J N Darby – Psalm 13:  God is for us

The Soul Trusts on God’s Mercy

John Nelson Darby

Not only in the midst of heartless and conscienceless enemies, but apparently forgotten of God, the soul trusts in His mercy, counts on Himself in goodness and faithfulness of mercy so as to rejoice in deliverance by His power before it comes.  So we thank God, when we pray, before we receive the answer, because knowing in our hearts by faith that God has heard and answered us, we bless Him before His answer comes outwardly; and this is just the proof of faith.  Such confidence gives wonderful peace in the midst of trials — we may not know how God will deliver, but we are sure He will, and rightly.  He has all at His disposal.  It is Himself we trust, and in looking to Him the heart receives a real answer on which it relies.  The circumstances and the word try the heart.  Confidence and divine deliverance rejoice the spirit.  One knows, even before the deliverance comes, that God is for us.  The taking counsel in the heart is very natural, but not faith.  It wears and distresses the spirit.  The sorrow tends to work death.  The soul, even though submitting, preys on itself; it is turning to the Lord which lightens the soul.  The consciousness that it is the enemy who works against us helps the soul to confidence.

(JND Collected Writings  Volume 17,  Practical Reflections on the Psalms,  Page 13.  Suggested by an English subscriber.)


Golden Nugget Number 294


Golden Nuggets are published by Saville Street Distribution, Venture, Princes Esplanade, Walton-on-the-Naze, CO14 8QD  UK

Author: Sosthenes

Once the ruler of the synagogue at Corinth Then a co-writer of a letter by Paul - just a brother - no longer an official Now a blogger seeking to serve the Lord by posting some words that the Lord has given His Church.

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