Geneva – 24th September 1844
To Mr B R
Dear Brother
I am seizing the opportunity to send the enclosed letters to the brethren for you to say that, as you asked, I have sent your charts to brother S. You apparently do not say if you want them published; I do not know if you have made any decision on the matter. I believe I have told you, in my letter, what struck me, but that as a whole they were very good; only I would have preferred to omit the thoughts about the parables, which actually do not enter directly into your framework. I believe there is still light to be received on these parables. And your article on the sufferings of Christ, have you reviewed and re-written it a little? The letters which I sent you will interest the brethren; they will see a bit where the work is in certain quarters, but they are for the brethren. I read a part of them to the assembly on Sunday, at a time the brethren here had fixed, to be able to send them quicker to the brethren in V; but this has left a bad impression on my soul, as if one published the goodness of God to exalt oneself a little. I have had to be humbled before God and pray to Him that this will do no harm; for it is sad to have these things other than as a subject of prayers and labour before Him, or for joy and the brethren’s actions of thanksgiving, when the occasion presents itself.
Greet all the brethren cordially
Letter originally written in French, translated by Sosthenes, 2013
Click here for original – If you have any comments on the translation, feel free to let me know.