G V Wigram – I have a Saviour

G V Wigram (1805-1879)

I have a Saviour. He is in heaven and I upon earth. He has saved, is saving, and will save me from all that He can find to save me from, until, having saved me from and through all, He will safely deliver me up faithfully to Him who entrusted me to Him, to be my Saviour, even His Father and God. Possessed of such an One, I need to have nothing in mine own hand.

I have a Saviour! Yes! I have not only a Saviour God, but God has given to me the Christ, His Christ, and He is my Saviour.

In what details, O God! my God! (in and through Jesus Christ), wilt Thou this day enable me to work out with fear and awe, the deep sense of Thy presence and nearness upon me, mine own deliverance.

For verily it is Thou only that energisest in us the being, willing, and acting energetically, according to Thine own good pleasure. (See Phil. 2:13)

Golden Nugget Number 284

(Memorials of the Ministry of G V Wigram Vol I)

Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD UK

G V Wigram – Not a Cloud above – not a Spot within

Not a cloud above – not a spot within.


G V Wigram


HOW bright, there above, is the mercy of God!
And void of all guilt, and clear of all sin,
Are my conscience and heart, through my Saviour’s blood:
Not a cloud above – not a spot within.
Christ died! then I’m clean : not a spot within.
God’s mercy and love! not a cloud above.
‘Tis the Spirit, through faith, thus triumphs o’er sin:
Not a cloud above – not a spot within.


George Vicesimus Wigram (1805-1879)

This is in Hymns for the  Little Flock 1962 and 1973 – No 22
Meter Dactylic



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