‘After These Things’ Chapter 5.5 – The Lord’s Second Coming and the Church’s Witness
From our book ‘After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy – and more…’ Compiled by Daniel Roberts. For more about this book click on the picture or CLICK HERE

Based on J. N. Darby: The Lord’s Coming and the Church – Notes and Comments Vol. 2, p 275.
Two comings:
- The Lord’s first coming: He came in flesh, but only those who received Him knew Him, and that through the Spirit.
- His second coming: He is seen by all.
Hence His first coming was really a spiritual one; the true coming will be the second.
Although in His first coming He came in the flesh, He was only known spiritually. No man could come to Him, except the Father who had sent Him draw him (See John 6:44). He said to them, ‘The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are Life’ (John 6:63). So those who heard, believed and kept His word had everlasting life: their eyes were opened by to see Him through the Father’s grace. They were taught of God and knew who He was – the Son. Others saw His miracles, but He would not commit Himself to them – He spoke in parables.
The real personal coming of the Lord Jesus is His second coming. It will not be merely a revelation to believers, but ‘every eye shall see him, they also which pierced him’ (Rev 1:7). His, the Son’s, glory will be known.
Christ is now in glory. That is how the church knows Him now. If the church denies this, it ceases to be the church: the ground of its very existence has ceased – it has ceased to exist in the sight of God. Although salvation may be taught in a casual way, there is not faith as a church and the Spirit has no office in it, for His office is to testify of Jesus and His glory. Even if the church suffers, that suffering is for nothing because it is joined to the world – it has ceased in its true existence. The same applies to individuals, even evangelicals, who deny the Spirit’s voice witnessing His glory.
Nevertheless, God has not left Himself without witness. We may be all mixed up, with our errors, weaknesses, and even unbelief. But the witness in the true church has not ceased to exist. Competent members of the church acknowledge of the power of reconciliation in Christ, and the testimony of the Word of God. They believe it, submitting to God, and know the presence of the Holy Spirit, looking forward to the return of the Lord Jesus. They are they the glory and hope of the church. Here is a church with faith – held in humility.
May God our Father keep us humble, holy in spirit and conversation giving us grace, patience, and that of faith. May we and lean in faith upon His word in the certainty of His love, qualifying us for His glory, forgiving us our weakness for Jesus sake, our Lord, and in Him.