I was YES! It just confirmed what the Spirit is teaching me these days in the inner man. As I have shared with you I don’t know any man in our area that speaks as this writers do. But I thank the Lord he knows all things and continually leads into all truth! May you have a great day and thank you for the article!
    In Christ, your sister Sharlene

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