Some thoughts on Creation, Prophecy, the Sonship of Christ and the Lord’s Day – What does Scripture tell us – and what does it not?

I am concerned that we do not become over-focussed on certain aspects of the truth and give too much emphasis to them. They are often areas of contention, and I would seek to avoid what is contentious – ‘But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes’ (2 Tim 2:23).


We are already through August – this year’s seems to be going fast – at least the Lord’s coming is fast approaching.

In the past month, through ADOSS, I have had a number of very interesting conversations with fellow believers, and I am sure God is working in many ways.  Would to God that there were more who were interested in heavenly truth!  But we can be very thankful that there are many who desire to call upon the Lord out of a pure heart, although separated into many groups ecclesiastically.  I do not believe that we will ever be together here – the public position will never be repaired – but the Lord is coming soon and we will be together then.  As the hymn put it

What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!
Little Flock No 421
Anne Ross Cousin (1824-1906)

 In the correspondence that I have had I am concerned that we do not become over-focussed on certain aspects of the truth and give too much emphasis to them. They are often areas of contention, and I would seek to avoid what is contentious  – ‘But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes’ (2 Tim 2:23).   I am not saying that the things that follow are of that ilk.  They are important, but are subjects where there can be a lot of unprofitable discussion.  There are areas where scripture is not clear – deliberately so I believe – so I am content to say that I do not know the answers to them, and am happy to leave that knowledge to a future day.  Of course I do not criticise those who believe that they have a clear view of the answers – maybe if I were closer to the Lord, I might see things differently.

Examples of these are as follows:



There has been much discussion as to whether there is a long interval between verses 1 and 2 in the first chapter of Genesis – referred to as the ‘gap theory’.  I was brought up to believe that there could have been many millions of years between the two verses.  Now I would say that I do not know, and I am content to leave the answer to that future day when things will be revealed.  In Gen 1 we read that the earth was waste and empty.  But in Isa 45:18 (Darby translation) it says ‘For thus saith Jehovah who created the heavens, God himself who formed the earth and made it, he who established it, — not as waste did he create it: he formed it to be inhabited.’  So what was there beforehand?  Darby, Schofield and others of that time had the same view.  Darby wrote, ‘Scripture, which does not reveal scientific facts, is totally silent as to them (facts of geology), but leaves a gap which may have been filled by millions of years when we were not (which no man could find out — so horribly stupid was man without a revelation), namely, that God made it. If He did not, who did?’  J.N.Darby Apologetic No.2 Vol 9 p111  – ‘And What has Geology Proved?’

Others would say, on the authority of scripture, that the earth was heavens and earth and all the rest of creation was created in a little period of six literal days.  It was created complete, along with fossils and dinosaur bones.  They say that the Hebrew word ‘yom’ refers to a day of 24 hours. Other words are used to express ‘day’ in the sense of ‘age’ or ‘era’.   I do not know which of these views is correct.  Some of my readers may have very strong views and I do not want to offend them, but I say let’s be content to wait. God will make it clear.



This is an important subject, occupying a large amount of the bible, and we are to be intelligent as to what is to come.  However I am concerned about spending too much time on this subject.  The dispensation that we are in does not come into prophecy: therefore prophetic writings do not relate directly to the church period.  We can learn from prophetic writings of course, and apply them morally, not literally, to our own time, as we pursue heavenly truth.  Most importantly is to keep near the Lord.


The Sonship of Christ

Sometimes I get letters and emails saying that since I am a ‘Ravenite’ (I don’t accept this term), that I must believe that the Lord Jesus was not eternally Son.  The truth is that I do not know, and again I am content to leave the answer to this to a future day.  We all agree that our Lord is eternal – He was, He is and He will be.  He is also the Son of God.  Hence I have no problem with the expression ’the eternal Son of the Father’ as He is both Son and He is eternal. Does the scripture ‘Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee’ (Psalm 2:7), signify that the relationship of ‘Son’ came about at the incarnation?  Darby seems to have thought otherwise – See ‘The Eternal Sonship of Christ’ Miscellaneous Vol p 265  (Published by BTP).  In 1929 James Taylor Sr, was asked by Samuel Carter ‘Would ‘marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the dead’ (Rom 1:4), be His eternal sonship?’ His reply was, ‘I do not know that there is such a term in Scripture as eternal sonship.  The Son of God is announced in Scripture after the Lord Jesus was here. In Luke 1:35 it says, ‘The holy thing also which shall be born shall be called Son of God’ (Vol 29 p 361).   Note that Taylor was not dogmatic as to the relationship, though later he said that ‘sonship in Christ implies His manhood’ (Vol 49 p288) – accessible through .

A hymn I like says:
What that love no thought can fathom;
Nor can human lips define
Those relationships eternal,
All inscrutable, divine!

Little Flock No 117
A G Doughty (1892-1949)


The Lord’s Day

I have not had much contact recently with Seventh-Day Adventists but have had in the past. They and others, believe that the Lord’s resurrection was on Saturday and therefore that is the day that we should set aside for His service.  When challenged as to which day of the week the Lord was crucified, I normally answer, ‘Probably Wednesday’.  Then, ‘Which day of the week was He raised?’ I normally answer, ‘Probably Saturday – so?’  The first day of the Passover would have been a Thursday. Three days and three nights lead to the events of action being late on Saturday in our reckoning.  But if after sunset that would be the first day of the week.  So there is no big argument here.  That they broke bread on this day in Troas is for sure (See Acts 20:7).

Maybe be balanced and keep near the Lord holding the truth in love.


God’s blessings



September 2016



Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

5 thoughts on “Some thoughts on Creation, Prophecy, the Sonship of Christ and the Lord’s Day – What does Scripture tell us – and what does it not?”

  1. I have considered the matter of creation and also that of the Sonship of Christ. I have written four books on the former which are available free to interested persons.

    I don’t think we want to get over occupied with questions of reasoning (Romans 14) but we can often get light on them if we wait on the Lord.

  2. Yes, we can get over-occupied with aspects of the truth that become contentious, ‘eternal sonship’ and the Sabbath being two of these. (Sadly many of our brethren have been misled by that false prophet Ellen White’s blasphemous teachings that undermine the deity and finished work of our Lord & Saviour, that make a liar of God promising blessing to Israel and degrade Christ’s Church.)
    The other two issues raised are more important than we perhaps realize.
    If we do not understand PROPHECY we remain ignorant on God’s purposes with Israel and fulfilment happening in our lifetime before our very eyes in world news, and we are unable to refute false teaching founded on Replacement Theology.
    As for CREATION, yes I also compromised over ‘millions of years’ and dismissed creationists as baby Christians, until I realised it was interfering with God’s Word, undermining God’s claim of ‘very good’ after only 6 literal days, ruining the credibility of the Bible in the eyes of thousands of youngsters, and undermining the gospel of salvation. If you research the legacy of this: communism, genocide, racism, eugenics, abortion, immorality… it will scare you too. This what I heard after walking into an Anglican Church…

  3. Dear Kyle
    When I wrote about being over-occupied with prophecy, I had mind that some Christian teachers get involved in this subject to the exclusion of all else. When they do this they become experts in their views – whether right (e.g the rapture, pre-millennialism), or wrong (replacement theory, building the kingdom here, etc). With their subject becoming their object too, they lose site of Christ and what He is doing in His church.
    Your brother in our Lord

  4. From Brother Guy

    Dear Sosthenes
    Very thought provoking.
    What did Jesus infer when he said “Before Abraham was, I am”?

    My response:

    The Lord was showing His eternal being. He says nothing more.

  5. A German Brother e-mailed me:

    I want to thank you for your service such as sending these emails. If I’m honest, sometimes I read it, sometimes not or sometimes I just fly over. In this last email the Lord’s Day caught my attention. I’m not a person who likes to argue, so I always tell people, this is my personal view of things and facts and understanding of the bible. Take it, think about it or just leave it, this is your decision.

    Recently I saw on facebook this (attached) chart and could not deny myself to answer to it:
    “This chart is nicely made, but from my personal point of view it is precisely not biblical accurate. One fact is correct, according to the Jewish/Hebrew calendar a new day begins at sundown. But in hebrew “3 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS” is equal to 3times day AND night, 3times 24h. With this background we can say: “The Messiah was WITHIN 3 days in the grave.”
    The Lord was crucified and placed in tomb on Friday and rose on Sunday. If you read carefully from Mark 11 you will find a strict chronology from his triumphal entry on Palm Sunday till Sunday after the weekly sabbath.
    (compare eg. 1th Samuel 30,11-12: three days and three nights = three days ago)”

    We followed this topic in several readings at the beginning of this year and it helped me to get a clear view of what is meant by “3days” in the bible. So maybe this is helpful in further conversations, but as you said, it is not helpful to be over-focussed on certain details and get eve lost in this.

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