Charles Andrew Coates (affectionately known by his initials CAC) was born in Bradford, England, on the 7th. Dec. 1862. He died in Teignmouth, Devon, on 7th. Oct. 1945. For many years he broke bread in Rebecca St. Hall, Bradford. C A Coates never enjoyed robust health and the many occasions when he was laid aside through illness were put to good use in prayerful meditation and the study of Holy Scripture. One of the many books that CAC wrote, “The Believer Established,” was a great help to the writer of these notes [and also to myself – Sosthenes].
A story told about C A Coates is well worth repeating. Some brethren were gathered together to consider the sad case of a brother who had been declared bankrupt. They all expressed how sorry they were for the brother’s plight. Coates placed a £10 note on the table and said, “Dear brethren I am £10 sorry. How sorry are you?” A good practical example and it is to be hoped that it was readily adopted.
Early in life C A Coates showed that he had poetical ability. When he was 16 years old he composed this poem on his conversion:
Henceforth my lips and pen
Shall seek to spread His fame:
My hands and feet shall swiftly move
To glorify His Name.I seek no earthly place;
My joy is all in Him;
My thirsty soul shall drink no more
From fountains stained with sin.And when He takes me home
To gaze upon His face,
More loud, more sweet my soul shall sing
The riches of His grace.
Charles Coates has three hymns in ‘Spiritual Songs (1978)‘ – SS78 below.
In the 1962 and 1973 Little Flock hymn books there are
161 | Son of God, with joy we view Thee (No 310 in SS78) |
293 | Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep (7 in SS78) |
431 | No act of power could e’er atone, (359 in SS78) |
For more information and notes refer to the biography section of ‘My Brethren’ – again any opinion is that of the late author of that site and not necessarily shared by the owner of this site.
About, by or adapted from JBS – Articles, Hymns, Snippets and ‘Golden Nuggets’
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